I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 637 The Loser

Chapter 637 The Loser

When Li Yu and the others were worrying about how to break the seal, a terrifying breath erupted from the ruins, and the entire parallel dimension collapsed everywhere, and Lucifer broke the seal instantly when he stepped out.

"The perfect breath of the Great Dao!".

There was deep shock in Li Yu's eyes. Lucifer's seemingly simple step contained infinite dao rhyme, and he broke the dimension directly with force, while the position of the earth was not damaged at all. The astonishing control made them, the only remaining Dao-level powerhouses, take a breath of air.

"It seems that he is going to break through."

They looked at each other, looked at the place where the seal was broken, and quickly followed the direction of Lucifer to enter the sixth dimension. It is also a supreme opportunity to witness a strong man transcending the Dao, because the catastrophe of the Dao When it comes, the other three thousand ways will also be fully manifested.

"Today, I will prove the truth with my strength!".

An incomparably majestic voice resounded through the sixth dimension. All high-dimensional creatures raised their heads one after another if they felt something. In the sky above the sixth dimension, Lucifer turned into an extremely huge universe, with various Dao patterns constantly circulating on it, and his His will is condensed into a phantom of a god and demon.

If you want to transcend the Dao, you must first transcend yourself, and sacrificing your own cosmic power to complete the extreme sublimation of will is the first step. This step alone stopped countless amazing talents.

Lucifer's aura broke through the shackles of the dimension, and directly shocked the Three Thousand Ways. Three thousand extremely huge eyes of the Great Way were suspended in the air, and all kinds of ways were intertwined. The will energy of the entire sixth dimension surged around, from There are only one or two blood-red filaments of the Dao at the beginning, and they gradually fill the void. This is the projection of the Dao of Power.

"Exercise for me".

Lucifer mobilized the power of the Great Dao in his whole body, turning it into an incomparably huge divine cauldron, wrapping the universe around him, using the universe as firewood, and the Dao of Power as fire, he began to absorb the energy to transform his will.

Waves of thunder from the Great Dao continued to strike down from the sky, shaking the divine cauldron. Lucifer spit out a mouthful of blood. He was injured at the very beginning of the catastrophe of the Great Dao. The Dao pattern on the divine cauldron gradually faded. Lucifer tried his best to maintain the operation of Daowen, and accelerated the refining of the universe.

An incomparably terrifying pressure was transmitted through the Dao of Power. Lucifer, who bore the brunt, sank and fell to the ground involuntarily. The entire sixth dimension kept vibrating, setting off waves of tyrannical gusts.

The divine cauldron covering Lucifer's universe was instantly shattered, and Lucifer roared loudly, with an extremely hot flame of will emanating from his whole body, wanting to complete the ultimate sublimation before the next wave of thunder calamity came.

Can he succeed?

The sixth-dimensional high-dimensional creatures watched nervously. The horror of the Thunder of the Great Dao and the power of Lucifer were deeply imprinted in their minds. movement.

However, Lucifer disappointed everyone in the end. As the thunder of the Great Dao continued to strike, he was annihilated under the thunder without even screaming, leaving no fragment of his will behind.

"It actually failed like this?"

Li Yu stared at Lei Jie, who was starting to dissipate in the sky, in a daze, while the other dozen or so Dao-level powerhouses also looked at the newly hidden eyes of the Three Thousand Dao, showing a lost expression.

"Can't even survive the first wave?".

All the Dao-level powerhouses were shrouded in a shadow. Taking advantage of their lost mind, Li Yu took the opportunity to get a lot of secret information. For example, Pangu also took the super-dimensional factor to break through, but the only difference Yes, Pangu himself followed the avenue of power, instead of relying on acquired force to transform like Lucifer.

Generally, the avenue of comprehension is the most suitable for oneself. If it is not for profit, Lucifer would not choose to specialize in other avenues. , has already reached the seventh floor, and later got the super-dimensional factor by chance, and even transcended in one fell swoop, which was passed down as a good story.

Above the sixth dimension, there is a faint sense of anger in the Dao of Power. The situation it has worked so hard to set up has died like this. Lucifer is not even qualified to be a slave of the Dao, and he will have to create it again in the future. I don't know how many epochs I have to wait for the next return to the ruins.

"It seems that only by comprehending the Dao by oneself can we survive the disaster of the Dao!".

Dao of Strength did not expect that his own plan would make Li Yu realize the correct method of detachment. At this time, Li Yu was discussing the methods of comprehending their respective Dao with more than a dozen Dao-level powerhouses.

"It's difficult to comprehend the Dao by myself. In this endless era, I have only comprehended [-]% of it."

"Yes, but at that time Pan Gu, the detached man who understood [-]% of the Dao by himself, said a word: There is a lack of the Dao, and the merits and virtues enlighten the Dao; maybe there are some mysteries hidden in it."



Li Yu frowned. In the ancient legends, this word is not unfamiliar. It is said that in the prehistoric times, those who had peerless powers took the road of merit and sanctification, but they did not know the end of this legend and the words left by Pangu. What is the connection.

"There is a gap in the Dao, and the merits are enlightened?!".

He mulled over this sentence over and over again, but he still had no clue. To be able to stand out from so many Dao-level powerhouses, Pangu himself must have something extremely special.

For a whole day, he was immersed in thinking over and over again, as if he had fallen into a bewilderment, and even the power of will became unstable. If this continues for a long time, it is really possible to fall into madness.

"What's wrong with me, why do I have to learn other people's methods, can't I create it myself?".

Suddenly, he slowly opened his eyes, realizing that maybe the death of his relatives made him a little eager for quick success, and in the process of cultivation, sometimes the more anxious you are, the easier it is for you to go astray.

"Own way?!".

His eyes lit up, as if he had grasped some important direction, his thoughts began to diverge in all directions, and wonderful ideas kept forming in his heart.


The Dao-level powerhouses next to them were stunned. Looking at Li Yu whose body was covered by the Dao pattern, they all looked dull; Guy actually did it.

A piece of memory fragments kept flowing in his mind, and the scene of how to realize reincarnation at the beginning was like a bright light that gradually cleared up his confused thoughts.

"This is the way I'm going!".

Li Yu suddenly opened his eyes, his figure became lighter, and gradually disappeared from the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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