Chapter 1410
"This child has conquered his father and his own family, so he can't be the lone star of the devil, right?"

"My darling, I can't let this scourge live in the village, what if something happens to me?"

"That's right, we must get rid of this scourge, we can't let this scourge stay here!"

"According to me, we should kill this scourge directly. After all, if we drive them away, even if they can't kill us, they will kill others. Such a scourge cannot be left behind!"

"But... this is the child that Lin Lang gave birth to with great difficulty, and this child is his husband's only blood. Let him teach this child, do you think he will be willing?"

"Why don't you want to? Anyway, you two are still young, and you can remarry and have your own children. After we kill the child, we can give him some money and introduce her to a good husband's family!"

"This... I can't do it. Anyone of you who wants to do it can do it. Besides, if you say it is the lone star of Tiansha, it is the lone star of Tiansha. If it is not, they are all from the same village. Why bother?" What about the killer?"

"You're not afraid, I'm afraid. If I die, what will happen to the children under me? If you can't do it, I'll do it!"


When Lin Lang heard their conversation, she broke into a cold sweat with fright, gritted her teeth, and quickly took a bath in the room, and she actually found a pair of scissors!

Lin Lang was holding the child, holding the scissors, and when people from the village barged in, she looked at them coldly, "I know what you guys are up to, but this child is my own flesh and blood, and I was pregnant again." I know better than anyone else whether Yuesheng is a monster or not, and I won't hand them over, so you should give up on that!"

"You..." Villager A's face changed, "Why are you so stubborn? You don't think about the benefits of keeping this child, let alone those red eyes, just say... just You said you laughed, and your mother-in-law is gone, so what will you do in the future? You give this child to me, and I will handle it for you, and you can also remarry and have children!"

Lin Lang snorted coldly, "It's easy for you to say, the child of feelings is not like you, my child is definitely not a monster, and as for the red eyes, it must be because of illness!

When I feel better, I will take him to the county town to see a doctor! "

"You... nonsense, have you ever seen someone with red eyes?" Villager A said angrily.

Lin Lang said, "You have to rely on your conscience when you say this. You said that you have never seen anyone with red eyes. You didn't see Er Niu and Xiao Hua in the village when they had red eyes. Remember your son's eyes turned red too? But didn't they get better later?
What's more, when your son was born, you didn't know it was black, and you thought it was a lump of charcoal. We didn't say your son was a monster. Now you see that my husband's family has left, and my mother-in-law has also left. Do you want to marry me off after killing my child, so as to compete for the family property left by my father-in-law and mother-in-law? Let me tell you, even if I die, I will definitely not do what you want. Wait until I become a ghost After that, I will curse you every day and disturb your peace! "

When the villagers heard this, they took two steps back in fright, "Linlang, it's serious for you to say that, but you just got pregnant, your father-in-law and mother-in-law left, and your husband-in-law... walked together again Now, you said that if there is nothing in it, how can people be happy, so listen to my advice and deal with this child!"

Lin Lang squinted her eyes, "Auntie, feel your conscience and say, my parents-in-law left, and I can blame my children. When I married them back then, it was because of their weak health that I wanted my son to marry sooner." A daughter-in-law, give birth to a grandson earlier, so that after they leave, they can go underground and give an explanation to their ancestors!
Later, when they found out that I was pregnant, they breathed a sigh of relief and followed along. They can't blame my child, and you don't want to pour dirty water on my child. As for my heartless Don't even think about me, like I died because of something, because I saved the children in the village, but you, now that you hear a little rumor, you want to kill my husband's only flesh and blood, why are you so cruel! "

"I..." The eyes of the villagers flickered, and they all took two steps back, "I don't mean anything else, I just think that your family will be unlucky one after another as soon as your child is born. It's different..."

"Every child is unique, let alone my child, let's talk about your children, Brother Wang, your child is as black as black charcoal, so I won't talk about it, Second Brother Li, if If I remember correctly, there seems to be an extra toe on your child's foot... And Aunt Wang, I remember that when your daughter was first born, there was a large birthmark on her hand... Yes, little brother Zhang, I remember your son was ugly when he was first born..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the other villagers were black and white, and they muttered one after another.

"Yes, you always say that child is the lone star of the evil spirit, but nothing bad happened!"

"That's right, it's just that the eyes are red. I remember that there are also some children with red eyes. Maybe they are sick. Let's take a look after a while!"

"They're all from the same village. They're orphans and widows. Let's not be so desperate. Nothing bad happened anyway. Let's go back!"

"Let's all go away, look at the child is doing well now, he doesn't look like a monster!"

Pointing to the sleeping child, the villager continued, "When I close my eyes, I am like a normal child. You can see that I am still sleeping so soundly. I am sure it is not the lone star of the devil!"

After hearing this sentence, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Lin Lang: "Don't blame us for being cruel, the main reason is that we are afraid!"

Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, "I know everyone is afraid, but think about it carefully, from the time I was pregnant to the time I gave birth, has any of you had any bad luck?"

really not...

Lin Lang continued: "However, there are some ugly things I want to say first. I'm afraid that some of you have bad intentions. If you get unlucky, you will put all the measures on my child, saying that my child is a lone star or something like that." ... Then I won't do it, after all, I didn't see how lucky you are before my child was born, and I didn't see any of you get rich!

So one day you are really unlucky, or if you encounter something bad, don't blame my child, after all, people have misfortunes and fortunes, that is the most natural thing..."

The villagers nodded, and after talking for a while, they all left.

After Lin Lang saw that everyone had left, she hurried forward to close the door tightly. When she returned to the room, she almost sat down on the ground. With the last effort, she barely crawled onto the bed, and slowly fell into a coma. past.

 Tell me quickly, everyone, do you like ancient times or cultivating immortals? If it is ancient times, then this child is just an ordinary child. If it is cultivating immortals, then this child is called heaven and earth. Chased and killed by the world of cultivating immortals, he is the real Great Demon King.

  In fact, I prefer to write about cultivating immortals, but I think the ancient ones are also quite good...

(End of this chapter)

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