I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 633 Return to the Ruins

Chapter 633 Return to the Ruins
"Finally a newcomer is here!".

"It's the little guy who has comprehended the Dao of Reincarnation."

"Okay, let him out."

The restraining force enveloping Li Yu suddenly dissipated, and a pair of eyes with the rhyme of different avenues appeared in front of his eyes. After looking away unintentionally, his mind was affected by the strands of dao patterns, and he couldn't help but immerse himself in them.

"A road-level powerhouse!".

Surrounded by hundreds of terrifying figures, they are all high-dimensional beings who have comprehended the Dao, and judging from the traces of Dao rhyme circulating on them, these people's comprehension of the Dao far surpasses him.

No wonder he found almost no existence in the sixth dimension who had comprehended the Dao. It turned out that most of them came here. The dimension here has a vague sense of confusion. On top of that, from the narratives of these Dao-level powerhouses, he knew that this place was originally called "Guixu".

The birth of Guixu was before the primordial universe, and it contains the "ultra-dimensional factor" that can help the Dao-level powerhouses to improve quickly, so the powerhouses of the sixth dimension gather here just to find this magical substance , It is said that there was a guy named "Pangu" who was lucky enough to obtain the super-dimensional factor, and then rose like a comet, breaking through all the way, and it is said that he even became the master of the Dao of Power in the end.

"Hyperdimensional factor?!".

Li Yu's eyes froze. At this time, he had woken up from his grief. After all, the minds of Dao-level powerhouses have reached the extraordinary state. Sadness and despair are never the solution to things. He knows from the fragments of will that he once passed down. It is not an easy task to become the master of the Dao. It is really an unbelievable strange thing that this kind of super-dimensional factor can make Pan Gu quickly comprehend the Dao.

"Hey, little guy, I'm sorry."

Several Dao-level powerhouses glimpsed some things from Li Yu, and after learning that all their relatives died in the sixth dimension, they sighed one after another. After all, Li Yu's understanding of the Dao of Reincarnation is still shallow. As veteran powerhouses, it is still easy for them to deduce Some people were moved by his background, this little guy came from the same place as Pangu.

"This earth is obviously very ordinary, why can two strong men who have comprehended the Dao be born one after another?".

Their eyes penetrated the void and looked towards the low-dimensional first universe, and then they discovered that although the earth has been artificially modified, there is still nothing special about it.

"No, what is this fluctuation?"

A Dao-level powerhouse frowned, and found something unusual. The earth at a low latitude actually exudes fluctuations that can only be found in the sixth dimension, and there is an extremely complicated Dao seal in the center of the earth. , and the aura revealed in this seal is actually very similar to the current Guixu.

"Another Guixu! It's still a low-dimensional Guixu!".

These Dao-level powerhouses discovered this one after another, and their figures disappeared instantly, leaving only Li Yu in place, and what a Dao-level powerhouse said echoed in his mind.

"Only by becoming the Lord of the Way can you revive your loved ones! This step is so difficult!".

Most of these Dao-level powerhouses are native-born sixth-dimensional creatures, so they have no concept of relatives at all, but they still know that only by controlling the Dao can they change their fate against the sky, and they must first transcend their own destiny. , to change the fate of others.

"No matter how difficult it is, I will become the master of the road!".

Li Yu roared in his heart, but when he looked around, all the Dao-level powerhouses disappeared, and it was just a few breaths, following the fluctuations of the Dao left in the ruins, his eyes were also caught by the earth Attracted.

"Why did they all go to Earth?".

With his current strength, he can't sense the Dao seal hidden in the center of the earth, but it must be because of the extraordinary things that happened on the earth that can make all the Dao-level powerhouses move, and this may be related to the perception of Dao , His heart moved, instead of looking for illusory transcendental factors, it is better to follow these strong men to try their luck.

In the first universe, hundreds of Dao-level powerhouses floated in the void without being discovered by anyone. The powerful willpower intertwined together distorted the time and space of the earth.

As the former ancestral star of the Umbrella Company, the earth has been transformed into an extremely luxurious place. Under the rich energy gathered by the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, the human beings on the earth have just been born, and they have a cultivation level above Xuan level, and what's more, they directly reach the At the ground level, there are no longer a few sky-level powerhouses inside, and there are also several true god-level powerhouses stationed here.

However, these are not enough to be seen in front of the Dao-level powerhouses. Even the true god-level powerhouses cannot detect the arrival of these terrifying figures. The avenue is manifesting.

"A miracle!".

Many human beings immediately fell into a state of epiphany, immersed in the mysterious trajectory that appeared in the sky and couldn't extricate themselves, while the Dao-level powerhouses are working together to open the seal at the center of the earth.

If this is really the second undiscovered return to the ruins, the probability of super-dimensional factors appearing in it will be greatly increased. Hundreds of Dao-level powerhouses have wild eyes, but they only use three points of their power to prepare for the next step. Prepare for possible scrambles.

In the Dao of Power above the sixth dimension, Pan Gu's eyes became extremely cold, and the Dao patterns inside were running crazily. After becoming a slave of the Dao, the number of times he was able to stay awake became less and less. After enslaving Pangu, Dao went one step further in the position of Sanqian Dao.

At the beginning, the three thousand roads were actually in no particular order, but with the breakthrough of the road-level powerhouse, this situation has changed. The more slaves you have, the stronger the power of the road pattern. Qian Dao's ranking is getting higher.

However, not everyone can be a slave to the Dao. Only when you successfully sublimate your own will under the test of the Dao, can you be eligible to be used by the Dao. Of course, if the sublimated will is strong enough, you can also control the Dao in turn.

It is said that the Dao is the best, but when the power is out of balance, once it appears, it will be the return to the ruins. The return to the ruins is like a bug in a computer program. Once it appears, it will trigger a series of butterfly effects.

Pangu is the only Dao-level powerhouse who has broken through in the past hundreds of millions of epochs. The Dao-level seal that appeared on the earth is the result of the butterfly effect. Become a slave to the road.

(End of this chapter)

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