Chapter 1405 Farmer Eight

The village chief's eyes flickered, and he sighed. In fact, he also wanted 500 taels, but there were many doubts in it. First, the yamen servants said that the man was a Jiangyang thief, but he had been with Cheng Tianjun for a while, and Cheng Tianjun He is gentle and polite, and he looks like a noble son from a wealthy family, so he still doesn't believe in such robbers.

Second, the yamen servant said that the man was a Jiangyang thief, but he did not bring an arrest document, and the reward was too much, 500 taels of silver, unless he was a very vicious person, he would not offer that much reward at all, and even if he was a very vicious person Well, ordinary people like them would have heard of it a little bit, but he had never heard of such things as Jiangyang Bandit.

Of course, these are not the point, the point is that he really wants the 500 taels of silver, but he has already told the yamen servants that he has not seen Mr. Cheng, if he suddenly reports to the yamen servants, how should he explain it?
More importantly, if Mr. Cheng is not some gangster, but a person of status, if he confesses him, will he be retaliated against?
So the village chief is now reporting, and it's not that he doesn't report, it's very embarrassing.

"Village Chief, we've been talking here for a long time, but you have an idea!" the villagers complained.

The village chief felt a headache, "I also want to give you some advice, but... I... I don't know what to do. If I go to report the case directly, the yamen servant will ask me why I lied in the first place, what should I do?" Answer? Money is not so easy to get... I am even more afraid that after taking the money, I will be retaliated by others!"

"Village chief, what are you worried about? Since Mr. Yachai has already said it, he will definitely fulfill his promise. As for why he lied at the beginning... Hehehe, I actually have an idea here, so I said that it was really wrong at the beginning. I know, I realized later that there is a stranger in the village, as for who hid it..." It was Lin Lang's little uncle who spoke, "Anyway, I have killed my relatives, if I really have money by then, I must share more !"

"How can you be so cruel, Lin Lang is your own niece!" a villager said angrily.

"I'm cruel? My niece is even more cruel. I don't even want to eat a chicken, and she even threatens my daughter-in-law!" The uncle said angrily, "If you don't want to, don't participate. Anyway, you won't get paid if the time comes." share!"

Hearing what uncle said, the villagers didn't dare to say anything at once. Everyone looked at the village chief, hoping that the village chief could come up with an idea.

It's really unethical to do such a thing, the village head frowned, "Lin Lang is a good boy, he taught himself medical skills, and he treated the villagers in the village... Besides, Mr. Cheng, the yamen servants said he was a gangster, but I haven't seen him do anything A disastrous thing..."

The little uncle snorted coldly, "He didn't do anything outrageous now because he was seriously injured and didn't have the strength to do it. Village chief, I didn't mean it. You saved him because you hoped to get benefits from him. Let him help our village a lot, but as you can see, since he recovered from his injury, he doesn't remember anything, not to mention the benefits, we didn't even get a hair!
But now, great benefits are in front of us, there is only one chance, if you miss it, it will really be gone... Besides, Lin Lang's art is really amazing, but we villagers don't share much Serious illness, there is no need to see a doctor every day... With 500 taels of silver, we can buy a lot of land, and our children and grandchildren will have enough to eat! "

I don't know how long the silence lasted, but the village chief sighed, "Send someone to the town to report, if there are a few men left, show me Cheng Tianjun!"

Cheng Tianjun is not a fool, he soon realized that someone was following him, he was puzzled, but when he saw a large group of yamen servants and men in black coming, he understood everything and endured the pain , ran into the mountain.

"Why are you here?" Lin Lang looked at Cheng Tianjun, who was covered in blood, and asked in puzzlement.

Cheng Tianjun raised his head and said weakly: "Don't you know anything?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "I've been collecting herbs on the mountain these days, and I haven't been back at all...By the way, aren't you recuperating in the village? Why did you become like this again? Could it be that something happened in the village? "

Thinking of this, Lin Lang immediately became nervous, holding the machete at his waist, and was about to run down the mountain.

Cheng Tianjun hurriedly shouted: "That's not the case. The villagers in the village are very good. As for why I did this, I owe it to them. They found my enemy and caused me to be seriously injured!"

Lin Lang turned around when she heard this, and snorted coldly, "Don't blame them, after all, I also blame you for this matter. At the beginning, I said that your health is almost in good condition, and you should get your family members back sooner. Find it here, and finish what should be done, but you have to stop doing it, you have to recuperate here, and you finally recruited the jackal..."

Cheng Tianjun raised his head, "Yes, there is indeed my fault here, but who can compare to you, who rescued me back, but are ruthless and want to end my life, you... If you knew this, why bother Save me!"

Hearing this, Linlang was unhappy, "They didn't save you, I saved you. I saved you because of the benevolence of my doctors. As for the villagers, they just took care of you, not lifesavers, so you Don't blame them either, in fact, you can only blame yourself, if you hadn't hesitated and hesitated, you wouldn't have suffered the disaster you are today!
Alright, this is the best medicine for acne, you take it, I have to go back! "

Looking at the golden sore medicine in front of him, Cheng Tianjun wanted to refuse with integrity, but after thinking about it, he still took it, "I...I apologize to you, you are my savior, but I repay my hatred with virtue, it's all my fault." It's my fault... But I don't understand, I was so smart to me before, why suddenly I turned my face..."

"It must be because of profit!" Lin Lang explained.

Cheng Tianjun raised his head and smiled bitterly, "But I can give them more..."

Lin Lang sneered, "You are ashamed to say that your injuries are all healed. For so many days, the villagers haven't seen a single one. No one will be able to bear it. Now there are big stuffed pies on display. In front of them, you can tell them whether to eat or not!"

After Lin Lang finished speaking, he shook his head, and hurried down the mountain with a bamboo basket on his back, but when he was about to get home, he found a large group of villagers surrounding his house, all of them showing unkind expressions, and some of them Yamen servants.

"Do you think that stinky bitch will come back?"

"I will definitely come back. I just saw that her clothes and other things have not been taken away, which means that she must be outside and has not left!"

"That's right, besides, she doesn't know how to tell fortunes, how do you know we reported her!"

"That girl Linlang is pretty good, she has good medical skills, we don't need to kill her for an outsider!"

"Then is it possible that you want the village head to take the blame? It's just a doctor, what's the big deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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