Chapter 631 Reincarnation Avenue
Two years later, the champion Hou Liyu broke through to the realm of the great master, and was named the great general to protect the country. With great power in his hands and a lovely wife by his side, his life reached its peak.

"Why do I look forward to the outside world more?".

A figure in heavy armor broke through the sky. He didn't have any nostalgia for power, fame, wealth and beauty, so he shattered the void and left.

In the second life, Li Yu came to a modern society and became a top scientist. From childhood to adulthood, he has a strong interest in the nature of the world and the composition of matter, which makes his research direction cover many aspects. , in a dark matter collision experiment, he proved to the world the possibility of man-made black holes, and then ended his life by being swallowed by the black holes, making countless people sigh.

In the third world, Li Yu came to a magic civilization. Starting from the lowest level of magic apprentices, relying on continuous exploration and crazy experiments on magic formulas, he finally became the greatest holy magister in history, and broke the void again. go.

Fourth, Fifth, ...

Li Yu is constantly reincarnated in the illusion. Although his memory has been sealed, an instinctive impulse supports him to continue exploring. In the endless resentment, the bronze ring has more and more cracks, and it is already in a state of collapse. edge.

"It turns out that this is reincarnation."

At this moment, Li Yu woke up, and the experience of countless reincarnations flowed in his mind. A clear understanding arose in his heart, and he began to grope for a trace of the avenue of reincarnation.

The dazzling light of the avenue tore through the darkness, and he urged the last willpower to sense the avenue of reincarnation. Jie screamed under the light of the avenue, and a lot of resentment was wiped out, and the splendid river of destiny reappeared in the In the perception of the power of will, he leaped vigorously and successfully escaped from the dimensional field covered by the river of fate.

The bronze order seemed to be unable to withstand such consumption anymore, and it shattered into pieces with a bang, while Li Yu's last will crystallized with dazzling light, leading him to quickly fly to the sixth dimension.

"What a big game of chess!".

After comprehending a little of the Dao of Reincarnation, a lot of information appeared in his mind, and he finally knew why he was reborn.

A long, long time ago, there was an astonishingly talented high-dimensional creature who also comprehended the Dao of Reincarnation, and understood [-]% of the Dao of Reincarnation, but in the process of finally becoming the master of the Dao of Reincarnation, he failed. The will is on the verge of breaking.

A kind of extreme unwillingness made him burn his whole life, using the taboo secret method of the Dao of Reincarnation, dividing his true spirit into countless parts, and then spreading it to the low-dimensional universe, but when he passed through a region of chaotic time and space, , These true spirits appeared in disorder, and the last true spirit of will did not land in the first universe until recently. The power of reincarnation on it prompted Li Yu's rebirth, and made him tainted with the breath of fate.

"So there are still 99999 reborn?".

The power of reincarnation attached to these spirits of will can only regenerate the creature once, and Li Yu also understands the difference between the rebirth under the power of reincarnation and the rebirth of time and space controlled by high-dimensional creatures. The former will directly double the potential of the soul , and the latter will cause the final disorder of the soul.

Of course, the purpose of this high-dimensional life is not to resurrect. In fact, no high-dimensional creature can do this after the ruling of Dao. The successor who really controls the Dao of Reincarnation appears, so that he will die without regret.

"It's so difficult to become the master of the Dao of Reincarnation?!".

A terrifying scene appeared in Li Yu's mind. Understanding the avenue and becoming the master of the avenue are completely different things. The difficulty is as big as crossing a small ditch and crossing a galaxy.

"Restore your strength first."

Although the immortal-level superstring weapons were all broken, Li Yu didn't feel distressed, because after realizing the power of reincarnation, he no longer needed superstring weapons, and a trace of sacred and majestic light covered him, the sixth dimension The structure of the berserk power of will instantly changed, and it was directly assimilated and absorbed by him, and his power of will became stronger and stronger.

"What a strong wind of will!"

"Quickly hide."

A huge vortex appeared in the sixth dimension. At the edge of the vortex, a large amount of berserk force of will kept gathering towards the center. The nearby high-dimensional life was blown upside down and began to flee in all directions.

"So, among the [-] reborn people, I am the only one who has comprehended the power of reincarnation?".

The Three Thousand Great Dao is a very special existence. In the same period, two high-dimensional creatures are not allowed to comprehend the power of the same Dao at the same time. Thinking of this, Li Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth, and it seems that his luck is not so bad.

"How can I comprehend more of the Dao of Reincarnation?".

The inheritance information he got is only a tiny bit, and there is no mention of how to comprehend it. Now he has mastered the Dao of Reincarnation, and he has not even reached half a level. Don't worry, the only thing to pay attention to is that you must make sufficient preparations before attacking the Lord of the Avenue.

"I don't know what happened to Yuyao and the others and the umbrella company."

His eyes penetrated the dimension corridor, and began to look at the original universe.

"Hey, why aren't they here?"

The Umbrella Company developed more prosperously in the initial universe, but he didn't see Chu Hanyun and the others, not even Li Chuxin and Li Anping, but he felt his own bloodline breath from some strange faces. He is a descendant of the Li family.

"Oops, they all went to the original universe!".

Through the light of time, he saw the scene where Chu Hanyun and the others ascended, and he couldn't help but feel a sinking heart. Back then, he had destroyed a lot of giant eggs that wrapped the true god-level powerhouses. If Jiang Yuyao and the others were unlucky...

Thinking of this, he stepped on the light of the avenue and quickly flew towards the primordial universe.

Above the sixth dimension, an extremely tall figure was entrenched on the Dao of Power, covered by chains of the Dao, Pan Gu let out a unwilling roar, and was then controlled by the chains to release various halos of the Dao.

"The Lord of the Great Way?! Haha, this is simply the slave of the Great Way? I hate it."

There was a self-deprecating wry smile on Pangu's face. He did transcend fate, but he couldn't transcend the Dao. The idea he conveyed to Li Yu before was actually not complete, but the taboo content behind was blocked spontaneously by the Dao, and the process of comprehending the Dao There are two types, one is to completely believe in the Dao, and the other is to create a new Dao of his own. Pangu followed the former.

And the second half of the idea he didn't convey was to advise Li Yu to create his own avenue and replace the old avenue with a new avenue. This is the only way to truly transcend!

(End of this chapter)

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