Chapter 623
Among the Desperate Clan, the eyes of each figure became extremely dull. They have already activated the totems on their arms, allowing their souls to enter a strange universe, and traces of golden immortal superstring power are attached to their souls , to protect these souls from being erased by the power of time and space.

Only ten years to go!
Once no one can become the protagonist of other universes and plunder the origin of heaven in ten years, not only Li Yu will fall into death, but they will also become funeral objects. The identity of each person's reincarnation is random, it may be just born. It may be a corpse that died not long ago, but no matter what it is, it is still too difficult to become the protagonist of a universe in ten years.

The only advantage of the Desperate Clan is that after the endless years of reproduction, their population has reached billions. We can only hope that a miracle will be born under this huge base number. After the Bronze Order sends the Desperate Clan to different universes, Falling into silence again, even with Pangu's help, this huge consumption has damaged part of its origin.

In the long river of fate that traverses all dimensions, the universe incarnated by Li Yu is constantly shrinking, the stars inside are getting dimmer, and even the operation of the heavens has become sluggish. The planet has become extremely quiet, and everyone is lying in a special glass container. It took them a year to build these nutrition warehouses, and the first and last ones entered were also a full year apart.

In less than a month, the souls of the [-] million Desperate Clan lying in the nutrition warehouse have been shattered, and the current Heavenly Dao Origin is not enough to protect them. Once the souls in another universe are broken, the Desperate Clan here will also be scattered.

"Only ten years!".

Before activating the umbrella icon, Qin Potian was just a third-year student. Born in an ordinary family, he just wanted to graduate quickly and find a job, but the doomsday theory announced by scientists broke all this. It is strange that the immortal golden light covering the whole world appeared, allowing their souls and bodies to travel independently.

As a college student in the era of technological civilization, he was originally an atheist, but for some reason, he believed the idea conveyed on the totem on his arm without even thinking about it, and even deliberately let his parents enter behind, and he became an atheist. The first batch of vanguard troops who entered had no concept of becoming the protagonist of the universe. At this time, he was surrounded by immortal golden light, and gradually lost consciousness in the ever-changing time and space.

"How is it possible? You were hit by the Soul Dispersing Immortal Mist and you didn't die?".

Qin Potian slowly opened his eyes, but what he saw was a face that could overwhelm the country and the city, and a woman with panic and horror stood in front of him, exclaiming in disbelief.

"What a powerful force!".

A nine-turn golden pill was suspended in his body, and Qin Potian flew up to the nine heavens with a slight movement, and powerful immortal powers poured down, blowing the attic below to pieces, while the woman was in a state of embarrassment. Flee away.


A large group of people surrounded him and greeted him respectfully. Qin Potian was suspended in mid-air in embarrassment. He didn't know how to use the power in his body at all, and he couldn't even get down.

"You all go down."


A thick middle-aged bass came out of his mouth, Qin Potian was startled at first, after slowly touching the Nine-Turn Golden Pill in his body with his consciousness, a violent celestial force was aroused.


An afterimage quickly slammed into the distant mountain, like a novice who didn't know how to drive accidentally stepped on the accelerator vigorously. At this time, Qin Potian's heart was broken. Looking at the mountain that was getting closer, He covered his eyes in fear.


From a pit in the shape of a human, Qin Potian crawled out in disgrace. At first he thought he was dead, but unexpectedly he was only slightly injured. The physical strength of this body was beyond his imagination.

Five days later, Qin Potian understood his identity through all kinds of clumsy temptations. He turned out to be the suzerain of Zhenwu Xianzong, and in the universe he lived in, martial arts prevailed and strong people emerged in endlessly.

"It seems that my luck is not bad!".

He became the suzerain of a third-rate sect just after transmigrating, and has the cultivation base of the golden core stage. He is considered a strong man in this universe. The beautiful woman he saw before is his wife, and the Sanhunxian Mist is a rare soul poison, the soul of the person who has been poisoned by this poison will be slowly corroded, leaving only a cold body.

"Damn it, I was murdered by my wife."

Qin Potian felt that his head was full of green. He had read a lot of fairy tales before, and his situation was obviously a trick, and there must be another extremely bloody story behind it.

He didn't know how to become the protagonist of the universe. At this time, the most urgent task is to familiarize himself with his own power as soon as possible. After familiarizing himself with the basic knowledge of martial arts practice one by one, Qin Potian began to familiarize himself with martial arts practice from scratch. , In less than a month, he was already familiar with his own strength.

"Treading footwork".

A figure moved rapidly in the sky, and Qin Potian's body skills became more and more proficient after unremitting training. He played a set of martial arts in style. Under the urging of it, it also shows infinite power.

"Sovereign, the Great Elder has something important to report."

"Let him in".

The face of this great elder who had an important report was flushed, and he seemed to have something unspeakable to hide. He also looked at Qin Potian, the suzerain, with very strange eyes, and he couldn't hear clearly at all when he hesitated.

"Ahem, if the Great Elder has something to say, you might as well just say it."

When the great elder confided that he saw the suzerain's wife being taken away by a genius disciple of a first-class sect, Qin Potian finally understood why the other party had such a reaction, and after waving him back blankly, Qin Potian fell into deep thought.

Seeing the suzerain's calm expression, the Great Elder felt a chill in his heart. He must have had such a deep scheming to be able to hold back such a thing.

"It's strange, it's okay for that woman to green the original suzerain, why did she have to kill him?".

The attic that was destroyed by him a month ago had already been repaired by his subordinates. He walked slowly back to the study, lost in thought.

"Did you get the Zhenwu Yuanding?".

Among the first-class sects, a handsome and extraordinary man said softly to the beauty next to him, and after seeing the other's expression of shaking his head in silence, he punched through her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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