I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 644 8 layers of hell

Chapter 644 Eighteen Levels of Hell

"You want to enslave me, hum, let me become the new avenue of reincarnation today."

Li Yu sneered, completely broke through the boundary of the sixth dimension, and flew extremely towards the direction of the Avenue of Reincarnation.


Where the Avenue of Reincarnation is located, five huge figures entwined with icy god chains raised their heads at the same time. They turned out to be five slaves of the Dao. Like Pan Gu, they had comprehended the complete Dao long before the endless era, and successfully survived the catastrophe of the Dao, but they did not expect that they all became puppets.

In an extremely long time, unlike Pangu who still retains a weak will, they have long been thoroughly refined by the Dao of Reincarnation and became part of it. A large number of Dao of Reincarnation emerged from them. When he shot, a huge six-way reincarnation rune covered him, and the extremely thick chain of the avenue began to bind him, and Li Yu's will was pulled into a special dimension.

At the level of the three-thousand avenue, the competition is only the understanding of the avenue and the strength of the will. Who is stronger between the old and the new avenues? Whether Li Yu's will can persist in this dimension will be the key to victory , if Li Yu succeeds, he will become the new master of the avenue; if he fails, his own will will be suppressed, and the avenue of reincarnation will give birth to a new slave of the avenue.


"hurry up!"

"You are all dead and turned into ghosts, hurry up."

"Are you a prince? Thousands of subjects, [-] cavalry? A prince in this world is nothing in my underworld!"

The tall and burly ghost soldiers with hideous faces were roaring and lashing with their whips. Lightning flashed on the whips, and they beat those ghosts, especially the ghost who clamored that he was the prince was whipped dozens of times. The ghost became thinner and was about to dissipate before stopping.

"Nimma, do this trick again!".

Li Yu walked slowly behind a group of ghosts, his will was extremely clear, and soon he knew that this was a trick played by the Dao of Reincarnation, the purpose was to weaken his will until it reached the point where it could be sealed.

"What a rich source of the Dao!".

Originally, with his current willpower, he could get out of here by struggling with all his strength, but after realizing the rich origin of the Dao of Reincarnation in the underworld, he temporarily dispelled this idea. Don't want to devour each other?

And this is an opportunity!
The underworld is divided into six reincarnations and eighteen layers of hell. The ghosts where Li Yu is bound are bound by thick shackles, and they are falteringly beaten forward. All the faces of the ghosts reveal deep fear, because they are assigned The place is the eighteen layers of hell.

The eighteen levels of hell exist in another separately opened space, not in the arrangement of the ten halls of the king of hell, and set up a separate place, but the interior of the ten halls of hell and the eighteen levels of hell are connected, and souls from all walks of life come from The interrogation began in the first hall. The tools of punishment mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures, such as the mirror of the world, the red iron pillar, the grinding platform, etc., all exist, and the soldiers in charge of these torture tools are also green-faced and fangs.

The first floor, tongue-pulling hell.

Anyone who sows discord, slanders, slanders, slickly argues, lies and deceives others while alive will be imprisoned here after death.

Li Yu followed quietly behind the bull's head and horse face, and saw a little ghost break open the big mouth of a ghost, then clamp the tongue with iron pliers, and pull it out bit by bit, puff!The ghost's tongue was pulled out abruptly.

The tongue that was pulled out by the other party was intact again in an instant, and then the little ghost continued to clamp its tongue with iron pliers and pull it out, and it went on and on again, day after day, year after year, until the ghost was released after serving his sentence.

"Okay, this is your torture position!".

At the entrance of the first floor, some people were driven in by the bull's head and horse face, and Li Yu was also among them, looking at the iron tongs stretched out by the kid, his eyes were extremely calm, and all kinds of shouting, crying, and begging for mercy came from everywhere. Obviously something is out of place.

"Okay, your sentence has expired, come with me."

100 years later, when the bull head and horse face came again, their eyes were extremely strange. Li Yu's calm expression was not at all like that of a prisoner tortured in hell. The calmness in his eyes made them feel a little chilly.

"Could this be the reason why Hades specifically confessed?!".

The bull head and horse face was shocked. Unlike other ghosts, Li Yu wanted to go through every level of hell. When they first heard this order, they felt extremely strange. After seeing the calm Li Yu, this strange feeling The feeling is even more creepy for them.

From the second floor to the ninth floor, the first floor is more terrifying than the first floor. As time goes by, 900 years have passed quickly, and Li Yu still walks out of purgatory very calmly, which makes people come here every 100 years. The bull's head and horse face can't help feeling a little in awe of Li Yu.

If before, these ordinary little ghosts were beaten at will, but after meeting Li Yu, they became more restrained for some reason.

The tenth floor, the Bull Pit Hell.

This is a level of hell specially set up for redressing the grievances of livestock. All living people abuse livestock at will, and base your happiness on their pain.Well, after death, you will be sent to hell in the bull pit. When you throw your soul into the pit, your soul will be trampled by countless wild bulls. The horns and hoofs will trample your soul, and the body of the bull will burn, and it will burn to ashes when you touch it. However, after your soul is turned into ashes , Immediately resurrected on the spot, and then let the bison trample again.

Li Yu's ghost was trampled on it repeatedly. He didn't care about the bison that was constantly attacking. He just closed his eyes and quietly felt the trajectory of the avenue here. Shang Dao Wen.

No.11 layer, stone pressure hell.

No.12 floor, Mortar Hell.

No.13 floor, blood pool hell.

No.14th floor, death in vain.


No.18 floor, saw hell.

Anyone who cut corners, deceived others, abducted women and children, and traded unfairly while alive will be thrown into the knife-saw hell after death, and the little ghost will strip off the clothes of the person and tie them to four wooden stakes in the shape of "big". Starting from the crotch to the head, they were sawed to death with a saw, and the cycle was repeated until they were released after serving their sentence.

"This, this, is the last purgatory, you, you, please first."

After another 800 years, the bull-headed and horse-faced eyes looking at Li Yu completely changed. In front of this ghost who obviously looked like this, they felt fear from the bottom of their hearts, and even stuttered when they spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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