I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 634 Parallel Dimensions

Chapter 634 Parallel Dimensions
"This is a parallel dimension?!".

When Li Yu arrived, the avenue seal had disappeared, and a dimensional black hole appeared in its original position. He wrapped himself with the power of reincarnation, and instantly came to another dimension.

A huge ball of light shining like a star was suspended, and strange dimensional power radiated from it. Hundreds of Dao-level powerhouses crossed their knees around, constantly projecting their will into it.

"This is the hyperdimensional factor!".

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Li Yu's heart. He sat cross-legged like other strong men, and projected his own will power down.

In the sky above the earth, the previously broken avenue seal was closed again, and the human beings who were immersed in the epiphany woke up one after another, looking at the vision that had disappeared with a sense of loss.

"Damn, they're still in!".

Where the Dao of Strength is located, Pangu's face showed a trace of struggle. This return to the ruins is a layout completed by the Dao of Strength with the help of him, in order to control more slaves of the Dao. Once it succeeds, the Dao of Strength will become The top ten beings in the Three Thousand Ways will even awaken their true consciousness.

When a Dao has its own consciousness, there is no need for these slaves of the Dao to exist. Thinking of this, Pan Gu felt a chill in his heart. Although he is half dead and half alive now, there is still a glimmer of hope anyway. , if it succeeds, even the last hope will be cut off.

"I didn't expect that the road of detachment I was pursuing so hard turned out to be just a wedding dress for Dao!".

Pan Gu let out an unwilling roar, but it aroused the spontaneous reaction of Dao Chain, and it didn't take long for his eyes to become cold again, without any emotional fluctuations.

"Why is my power of reincarnation sealed?".

When Li Yu opened his eyes, he found that he had become extremely weak, the power of reincarnation and the power of will were all sealed, and there was a boundless emptiness in front of him, only a ball of light was quietly suspended in mid-air, where countless In the multidimensional world, you can also see countless identical selves.

"Hunting yourself?".

His eyes became weird. It turned out that the only way to obtain the super-dimensional factor was to enter these countless parallel dimensions to hunt and kill himself. Every time he killed one, his understanding of the Dao would become more profound, and he put his hands into the light ball Finally, Li Yu's figure was drawn into the parallel dimension.

"My current strength is not as good as that of ordinary humans."

When he came back to his senses again, he found himself in a primitive tribe, covered by a turf skirt, and holding a simple spear in his hand. He was shuttling through the dense woods, and he could hear the roar of beasts from time to time. However, after just a few steps, he was so tired that he panted loudly, leaving behind a lot of sweat, and the spear fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Kill yourself?".

Not to mention that he doesn't know where his other self is at all. It is not easy to successfully shuttle out of this boundless forest. If he encounters a wild beast, he will probably confess here.

"Steady, shrink and grow!".

Li Yu rolled his eyes, sniffed his nose, then grabbed a handful of unknown weeds with a strong smell, twisted it into juice and applied it on his skin, and began to crawl forward under the cover of grass.

"Isn't this the Dao-level powerhouse who talked to me in the original universe?!".

A slight sound of footsteps sounded from a distance, Li Yu buried his head low, and then saw a savage passing by a big river with a spear. At first he thought he was the only one entering this parallel dimension, but he didn't expect there to be another The others are here, although their will has been sealed, but his memory is extremely clear. As he moved forward cautiously, he saw wild men with the same faces as the other Dao-level powerhouses one after another.

The strength of these savages is as weak as him, and they have to gasp every few steps. Li Yu can't help wondering whether the first parallel dimension where all the Dao-level powerhouses appear is here.


A wild boar rushed out, and its sharp fangs hit a wild man, taking his life away in an instant. Li Yu, who happened to see this scene, quickly held his breath and retreated cautiously in the opposite direction.


At this moment, there was a violent breaking wind, and the wild boar that was eating the corpse was pierced by a sharp spear, making a miserable howl, and a large amount of animal blood left from the wound, struggling for a few minutes In the end, this wild boar that could crush him in this state was killed with a single spear.

"this is?!".

A savage rushed out and began to quickly collect wild boar meat, and looked around warily from time to time, Li Yu took a breath in his heart, the face of this man was exactly the same as his own.

"Is this the self I'm going to kill?!".

In front of another Li Yu, his real body was so weak that he could only lie down in the dense weeds without daring to move, but his heart became excited. After finding his own mirror image, the next thing was It became much simpler. Although he was inferior to this guy in terms of strength, he could create traps. He began to look at the surrounding environment, collecting materials for making traps, and at the same time followed his other self far away.

"I'm so tired!".

Li Yu felt the muscles all over his body cramping. Although his mirror image was carrying a large piece of wild meat, it was still much faster than him. If it weren't for the traces left by it along the way, he would have almost lost it.

As for setting traps, he put them aside for the time being. He was almost exhausted and didn't have the time and energy. Moreover, he had to be careful of all kinds of wild animals that wandered around from time to time, which further increased the difficulty.

"I don't know what will happen if I succeed?"

When the night fell and he saw his mirror image finally hid in a cave for rest, he began to arrange it intensively. Although his muscles were still extremely sore, he carefully collected all kinds of materials under the tenacious will he had cultivated for a long time. together.

Then in the middle of the night, the entire sky suddenly lit up, and a light curtain appeared in midair, where a savage was lying in a trap, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and someone succeeded one step ahead of him.


Li Yu suddenly felt that his whole body was not good, because he found himself back in that empty place, and one of the many parallel dimensions on the light sphere suddenly dimmed, which was exactly what he experienced just now.


Putting his hand on the light ball, Li Yu chose to enter again, as if being reset, a light ball appeared in front of hundreds of Dao-level powerhouses, they made the same choice as Li Yu, and began to enter the second in a parallel dimension.

(End of this chapter)

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