I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 639 The Last Person

Chapter 639 The Last Person

Li Bai always felt that he died in reality, going to and from get off work, eating and excreting, sleeping and waking up. The body of a white-collar woman will definitely not lie in this endless steel jungle - a modern city.

He felt like he was going to rot, from 24 years old to old, then turned into dirt and became a name, no, not even a name, because no one will remember you, no one will remember a little A white-collar worker, whether he is truly elegant or pretending to be a petty bourgeoisie, is just a speck of dust in this world.

He wants to change something, he wants to have his own meaning...

"Want to understand the meaning of life? Want to really...live?"

When I turned on the computer in the company today, a sentence popped up on the computer screen. This is clearly a trick of an immature hacker trying to attract people. No matter whether he chooses yes or no, it is actually the result of downloading the virus. Li Bai sneered He tried to turn it off, but a strange palpitation stopped him when his fingers touched the mouse.

"Want to understand the meaning of life? Want to really...live?"

Li Bai was confused for a while, an indescribable attraction made him put his finger on the left mouse button, and then he tapped on yes, and instantly lost consciousness...

cold, shaking...

The moment he woke up, Li Bai suddenly jumped up from the ground, he looked around in panic, the office environment in his mind was instantly confused with the environment in front of him, but he woke up from the confusion after a few seconds.

"Yes, you are the one with the best quality among the people who came this time." A cold voice came.

Li Bai turned his head to look, only to see a black young man staring at him with a sneer. This young man is about 24 or [-] years old, and his appearance is extremely ordinary, but there are several scars across his face, which looks very hideous and terrifying.

The young man in black took a cigarette in his hand, he took a deep breath, then looked past Li Bai to look behind him, Li Bai discovered that there were five people lying beside him, three men and two women, besides this, in this closed environment There are also a dozen other foreigners.

This is a moving carriage, and the speed of the carriage is very fast. The coldness and shaking are the tactile sensations from this carriage.

"Where is this place? Who are you? Why am I here?" Li Bai repeatedly asked these people, and because there were foreigners, he deliberately used English.

Those foreigners turned their heads after looking at him twice, only the black young man took a deep breath and said, "Think about it carefully, it should have implanted all this in your mind."

think carefully?Li Bai began to recall everything in his mind. He only remembered that when he saw the prompt "Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to really... live?", he clicked the yes button on the computer screen, and then he just passed out...

Wait, Li Bai suddenly felt that there was something more in his mind, survival and life...

This is a game. It is not enough to say who made this game. It may be the gods, or it may be a demon, or it may be aliens or future humans. In short, he is a member of this game, or the present has become a member of this game.

Putting a choice in the city feels disorienting, feeling like you're in front of decaying people, and when they choose this game, they're sent to various horror movie scenes.

"This is the first part of Resident Evil, rookies, you are really lucky. It is the first time you come across such a relaxing horror movie. Even if you die, you will die easily." The black youth said deeply. Taking a deep breath of the last cigarette, he squeezed out the remaining cigarette butt in the palm of his hand.

"You mean to say that our consciousness has entered the computer now, just like a fantasy novel. As long as we complete this game, the consciousness will return to the body, and then survive and resurrect again?" Li Bai A little fat man sat on the ground and asked.

The black young man took out a pistol from his arms, the Desert Eagle, he opened the pistol and adjusted it, and said while adjusting it: "I don't know if it is a conscious body, but you will feel pain, be injured, and die, and you will also feel pain. Wrong, when you finish this game, you will enter the next unknown horror movie. Maybe you have seen this horror movie, maybe you haven’t. Every time the “Lord God” will transfer new members , to fill in the newcomers who died in the last horror film, each time the number of people is between seven and 20. It's just people."

The little fat man sneered and said, "How do you know that those who died have returned to their bodies? Maybe they chose to die by themselves."

The black young man raised his head abruptly, a cold light flashed in his eyes. At this moment, the young man seemed to be transformed into a black panther. Everyone saw him bend his legs and bounce, and the next second he was already on top of the little fat man. The Desert Eagle stuck in the little fat man's mouth.

"Then do you want to try to die? Can you imagine the infinite horror? I have experienced three horror films. The first one was A Nightmare on Elm Street. There were fifteen newcomers participating in that one, and two There are skilled people who have survived two horror films, but do you know the ending? They were all killed in their dreams, only me and one other survived. Do you want to know what it feels like to be killed by an absurd dream? Do you want to see everything around you turn into wriggling rotten flesh? In a gloomy factory, do you see the pain of your own body being slowly crushed bit by bit by a pair of scissors? You shit! You Want to die?"

The black young man yelled crazily, the killing intent in his eyes was so obvious, the little fat man was so frightened that he was so weak that his mouth was stuffed into the muzzle of a gun, which made him unable to even beg for mercy.

Li Bai and the other two men and two women persuaded them to leave. The black young man sneered and walked back to the seat where he was sitting before. He continued to touch the pistol and said, "Death in horror movies is real death. You will die miserably, so if you don’t have the determination to live, if I were you, I would commit suicide immediately.”

A young girl wearing glasses said, "Then we can't get back into our bodies?"

The black youth sneered and said: "I have always said that you do not enter the computer with your consciousness. Do you think this game is what human technology can achieve? No, this is a masterpiece of God. We are just a game in their eyes. Like bugs, in order to make them have fun, they caught us and plunged into horror movies to struggle, we entered this world with our bodies and spirits, and we can’t go back, at least I don’t think we can go back.”

(End of this chapter)

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