Chapter 1401 Farmer Girl Four

When Lin Lang heard this, her little face collapsed immediately, and she said sarcastically, "What are you talking about, you brat? I'm a doctor. I know where you got hurt better than anyone else. Don't pretend to be in front of me. Where is your home? Tell me quickly, so I can take you back!"

A trace of astonishment flashed across Cheng Tianjun's face. He was born in a wealthy family, and every woman he saw was extremely gentle and kind, who spoke softly, not like the woman in front of him, even if he spoke loudly, And with a sneer on his face...

"Girl, I'm really a little confused, just let me stay here for a while, and when I get better, I will never treat you badly!" Cheng Tianjun's expression was also a little unsightly.

"Come on, this girl doesn't need any favors from you. If the elders in the village didn't let me take care of you, I would have thrown you outside a long time ago!" Lin Lang couldn't help rolling her eyes in her heart, "Hurry up , Where is your home? If you don't tell me, I'll go directly to the county to report to the officials!"

Unable to report to the official, he was assassinated, and his whereabouts were so clearly traced by those people. On the one hand, it shows that those people have been prepared, and on the other hand, it shows that someone around him has leaked the news. His uncles are not easy to mess with. If he reports to the official now, it will be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

"Girl, I know some words are hard to say, but I..."

"Since you know it's hard to say, don't say it!" Lin Lang immediately blocked Cheng Tianjun's words.

Cheng Tianjun wanted to say no, didn't want to say no, finally gritted his teeth, "Girl, since the elders in your clan have kept me and asked you to take good care of me, it's natural that they have intentions, so the girl should relax and let me take care of me." live here!
But girl, don't worry, I won't live here in vain. When I remember something, I will definitely thank the elders of the clan when I get home! "

Lin Lang squinted her eyes and stared at Cheng Tianjun, and said angrily, "You dare to threaten me, do you know that I healed your wounds, if you offend me, don't blame me for doing anything... ..."

Cheng Tianjun was covered in cold sweat. He had never thought that there would be such a cruel and merciless woman. He suppressed the fear in his heart and said slowly: "Looking at the girl's face, she is not a vicious person. She will definitely not commit murderous tricks." of!"

Lin Lang squinted her eyes, "Haven't you heard a word called... the most poisonous woman's heart!"

Cheng Tianjun smiled reluctantly, "Don't be joking, girl, if she really wanted to kill me, she wouldn't have saved me back, girl, seeing that you are also a doctor, and the doctor is benevolent, girl will definitely not kill me , I also know that I have caused the girl a lot of trouble by living here, but it is a last resort, and I hope the girl will understand!"

Linlang tilted her head, looked at Cheng Tianjun, with a sneer on her lips, "You can speak well, you are right, I really don't want to kill you, but I don't like you either, the reason is very simple, you are a man , living here all the time will cause me trouble, and it will easily affect my reputation!"

Cheng Tianjun lowered his head, with a hint of apology on his face, "It's really my fault that I'm tired of the girl, please rest assured, when I get better, I will definitely leave as soon as possible, and I will definitely not cause trouble to the girl!"

A cold look flashed across Linlang's face, "This is the best!"

After Lin Lang finished speaking, she turned around and left. Although she couldn't drive this man away, it didn't mean that she couldn't take revenge. When decocting the medicine at night, Lin Lang put a whole lot of Coptis chinensis into it!

"Young master, drink the medicine!" The aunt opened the door, holding a tray in her hand, with some porridge and side dishes on it, and a bowl of medicine.

Cheng Tianjun nodded to the aunt, and took the medicine bowl, but as soon as he took the medicine, he wished he could spit it out immediately, it was really too bitter, although it is said that good medicine is bitter and good for the disease, but it is too bad to drink.

Cheng Tianjun looked at the aunt standing aside, gritted her teeth, swallowed the medicine with the bitter taste, and was about to have a sweet mouth with candied dates, when she suddenly realized that this place was no longer the Hou’s Mansion, so she had to give up and picked up the Qing Dynasty next to her. Porridge, I took two quick sips to suppress the taste.

"Ma'am, you have worked so hard during this time!" Cheng Tianjun said gratefully, "If you hadn't saved me, I would have been taken away by wild beasts in the mountains long ago!"

The aunt waved her hand, "We didn't do anything about this young man. It was Miss Linlang who rescued you, and she was the one who cured you. If you want to thank you, thank her!"

"Miss Linlang?" Cheng Tianjun thought thoughtfully, "Is it the master of this family? That is the doctor who treated me today?"

The aunt nodded, "That's her!"

A trace of doubt flashed in Cheng Tianjun's eyes, "Miss Linlang rescued me? But...he is a girl, how did he rescue me?"

The aunt laughed loudly, "Don't think that she is a girl, so you underestimate her. She is amazing. She is very good at medicine at a young age, and she can move freely in the mountains. Although she is not as strong as an ox, But it is also comparable to a grown man!"

Cheng Tianjun nodded, "So that's it, ma'am, by the way... I've been here for a day or two, and I only saw that Linlang girl, but not her elders. Why?"

The aunt sighed, and said: "Her father was a hunter. When he was hunting in the mountains, he accidentally ran into Xiong Xiazi and lost his life. As for her mother, she went there on the spot when she heard about her father's accident..."

Cheng Tianjun hastily revealed his mournful expression, "So that's the case, but Miss Linlang is really amazing. Although she lost her parents, she has learned good medical skills. But aunt, Miss Linlang is so good at medicine, where did she learn from?"

Cheng Tianjun knew his body well. After suffering such a serious injury, he recovered more than half of it in such a short period of time. It shows that Lin Lang has excellent medical skills and such a good talent. He really doesn't want to give up, but Miss Lin Lang seems to be right. He was 10% resistant, so he gave up on neglecting Miss Linlang, and instead wanted to find Miss Linlang's master. If there was such a person by his side, no matter how seriously injured he was in the future, he wouldn't be afraid.

The aunt said with a smile: "That girl has no master in studying medicine, and she has figured it out on her own. But to be honest, although Lin Lang did it by herself, her medical skills are really good. She is better than the doctors in the town. !"

Cheng Tianjun was stunned when he heard this, and the boy showed a tinge of admiration on his face, "So that's the case, Miss Linlang is really amazing!"

"Of course, to be honest, if it wasn't for Miss Linlang's strict requirements, she would have been trampled down by the matchmaker long ago!" The aunt shook her head, with a trace of regret on her face.

"The requirements are stricter?" Cheng Tianjun was thoughtful. Could it be that she is another woman who climbs the dragon and the phoenix? If she wanted to climb the dragon and the phoenix, shouldn't she have rushed to herself when she saw her?But why did he show a disgusted look, wishing he could let him go sooner?Could it be playing hard to get?

 Write a little more every day, write a little more...

(End of this chapter)

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