I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 625 The Protagonist

Chapter 625 The Protagonist
"It's a little bit worse!".

Half a year before the ten-year period, Qin Potian fell into complete madness. He didn't know what was going on with his parents, so he could only try his best to believe that they were still persisting, and once the universe fell into silence, all these Persistence will be meaningless.

"Do justice for the heavens and kill this big devil!".

In the last three years, his cultivation has jumped to the early stage of crossing the catastrophe, and he started to attack the disciples of the super sect. In the middle stage of the tribulation, hundreds of people in the early stage of the tribulation, and thousands of strong men in the late stage of the incarnation set up a net to crush him.

The sons of destiny in this universe became extremely rare under his hunting, and a large number of geniuses also fell into his hands, which made countless sects heartbroken, and the hatred for Qin Potian became stronger day by day.

"Today is the time for us to eliminate demons and defend the way, let the evil animals die."

These top powerhouses set up a peerless formation and besieged him in the center, but Qin Potian smiled. From these powerhouses, he felt the power of luck. The peerless genius of the door.


In everyone's horrified eyes, Qin Potian blew himself up, and the energy contained in the powerhouses of the Transcending Tribulation Stage shattered the space. Converging, an immortal golden light enveloped his soul, instantly sinking into the origin of the universe.

In the universe of Li Yu's incarnation, the bronze order exudes dazzling light, and a large amount of the power of the origin of heaven is transmitted from other dimensions, so that the soul origin of the breaking family's collapse is quickly restored to its original state. These origins of heaven have resolved the crisis of the universe's silence. The nearest star began to light up, and the planet returned to its former self.

Although these origins of the Dao of Heaven are not enough to completely awaken Li Yu's consciousness, it is enough to keep the Desperate Clan for the time being, and as long as the source of the soul is not destroyed, the remaining Desperate Clan can always shuttle in various universes, Until the day I become the protagonist of the universe.

"I am back".

When Qin Potian opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in the cold nutrition warehouse, surrounded by dead bodies. He quickly ran to his parents' nutrition warehouse, and found corpse spots on their bodies.

"how so?".

His complexion was twisted, and he burst into tears holding the corpses of his parents. He didn't expect that the fate that saved the entire universe would still not be able to save his closest relatives, so what's the point of his previous efforts.

"Heaven rewards!".

Suddenly he found that there was still a trace of magical power in his body. After arousing this power, Li Yu's subconscious was temporarily awakened.

"I can help you fulfill a wish."

In Qin Potian's surprised eyes, an immortal golden light submerged into the long river of fate, and fished out the lost soul origin of his parents. This is a reward for the protagonist of the universe.

"Xiao Tian!".

The family hugged each other tightly, enjoying the warmth of being together again after parting.

There are less than 1000 million people in the Desperate Clan who survived. After these people died in another universe, they returned to the cold nutrition warehouse again. Some of them cried loudly when they saw their relatives die, while some stared blankly. There was numbness in the eyes, as if everything had lost its meaning.

"Being the protagonist of the universe can be rewarded by heaven!".

When the news of Qin Potian's revived parents spread, the eyes of these people all recovered. As long as there is hope, that future will no longer be scary. Their eyes showed incomparable determination, and they entered other universes again. .

The protagonists of each universe are unique. Some take the path of alchemy to gather luck, some develop technology crazily, and some need to improve their brains and width to the extreme through meditation. One by one wonderful plots It is constantly unfolding, without time limit, in each attempt, more protagonists of the universe appear one after another, and Li Yu has obtained more and more origins of the Dao of Heaven.

In the initial universe, another 100 years have passed, and the umbrella company has grown enormously. Chu Hanyun, Jiang Yuyao and others still maintain the appearance of entering the true god level. The Li family has become a behemoth, and their great-grandsons are all They are no longer young, and their yearning for Li Yu is also increasing day by day.

"Mother, let's go to the original universe."

Li Chuxin and Li Anping suggested that the initial universe is no longer challenging for them.


Accompanied by them are more than a dozen strong Zergs who have broken through the true god level. They began to follow the traction of the avenue and enter a unique passage, which is completely different from Li Yu's high-dimensional transition.


Endless darkness!
In the primordial universe, dozens of mysterious giant eggs appeared, and Chu Hanyun and others all lost consciousness. Only these giant eggs that bred high-dimensional life were slowly absorbing the violent will power around them, and wanted to hatch successfully. , maybe billions of years, maybe even longer than that.

"What's wrong with me?".

Under the infusion of a large amount of the source of heaven, the universe of Li Yu's incarnation was revived again, and the immortal superstring weapon constantly impacted the seal of the power of fate, gradually awakening his consciousness.

A trace of golden superstring power wrapped him, and Li Yu found himself in a chaotic dimensional vortex, surrounded by a long river transformed by the power of fate. The power of fate in it is different from that in the colored bubbles. It contains the aura of Dao, which cannot be absorbed by him or used to sacrifice superstring weapons, but has a strong corrosive effect on his universe.

"I'm getting out of here".

He gathered the power of his will and began to collide with the river of fate, and then he was like a small shrimp arrogantly wanting to challenge the sea. This had no effect at all, but the power of will was consumed rapidly.

"Only by comprehending one's own Dao can one transcend fate!".

A thought came from a mysterious dimension, and the image of Pangu suddenly appeared in Li Yu's mind, covered by endless Dao patterns, and his will felt endless trembling just looking at this phantom.

"Three thousand avenues?"

There was a hint of shock in Li Yu's eyes. I didn't expect that Pangu had already proved the Dao of Power, and successfully surpassed fate, becoming a supreme existence not bound by the Dao.

"So what exactly is my path?".

Looking at the endless river of fate flowing, a confused murmur slowly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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