I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 624 The Son of Fortune

Chapter 624 The Son of Fortune

The suzerain's wife of Zhenwu Xianzong spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at her lover in disbelief, never expecting that the other party would attack her.

"The fewer people who know about it, the better."

The genius of the first-class sect sneered, Zhenwu Yuanding was once a supreme treasure refined by a super powerful, and the Zhenwu Xianzong has clues to this supreme treasure, because it is said that the super powerful and beloved woman is It came from Zhenwu Xianzong, he discovered this secret in an ancient cave, and it is estimated that even the suzerain of Zhenwu Xianzong did not know about it.

"It's still one step away from breaking through to the late stage of Jindan!".

This genius is only in his early twenties, and already possesses the strength of the Golden Core stage, and as the suzerain of the Zhenwu Xianmen, he has just reached the Golden Core stage, the gap between the first-rate sect and the third-rate sect can be imagined, if Not worried about leaking the news, he had already used the power of the sect to find the whereabouts of this treasure.

In the True Martial Immortal Sect, Qin Potian stared blankly at the tall statue of the patriarch, but always felt that something was wrong. The elder next to him secretly pulled him. It was disrespectful to stare at the statue of the patriarch. The elder has already shown a dissatisfied expression, and the behavior of blaspheming the ancestor is not allowed even as the suzerain.

In the middle of the night, after sneaking around several guarding disciples, Qin Potian came to the statue of the patriarch again, and knocked hard on the stone statue's head.

"It turned out to be hollow?"

This kind of rebellious behavior can only be done by him who has traveled through time. Qin Potian kept spinning around the stone statue, then stopped suddenly, pondered for a few seconds, and smashed the stone statue with his fist.

"There is a small tripod inside!".

The sudden loud noise broke the tranquility of the night. After realizing that it was the position of the statue of the patriarch, the disciples of Zhenwu Xianzong changed their expressions and began to rush towards this side quickly. Qin Potian picked up the small tripod, Quickly fled to the distance.

"The statue of the patriarch was destroyed!".

The next day, the entire sect was alarmed, and the patriarch's statue was damaged on their own site. This was undoubtedly a slap in the face for them. Many elders asked Qin Potian to uphold justice, and he also pretended to be incomparable. With an angry expression, he ordered a thorough investigation of this matter, and at the same time completed the restoration of the statue of the ancestor as soon as possible.

"Zhenwu Yuanding! Top martial arts skills! Shenyuanye!".

After spending half a year refining the small cauldron, Qin Potian showed an expression of ecstasy. He announced his retreat and began to take the Shenyuan liquid to enter the hidden cultivation.

"Finally broke through!".

Among the first-class sects, a handsome and extraordinary genius disciple came out of the practice room, and then flew towards the direction of Zhenwu Xianzong. This time he wanted to find out the traces of Zhenwu Yuanding by himself.

"No, still no".

In a year, this genius disciple returned disappointed several times. He has thoroughly searched every corner of Zhenwu Xianzong, but he did not find the whereabouts of Zhenwu Yuanding.

"No, there is one last place left".

He looked at the position of the suzerain of Zhenwu Xianzong, with a sneer on his face. Although he was also a late-stage Jindan strongman, as long as he seized the opportunity, it was not impossible to take down the suzerain with one blow.


When the divine primordial fluid was exhausted, Qin Potian woke up from his cultivation. At this time, his cultivation base had reached the middle stage of Yuanying, and under the induction of his spiritual sense, he immediately discovered the trace of that genius.

"You actually broke through to the Nascent Soul stage?"

Only one move!
This genius disciple was taken down by Qin Potian, his eyes were full of shock, the other party actually had a cultivation level above the Nascent Soul stage, which means that the Zhenwu Xianzong can be promoted to the second-rate sect, no wonder the soul-scattering fairy fog It will lose its effect, and the other party should have been prepared for it.

"You can't kill me, I'm a genius disciple of a first-class sect!".

A fist was rapidly enlarged in front of his eyes, and Qin Potian showed a sneer. During this year, besides training, he had already adapted to the law of the jungle, and even personally killed many elders who seriously violated the religious rules. , He didn't pay any attention to the uninvited guest's begging for mercy, and soon there was a cold corpse on the ground.

"This is?".

A ray of immortal golden light emanated from his body, and wisps of white gas gradually emerged from the corpse on the ground, which was the power of luck possessed by the dead genius disciple.

"So it is!".

Qin Potian's mind rose to enlightenment, as long as he kills more people who are favored by such luck, he can gather more luck. When the power of luck reaches a certain level, he will naturally become the protagonist of the universe .

"Only killing."

Qin Potian didn't know how other universes became the protagonists, but in this universe, his way forward was bound to be accompanied by blood.

The fact is exactly the same. In the following five years, with the help of Zhenwu Yuanding, Qin Potian successfully assassinated a large number of sons of luck. These sons of luck were either talented or had frequent adventures. Many times he almost took his own life.

"Qin Potian, you killed the genius of my sect, I want you to die today."

Five years later, he had already reached the early stage of the transformation of the gods. At this time, he was chasing and killing an old monster in the late stage of the transformation of the gods. After killing a large number of genius disciples from other sects, the entire Zhenwu Xianzong was wiped out. He has also become a big monster that everyone shouts and beats, but he doesn't care because there is not much time left.

In addition to the more than a year spent before, there are only three and a half years left, and the power of luck surrounding him is already very strong, which allows him to escape from these terrifying old monsters again and again.

"Let him run away again, why is this guy so lucky every time?".

The late incarnation old monster who was about to succeed did not expect a big monster of the same level to rush out halfway, and he was accidentally entangled, so he could only watch Qin Potian run away from his eyes.

On the planet where the Potian clan is located, daytime is almost invisible at this time, the stars that provide energy are dimmed, a large number of plants withered and died, and in the nutrition warehouse, the souls of each one are broken, let alone become the protagonist of the universe, The number of people who can survive alone is less than [-] million. Qin Potian's parents also died in another universe three years ago.

Most people are reincarnated as babies, and some even appear in extremely dangerous environments. It is not easy just to survive normally, let alone expect a child to become the protagonist of the universe?

Only people like Qin Potian who have just reincarnated become strong are rare in a million. As for becoming strong, there are even fewer people who can easily obtain the heaven-defying chance of Zhenwu Yuanding. The remaining [-] million broken lives Most of the clan are struggling in their respective universes.

(End of this chapter)

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