Chapter 1406

The conversation was still going on, Lin Lang's figure was hidden in a dark remote corner, listening quietly there, her hot heart slowly turned cold...

"Seriously, why hasn't that dead girl come back?"

"Maybe some herbs are picked on the mountain. According to me, women should stay at home and raise their children!"

"Come back so late, she must not be a serious girl, no wonder she wants to recruit a husband, probably because she knows she won't be able to get married!"

"How could a decent girl rescue a strange man!"

"When she comes back, we must soak her in the pig cage!"


Lin Lang listened to their conversation, and tears fell down without disappointment. She could feel her conscience and swear to God, saying that she had never treated these villagers badly. They had no money for medical treatment, so they could pay for free and give away herbal medicines. But what did I get?
When Cheng Tianjun was treated at the beginning, it was because of the benevolence of the doctor, and he wanted to ask for an answer, so he brought him back, but he told the elders in the village immediately, and they knew the whole story, but how could they tell? What about those words?
Lin Lang lowered her head and remained silent for a long time, then ran to her uncle's natal house while it was dark!
"My poor Lin Lang, without her father and mother, she finally learned first-hand medical skills, thinking that life would be easier, who would have thought that such a thing would happen!
The villagers in the village are really devoid of conscience, Lin Lang from my family is so good, knowing that they have no money to see a doctor, he treats them for free, and even goes to the mountains to pick herbs for them, but they beat them up..."

"Okay, don't cry!" the uncle sighed, "Now I just hope that Lin Lang won't come back!"

"This is her home, why can't I come back?" The auntie said heartbroken, "Those devoid of conscience villagers really deserve to be struck by lightning!"

"Okay, what's the use of talking about it? After all, it's all about the money, but they don't even think about it. Is the money really that easy to get?" The uncle sighed.

"Let me tell you, the main accomplice in this matter is your good brother. He is such a conscienceless guy. I thought he just didn't like you getting old. I didn't expect his thoughts to be so vicious. I wish I could see myself to death. From now on You should stay away from that little brother of yours, it is best to cut off ties and never have any contact with him again, I am really afraid, afraid that one day...he will put his poisonous hand on you..." The aunt said sadly.

After hearing their conversation, Lin Lang didn't dare to delay any longer. She pushed open the door and shouted softly, "Uncle and Aunt, I'm back!"

"Linlang!" The eldest aunt heard the voice, ran back quickly, hugged Linlang, and cried bitterly, "My poor Linlang, it really makes my heart ache to death!"

The uncle also ran out, glanced at Linlang, then outside, quickly closed the door, brought Linlang into the room, and asked in a low voice, "Did you go back just now?"

Lin Lang nodded, "I was just about to go back, but I didn't go in when I found there was no movement in the yard. Later, I heard their conversation, and I knew what happened... Uncle, it seems that I can't stay in this village any longer. I'm going to leave here and go outside, I don't know when I'll be back, so I just want to say goodbye to you and my aunt before I leave!"

The eldest aunt covered her face and cried softly, "It's good to go to the outer courtyard, at least one life can be saved. Those people who have lost their conscience will have their retribution sooner or later!"

There was a trace of bitterness at the corner of Linlang's mouth, "Auntie, I'm leaving. Before I leave, I have something to tell you. I have also saved a little money over the years. I am afraid that it will be stolen by others, so I keep the money at home. All the ground energy is buried under the persimmon tree in the yard. After I leave, you can take it down. At that time, you can sell it to others or keep it for yourself. As for the yard... Third Cousin They are going to get married, so the yard can just be reserved for him to live in!
After I'm gone, I'm sure I won't be able to come back. I just hope that my uncle and aunt can pay homage to my parents during the holidays! "

The eldest aunt nodded with tears in her eyes, then ran into the house, took out a cloth bag, and poured the contents on the table. Under the candlelight, the silver light shone.

"Your uncle and I didn't save much money. The money is our wish. You can keep it. Otherwise, your silver still has a title deed. Your uncle and I have no face to accept it!" In Lin Lang's hand.

Lin Lang didn't refuse either. After taking the money, she explained some things and left the small village in the dark with a bamboo basket on her back.

But where are the people going?After she wanted to know an answer...the the way, I haven't asked Cheng Tianjun yet, yes, although I know the answer, I haven't I don't know...

Thinking of this, Lin Lang had no choice but to resign himself to his fate and run up the mountain. In the end, he actually found Chen Tianjun in a cave. His face turned red and he muttered something.

Lin Lang picked up her crock pot and boiled some herbs for him, fed it mouthful, took out her thick cotton coat, and covered him.

The next morning, Cheng Tianjun woke up slowly, felt the temperature of his body, and looked slowly, only to see himself covered with a thick cotton coat, and a woman was sleeping not far away.

"Lin Lang..." Cheng Tianjun called out confidently.

Lin Lang heard the voice, turned around and nodded to him, "You're awake, by the way, I'm not here to find you, but to ask you something, and saving you is only for the benevolence of the doctor, so Don't get me wrong!"

Cheng Tianjun nodded, with a little disappointment on his face, "Anyway, thank you very much!"

"Don't come with me like this. I'll ask you a question, and you should answer it honestly!" Lin Lang said.

Cheng Tianjun nodded, "Just ask!"

Lin Lang pondered for a while, and then said: "Let me ask you... If one day you were seriously injured and rescued by a strange woman, you suddenly fell in love, got together, and became a husband and wife , Later you wanted to leave and told him that you would come to pick up that woman, but you never came back after you left, why is that?"

Cheng Tianjun thought that Lin Lang would ask about his family affairs and why those people came to him, but he didn't expect Lin Lang to ask himself this?
Cheng Tianjun frowned, and just wanted to say that he might have delayed picking up that woman because of some things, but after thinking about it later, he felt wrong, if he couldn't pick up that woman because of some things, he would definitely find someone to bring her The message went back, but the woman didn't receive the message, so...there is only one truth, he didn't want to take the woman back, and as for what he said, it must be just to appease the woman.

" you really want to hear the truth?" Cheng Tianjun said slowly.

 See you tomorrow everyone, love you guys.

(End of this chapter)

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