Chapter 1400

But even so, Lin Lang still couldn't bear it, "Auntie, there is no way you can endure it like this. When you get old, it is estimated that this hand will be more serious, and you will have to spend more money to treat it. Besides, It doesn’t take much effort to heat hot water. Now that the weather is cold, we have to burn the kang at home. When we put a few ladles of water into the kang, it will be hot after a while, and it won’t take long!
Also, use hot water to soak your hands and feet every night, and then I will go to the mountains to pick some herbs for you, and you can fry them and drink them yourself! "

"What, you know herbs? Can you prescribe prescriptions?" The aunt asked confidently.

When Lin Lang heard this, she just stayed there, how could she know herbs, how could she prescribe prescriptions?But things have come to this point, he can only bite the bullet and go up, "My mother is the daughter of a scholar, and there are several medical skills in the dowry. When I have nothing to do on weekdays, my mother will teach me. Reading knowledge, so I know some herbs, and I can also open a house, but I can only cure some simple diseases. If I encounter any complicated diseases, I am afraid I will be powerless!"

The aunt smiled happily, "Then this is also a happy event. Our village is remote, and it is too troublesome to go to the town to see a doctor on weekdays. If you can see a doctor, it can save us a lot of money." Don't worry about the trouble, don't worry, the aunt won't take advantage of you, if you give her herbs, although the aunt can't give you money, she can still give you some other things!"

Lin Lang lowered her head and said embarrassedly: "Ma'am, the herbs on the mountain are worthless, and they are all over the mountains and plains. You don't need to give me money or things..."

"Nonsense, herbs are worthless, but it takes time to find herbs, and you have to spend a lot of effort to understand herbs, even if they are worthless, ma'am won't let you waste your time!" Madam patted Lin Lang's hand , and continued: "You just accept it, only if you accept the things, the aunt will not feel humble when she asks you to see a doctor!"

Lin Lang nodded, "Okay then, but we are all from the same village, so you don't need to give too expensive ones, just give them whatever you want!"

Other villagers: Actually...we don't want to give anything, but we have no choice but to give if someone else opened the mouth...

With such a person at the beginning, it is not good for other villagers to come to Linlang for medical treatment. They come empty-handed and more or less bring something, sometimes a handful of millet, sometimes a handful of red dates, and Linlang will always come. Anyway, she also said that she can't see serious illnesses, some ordinary minor illnesses are still okay, ordinary minor illnesses don't need any expensive medicinal materials, even if they are needed, Lin Lang will just write down the prescriptions and let them go to the town by themselves Catch inside.

The medicinal materials on the mountain are very rich, so Lin Lang is very busy collecting medicinal materials every day. In order to keep those medicinal materials properly, Lin Lang went to the carpenter to order a few medicine cabinets, and turned a vacant room in their house into a She opened a pharmacy that specializes in storing medicinal materials. Relying on the means of curing diseases and saving lives, Lin Lang was not hungry, and also made some money from this. Although it was not much, it was already very impressive compared to other villagers.

Lin Lang is very satisfied with her current life. After all, she has enough to eat and drink, and the days get better and better. Life is relaxed and comfortable, but happy days are always so short, and she never thought that this day would come so soon. Hurry up, but when she saw the man lying in the grass, she thought of leaving, but she also thought of the benevolence of the doctor, she turned around, dragged the man to her home resignedly, and called the village The elders and uncle in the village came over.

"I just found this man in the mountains. He was seriously injured. Judging by the clothes and fabrics on his body, he must have a good family environment. He must be a rich man from a family in the city, so he brought him back. , get the treatment done first, as for what to do next, I want to ask all the elders!" Lin Lang said.

Hearing this, the village chief stroked his white beard, glanced at the man's clothes and said, "The clothes are made of high-quality brocade and are expensive, Lin Lang, since you brought him along, Take good care of her when you come back, I will send someone to the city to inquire later to see which rich young man is injured so that someone can send her back!"

In fact, the village chief did this for the good of the village. He saved a son of a rich family. Maybe the rich family would not only protect their village, but even reward them with a large sum of money in order to thank them!
Thinking of this, the village chief became even more enthusiastic, "Linlang, if you need anything, just go to our house, and I'll ask your aunt to get you the money!"

It doesn't matter if it's money or not, but Lin Lang really doesn't want to have too much involvement with this man, so she showed a bit of embarrassment, "Village chief, it's a matter of course for a doctor to save people, but no matter how I say it, I'm still a girl My family, and the only unmarried girl, you let a strange man stay with me, and let me take care of you, it’s probably not good to say it... So I hope the village chief thinks twice about paying some money to hire a A woman will take care of this man, or let another man take care of him, anyway, I will never take care of him!"

The village chief's face changed, and he didn't think about it. When he realized it, he had a trace of apology on his face, "You're right, it's all because of my lack of thoughtfulness. If that's the case, then I'll find a woman later. Someone will take care of him, but... I think he is seriously injured, so let him live here for the time being, so that he can see a doctor more conveniently!"

"That's fine!" Lin Lang nodded, and said to her uncle, "Uncle, I'm a girl, and it's impossible for me to face the outside world alone, so I hope my uncle will let my aunt and aunt come to accompany me. To protect my reputation!"

The eldest uncle nodded, "Good boy, I will let your eldest aunt come over to accompany you later!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief. With the help of these people, Lin Lang quickly applied medicine to the man and cleaned up the wound on his body.

One night passed, and although the man developed a fever during the period, Lin Lang had already prepared for it. He had prepared antipyretic and anti-inflammatory medicine for him early on, and asked his aunt to pour it in. On the second morning, the man opened his eyes , Looking at the unfamiliar environment, he didn't react. It took half an hour to recall what happened to him. He really didn't expect that those people would be so ruthless. Violent hands.

"Are you awake?" Lin Lang put down the tray after seeing the person woke up, picked up the medicine bowl, and handed it over, "Since you're awake, then drink the medicine yourself, so I don't have to feed it!"

The man looked at the woman in front of him and frowned, "Did you save me?"

Lin Lang nodded, "Well, with such a clear mind, it seems that the fever should subside. Now that you are awake, tell me where you are from, so I can notify your family to come pick you up!"

The man opened his mouth to say something, bit his lip, shook his head and said, "I'm a little confused...I don't really understand anything now..."

(End of this chapter)

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