I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 645 Lord of the Great Dao

Chapter 645 Lord of the Great Dao
"No, time is enough."

Li Yu showed an extremely powerful devouring power, and a trace of the origin of the way of reincarnation was swallowed into his body. After comprehending the Dao pattern for 700 years, he finally realized it, and now it is the one who devours the avenue of reincarnation when.

"what happened?".

The whole hell was in turmoil, and Yama of the Ten Palaces was naturally alarmed. They looked in the direction of Li Yu in horror, where the eighteen layers of hell were slowly disappearing, and even the six realms of reincarnation became extremely unstable.

"It's him!".

A majestic figure stood up from the throne. It was the ruler of the underworld—the King of Hades. Not long ago, he received a thought from the Dao, and this thought was related to this weak ghost.

"A ghost that can attract Dao's attention!".

Hades was extremely shocked at that time, and now it seems that this ghost is not that simple, and after seeing Li Yu start to devour the [-]th floor of hell, his face showed even more fear.

"Haha, it tastes good."

Li Yu hiccupped, looked at the disintegrated hell, and swallowed the remaining six reincarnations in one gulp. At the same time, his figure appeared in the sixth dimension again, bursting out with an extremely terrifying momentum, and the five were restrained by the power of reincarnation His slave of the avenue was immediately blown away by him, and he also sensed a flustered emotion from the avenue of reincarnation.

"Bite of the Great Dao".

Endless power of dao pattern emerged from his body, and he covered the avenue of reincarnation with all his strength. Among the three thousand avenues, one after another will projected over, paying close attention to this battle, but no avenue interfered with Li Yu.

Numerous visions are constantly being produced in the engulfment between the Dao lines. The high-dimensional beings who fled to other dimensions are surprised to find that even in the ordinary universe, they can observe the traces of the Three Thousand Dao. Among them, the direction of the Dao of Reincarnation The manifestation was the most obvious, and many people fell into epiphany for a while.

When the vision began to dissipate, Li Yu slowly opened his eyes. He had become the new master of the avenue. The five slaves of the avenue collapsed not far away, and all the power of reincarnation in his body was absorbed by him. After devouring the previous Dao of Reincarnation, the Dao Rune he controlled became even stronger.

"The supreme law?!"

But his mind is no longer here at all. At this time, Li Yu's power of will is running crazily, deriving a trace of extra information in his mind at a very high speed.

It turns out that there are supreme laws running on the avenue. Although he is now the master of the avenue, he is still not completely free. On the three thousand avenues, there is an ultimate dimension, where the supreme law operates. Who can Whoever enters the ultimate dimension first has the best chance of mastering the Supreme Law.

"Ultimate Dimension? Supreme Law?".

Li Yu's eyes lit up. His Dao of Reincarnation is an infinite way to break the shackles. His greatest wish before was to resurrect his dead relatives, but now he has done it, so he no longer has any scruples about rushing into the ultimate dimension, even if he fails , also died without regret.

"But before that, let's evolve all relatives into high-dimensional life."

Li Yu didn't think there was anything wrong with one person gaining Taoism and transforming ordinary creatures into high-dimensional life, but he didn't care.

"The primordial universe? The sixth dimension?".

A year later, all relatives flew out of the original universe one after another, and began to look at this brand new dimension curiously. The avatar carrying Li Yu's main consciousness was quietly by their side, enjoying the warmth of family reunion.

"You can't do this, the Supreme Law will punish you!".

Where the Dao of Power is located, looking at the back of the incarnation of the Dao of Reincarnation, an angry will soared into the sky, and the only trace of true spirit left in Pangu was snatched away by Li Yu. The Dao of Reincarnation actually attacked him for a true spirit that was about to go out, didn't he know that this would damage the origin?
"The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, and I will send you to reincarnation!".

Li Yu grabbed Pangu's true spirit and sent it into the reincarnation channel, making him turn around.

"I will definitely catch up! Wait for me on Sanqian Avenue!".

Pangu, who had regained his sobriety, looked at Li Yu gratefully. Unexpectedly, he also came from the first universe, but Li Yu, a latecomer, walked far ahead of him. Into the reincarnation channel.

In the first universe, on the earth, a white and clean fat boy was born. Pangu, who was officially reincarnated, passed through the channel of reincarnation, his memory was sealed, and he could awaken as long as he comprehended the Dao again.

Regarding this point, Li Yu is also very helpless, but this is the restriction of the supreme law on him, unless he can enter the ultimate dimension, before that, the avenue of reincarnation cannot be completely up to him, but compared to other three thousand avenues, Li Yu is considered Fortunately, at least his control power has reached an astonishing 70.00%, which is also because the Great Dao of Reincarnation is completely created by himself.

If you want to enter the ultimate dimension, you must increase this 70.00% to [-]%. To increase the degree of control is in a sense an act of fighting against the supreme law, because let alone increasing to [-]%, even increasing it by [-]% is as difficult as reaching the sky , Li Yu is constantly improving and improving his reincarnation avenue every day, but it has no effect.

Since transcending fate, Li Yu has never paid attention to the Temple of Reincarnation. As the reincarnation inside was resurrected one by one under his promise, the Temple of Reincarnation fell into silence.

In the XXX year of the earth's calendar, the Temple of Reincarnation was inadvertently activated by a human who had just died. In this year, Pangu had just passed his coming-of-age ceremony, but on his birthday, he heard the sad news of the death of his parents. With a cold body lying in the morgue, he begins to track down the killer.

"How can you be so strong?".

Three days later, a middle-aged man fell down in front of Pangu with a face full of astonishment. You must know that he was a senior reincarnation, but this talented young man was able to kill himself. Judging from the mark on his wrist, the other party was not The reincarnation, and the way to kill him is not the skill exchanged by the reincarnation, but an extremely terrifying physical power.


When Pan Gu took off the icon with the umbrella logo from his enemy, he didn't notice that a drop of his own blood splashed on it, which was left by this strange middle-aged man who was wounded by a mysterious energy .

The reincarnation watch vibrated, and a number appeared in Pan Gu's mind. He became the first living person in history to enter the reincarnation space.

(End of this chapter)

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