I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 635 Choice

Chapter 635 Choice
The Guixu that appeared on the earth is very different from the Guixu of the original universe. The most obvious thing is that the two are not in the same dimension. The Guixu that appears in a low dimension means that the Dao has more operating authority. Take the super-dimensional factor as an example, it should have no attributes. This is the tacit agreement reached by the Three Thousand Ways. No matter which way the absorber comprehends, the super-dimensional factor can greatly enhance his perception of the way he belongs to.

However, the Dao-level powerhouse who succeeded in the first parallel dimension was surprised to find that the super-dimensional factor he obtained had the attribute of the Dao of Power, and it is impossible for high-dimensional beings to comprehend two Dao at the same time. To absorb this super-dimensional factor, he must abolish his original avenue.

"How to choose?"

If it was an ordinary opportunity, he would of course choose to reject it without hesitation, but when the super-dimensional factor appeared in front of him, a message instantly appeared in his mind. Both contain, as long as he successfully hunts down his own mirror image, he can obtain super-dimensional factors infinitely, which means that as long as he turns to the Dao of Power, he will have a chance to quickly achieve consummation.

When it came to the choice of the two ways, this strong man was struggling in his heart. Finally, he made a decision, and began to sacrifice a part of the way he had comprehended, and began to transform, and a very weak way of power slowly condensed and formed.

"It seems that my choice is right."

The Dao-level powerhouse showed ecstasy on his face. Originally, the newly transformed Dao of Power was far inferior to the [-]% other Dao he had previously comprehended, but after taking the super-dimensional factor, the power of power in his body Dao soared in an instant, quickly rising by half. Most importantly, after entering the second dimension, he felt that his strength was at least twice as strong as other people.

"This is simply cheating!".

From the perspective of strength alone, he is no worse than the mirror image in this dimension. Compared with other people who need to try their best to complete the hunt, all he has to do is to find the mirror image.

"Sure enough, it was reset."

In the second dimensional world, Li Yu saw that the Dao-level strong man who was killed by a wild boar appeared again. He was sensitive to the rules of the parallel dimension. As long as someone completes the hunt first, everything will be reset. As for How to obtain the super-dimensional factor should also be related to the completion of hunting.

This time, they all turned into strange beasts that traveled differently in the jungle. As for their mirror images, they still maintained their original appearance, and their strength was already much stronger than them.

A sparrow was walking through the air, which was transformed by Li Yu. Looking at the shadows of animals running on the ground, a black line was drawn across his face. Although being able to fly allows him to have a wide field of vision, it is a good idea for him to find his own mirror image. Helpful, but a sparrow trying to finish the kill sounds like a joke.

"Well, I give up".

He stopped on the branch speechlessly, not because he wanted to give up on himself, but because this transformed animal made him despair, but if he saw a few caterpillars crawling slowly, he would find that he was Fortunately, these Dao-level powerhouses who turned into caterpillars are yelling in their hearts without any grace at this time. It takes a long time for them to climb a tree in this state, let alone hunt own mirror image.

"Damn it, this fucker is hanging out."

A majestic giant tiger galloped rapidly in the jungle, its aura obviously overwhelmed all kinds of wild beasts around it, and not long after, a mirror image was buried on the tiger's mouth, and the hunted figure once again appeared in the sky Scenes.

"The Dao of Power is completed!".

After obtaining another super-dimensional factor, this Dao-level powerhouse laughed heartily. Before others knew the real secret of the parallel dimension, he had already obtained two super-dimensional factors, and he had a feeling that In the next dimensional world, you will be able to unlock more strength.

"God bless, don't turn into something outlandish this time!".

When Li Yu opened his eyes again, he breathed a sigh of relief, because he found that the scene in front of him was exactly what he was familiar with, and it was similar to the modern society before the end.

"Finally, we can have a good starting point."

He quickly adapted to the environment he was in, and was quickly locating the position of his mirror image through the hacking techniques he had learned before, while other road-level powerhouses were like headless chickens, bumping around in the dense crowd, even with Law Enforcement clashed and was taken to a strong cell.

In a secret institution, hundreds of monsters of different shapes are imprisoned. They are the mirror images of those Dao-level powerhouses. Although their bodies default into human forms when they enter it, the mirror images still retain their original appearance. , This caused an uproar in modern society. The public thought that aliens had invaded, and the law enforcement department dispatched a large number of personnel to suppress these monsters by force after paying a lot of casualties.

Dao-level powerhouses who look like humans undoubtedly have an innate advantage in hunting operations. They can face their mirror images directly without bypassing the heavy guards of the Law Enforcement Department. Of course, the premise is to quickly find the location of the mirror images.

"Damn it, where is my mirror image?".

As the finisher of the first two hunting missions, Lucifer has a powerful aura. He was looking for him aimlessly on the street, and he kept knocking cars into the air, causing regional riots. Panic, but there are also journalists who are not afraid of death flocking to obtain first-hand news materials.

"CCET News will broadcast today's news for you. This afternoon, a powerful human suddenly appeared on the streets of XX City. It was able to directly knock down a speeding car at a very fast speed. This matter has aroused the attention of the entire scientific community. At the same time, nearby residents are requested to stay at home and not to go out rashly, so as not to cause unnecessary casualties... ".

"I'll go, so strong!".

Li Yu vaguely guessed the identity of the other party in his heart. If he expected well, the person who completed the hunting missions the first two times should be the same person, because in the ending screen at the end, the eyes of the winners were surprisingly consistent, and the news reported "Superman" once again let him read the familiar eyes from his eyes.

"In the end what happened?".

The opponent appeared several times, and each time became stronger. If this had nothing to do with completing the hunting mission, he would not believe it to death.

"found it!".

At this moment, the search program that he had been running with hacking technology issued an alarm, and a figure with exactly the same face as him appeared on the computer. After memorizing the above information, Li Yu walked out the door with a black backpack.

(End of this chapter)

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