I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 632 Bad news

Chapter 632 Bad news

A terrifying feeling of palpitations rose from Li Yu's heart, and the closer to the original universe, the stronger the palpitations.

"Yuyao and the others won't really have an accident, right?!"

He couldn't help speeding up a little more. The primordial universe has a strong shielding effect on the Dao, so he has to rush there in person to guess the specific location of his relatives who have ascended.

Outside the primordial universe, a large number of high-dimensional beings have gathered at this time, endless years have passed, new superstring weapons are about to be born, amazing visions have emerged, strands of superstring power are constantly gathering.


A brilliant stream of light shot up into the sky, and the local high-dimensional beings that had been guarding the side for a long time shot out one after another. The power of will was even more powerful, and the primordial universe fell into chaos. Amid flying sand and rocks, some giant eggs that were still gestating were thrown away one after another. Smashed, the corpses of true god-level powerhouses fell in the egg liquid, and were quickly crushed into pieces by the violent willpower.

"It's coming out soon."

The high-dimensional beings waiting outside stared nervously at the battle inside the primordial universe, preparing to cut off the high-dimensional beings flying out of the refining superstring weapon.

"Hey, what are you doing?".

A figure appeared here abruptly, pushing away several powerful high-dimensional beings occupying the best position, arousing their strong dissatisfaction, and mobilizing their willpower to attack Li Yu.


A deep roar resounded through the void. Li Yu, who was deducing the positions of Jiang Yuyao and others, became extremely annoyed because he was suddenly interrupted. A terrifying power of will emerged from him. Just by looking at it, these high-dimensional beings were all gone. Fly out.

"So strong!".

"Such terrifying powerhouses also come to compete for superstring weapons? Alas, it seems that this time there is no chance."

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't look at those before, have the universe collapsed now?"


All high-dimensional beings looked at Li Yu with fearful eyes, and in the direction where they flew upside down just now, several huge cosmic fragments appeared in the sixth dimension, and the will attached to them became extremely weak, if it wasn't for the rules of the Dao Protection, these people may be wiped out on the spot.

Although he only comprehended a little of the Dao of Reincarnation, under the tempering of the power of the Dao, Li Yu's power of will far exceeds that of ordinary high-dimensional life in terms of quantity and quality.

There was a vacuum around Li Yu, and all high-dimensional beings involuntarily retreated to the distance, staring at him silently.

"Dead! All dead!".

A terrifying wave of will mixed with the power of reincarnation emanated from Li Yu's body. Relying on the blood induction with his child, he successfully bypassed the shielding power of the original universe and captured a large number of pictures from time and space. However, these pictures are It made his face extremely pale——the thing he was most unwilling to face still happened!

The dome where Jiang Yuyao, Chu Hanyun, Li Anping, Li Chuxin, Xiao Yao, Gano, Alice, etc. lived was just now shattered by the aftermath of the high-dimensional life war in the original universe, without even a trace of soul Leave.

It's not like when Qin Potian was swept into other dimensions by the river of fate. At that time, Qin Potian's parents died, and he could still fish out his soul from the river of fate. Now he is in the sixth dimension, before becoming a high-dimensional life Once the protection of the eggshell is lost, any trace will be erased.


Li Yu looked crazy, his eyes became extremely red, and even the power of will surging up and down his whole body fell into complete rage. Unexpectedly, he was still a step late, and a monstrous hatred rose from his heart, facing the original In the direction of the universe, he stood up abruptly, gathered all his strength and blasted towards the higher-dimensional life inside, and he wanted all these participants to be buried with him!
"He's crazy, the original universe can shield the existence of Dao, he actually made a move!".

"It turns out that this is his true strength, it's terrifying!".

"That's the power of the Great Dao, my God! Someone actually understood the true meaning of the Great Dao!".


A storm of wills blew up outside the primordial universe, and all high-dimensional beings fled to the distance in embarrassment. Some of them with weak wills were seriously injured on the spot. The figure kept screaming in surprise.

"The superstring weapon is finally available, haha."

At the same time, inside the primordial universe, a figure flew out at a high speed, with an ecstatic expression on his face. After many battles, he successfully refined the superstring weapon.

"What is this power?!"

A fist with an extremely terrifying aura appeared in the void, and the high-dimensional life that had just flown out of the primordial universe was punched to pieces, and a hero-level superstring weapon emerged from its body, quietly Lying in the void, the extremely weak will attaches to these particles, and then spreads out. If this high-dimensional life wants to recover, it is estimated that the time it takes is long enough to give birth to hundreds of superstring weapons.

"Superstring weapon!".

The high-dimensional beings watching from a distance looked at the void in front of them with eager eyes, but no one dared to approach. Instead, they retreated further under Li Yu's increasingly terrifying momentum.

Li Yu's fist collided strongly with the crystal wall of the original universe, bursting out a circle of extremely terrifying shock ripples, and the local high-dimensional life in the original universe only felt the ground shaking, they raised their heads in amazement, and found that it was Someone is attacking the primordial universe.

A series of colorful avenues of power emerged from the interior of the original universe and quickly entangled Li Yu. The high-dimensional life inside and outside the original universe was shocked. It should have been thought that the reason why the original universe can shield the avenue to a certain extent is because of its It itself contains the power of the Great Dao.


Li Yu, who was wrapped like a zongzi by the power of various avenues, struggled hard, but the power of the avenue attached to it was far greater than the power of reincarnation he had comprehended, and there were more than one.

Under the powerful restraint force, he was slowly dragged into the interior of the primordial universe.

"Hoo! Hoo!".

All the high-dimensional beings breathed a sigh of relief. The sudden appearance of the terrifying powerhouse brought them too much pressure. They raised their heads with lingering fear, and their eyes immediately focused on the superstring weapon floating in the void.

"Grab it!".

"Get out of the way".


A great war broke out outside the primordial universe. They waited for this opportunity for an unknown number of years. None of them wanted to give up. As long as they got the superstring weapon, they could hide in a corner comfortably and focus on devouring the way of heaven. The source is to quickly improve your own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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