I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 638 The Law of Transcendence

Chapter 638 The Law of Transcendence
In the first universe and the initial universe, all the umbrella members were moved by Li Yu to the inner universe. He stared deeply at the hundreds of billions of subordinates, and seemed to have made a decision in his heart.

"I need you to do something for me".

"Master Boss, please do as you command."

All the members of the umbrella knelt on the ground and made deafening calls. At the moment they became the umbrella, they chose to believe in Li Yu. The only thought in their minds about the orders issued by them was to execute them.

"Very well, I need you to be the guides of the first period and explain the rules to all newcomers!".

"Guide? Newcomer? Rules?".

There are a lot of things in everyone's mind suddenly. Looking at the people who are trying their best to digest this information, Li Yu stimulates the extremely strong willpower and begins to evolve hundreds of millions of small worlds in the universe in his body.

"Soul Split!".

After Li Yu found an extremely hidden place in the sixth dimension and sealed himself completely, he began to urge the power of reincarnation to decompose his soul into hundreds of millions of parts, and then these divided souls submerged into countless evolved ones. in the small world.

When each of these billions of souls develops an independent will, it is the time for him to wake up. At that time, he believes that the power of his will can be sublimated to an incredible level.

"Do you want to understand the real meaning of life? Do you want to really live? YES OR NO?".

In a small world, the screen of an otaku who was playing LOL went black, and suddenly there was an umbrella sign on it. After he thought it was someone's prank and angrily chose "YES", the computer suddenly emitted a dazzling light and swallowed him go in.

This is the truly mature reincarnation space evolved by Li Yu. As long as you persist in each scene, there will be everything in it, whether it is energy or exercises, and it is not impossible to even cultivate high-dimensional life in the end.

"Let me out, I will sue you for kidnapping!".

"Well, I just woke up too."

"That is, who is so boring and kidnaps you."


When some of the people who entered were arguing, a member of the mysterious umbrella came in, with an incomparably terrifying aura that made everyone unable to move at all.

"It feels so good!".

Seeing everyone's expressions of awe and fear, the member of the umbrella was overjoyed. As a Xuan-level, he was usually only the lowest existence in the umbrella company. Unexpectedly, after becoming a leader, this situation has changed.

"All newcomers, listen up, I am your guide, now announce the rules, remember, I will only say it once!".

The deafening sound resounded in everyone's ears. The first batch of newcomers in the reincarnation space arrived, and the otaku who contained a trace of Li Yu's soul was the otaku. If he could not awaken his willpower, he would die in the reincarnation space. , and will continue to enter in the next life.

This otaku who can only immerse himself in his own world doesn't know that what awaits him is either death or infinite scenes. A dark experience of blood and fire is about to unfold.

What happened here is just a microcosm. In countless other small worlds, similar scenes unfolded one after another. The rules of each small world are different, and all of them are automatically evolved by a trace of reincarnation. When Li Yu really wakes up , not only is the time when the power of will transforms, but also when he achieves great success in reincarnation.

With the arrival of the members of the umbrella company one by one, every different small world has changed. After completing the leading task, all the members of the umbrella received the rewards that Li Yu had prepared a long time ago, and their next The task is to do everything possible to tap the potential of these members. The more powerful reincarnators that appear, the more rewards they can get.The different personalities of each member of the umbrella create different styles of the corresponding reincarnation space, but there is only one thing that is similar, the host with his soul is also the only existence that can break the upper limit and actively end reincarnation, as long as the other party does not awaken the power of his own will for a day Force, this reincarnation will continue forever.

Hundreds of millions of epochs later, the members of the umbrella who used to act as ushers were all strongly promoted to the true god level under the indoctrination of the heavenly source of rewards. It is extremely boring to stay in the reincarnation space for endless years, so these reincarnation people under him will suffer Yes, they were tortured in different ways.

And on this day, after completing countless scenes, the iron-blooded man froze the entire reincarnation, and blasted the umbrella members who played with them and clapped with one punch.

"Umbrella company? Is this the truth about the reincarnation space?".

The man let out a sigh. When the main god no longer issued the task, he felt like a dream. Before entering the space of reincarnation, he was just an ordinary person. The biggest dream at that time was to get rid of this ordinary person. After entering the space of reincarnation, wandering between life and death again and again, watching familiar teammates leave him again and again, becoming an ordinary person has become a luxury.

"I am back".

In reality, he showed a slight smile and quietly accompanied his parents, as if nothing had happened. In this very different warm life, there was a tear from the corner of his eye, which was full of enjoyment and satisfaction.

Reincarnation is actually the process of refining the soul again and again. In each life, the souls of these hosts will be more cohesive than before, but they can't notice it at all. At the beginning of each life, the memories of these hosts will completely disappear, and become Ordinary people from scratch, and when Li Yu really awakens, these memories will awaken one by one.

Another endless era has passed. When the awakened person ends his reincarnation, the small world he lives in will slowly freeze in the near future, and now there are countless small worlds frozen. Among the hundreds of millions of split souls, the vast majority They have all awakened their own consciousness, and only the last small world is still running non-stop.

Because of the different ways of acting, some umbrella members survived from the awakened host, while others did not. In the last small world, the true god-level umbrella members frowned, and now only he is left in this small world There is no breakthrough, which puts him under a lot of pressure.

"These reincarnators can't stand the toss too much, they are all dead!".

He rubbed his chin and began to wait for the next batch of newcomers to enter. With the death of the veterans, this time he had to act as the usher himself. Looking in the direction of the entrance of the reincarnation space, there was a trace of expectation in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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