Chapter 1411 The Lone Star of the Fiend II

When she woke up again, Lin Lang was awakened by the crying of the child. After feeding the child, she fumbled to the kitchen. Looking at the little food left, the corners of Lin Lang's mouth twitched. God, what a day it is!

Lin Lang cooked a bowl of porridge for herself, let it cool down and drank it in one gulp, went back to the room, changed the baby's diaper, lay down next to her, closed her eyes, and began to accept the plot.

[I beg you to bless my child, maybe in the eyes of others my son is the biggest devil in the world and the enemy of righteousness, but in my heart, he will always be my child!

When he was born, although I tried my best to keep him alive, the villagers always thought he was a crooked devil, and refused to admit that once he was unlucky or encountered any bad things, he would be safe. on my baby!

After a few years, my body couldn't bear it any longer, so I went with him. Later, I realized something. My son is indeed a devil. He was born from the darkness and hostility in the world. Wait for me After he left, the villagers couldn't tolerate him anymore and drove him away. My son suffered a lot, and was later adopted by an evil cultivator, but that man didn't really adopt me at all. My child, he raised my child because he took a fancy to my child's roots, so he spared no room to improve my child's cultivation, and then absorb my child's cultivation!

Later, my child managed to escape from Ascension to Heaven, and by chance, he slowly got on the right track. Later, he even worshiped a good teacher. I thought he would be able to live happily in this life like this, but... those right ways The people said that my child was a demon, and sent him to the Town Demon Building, where the monsters transformed, and my son was no longer bullied all the time. Later, he absorbed the evil ways of the entire Town Demon Building, escape He went out, launched a war, and ruined lives. Since ancient times, evil has prevailed, and my son is no exception. He went like this... He was stabbed to death by someone he believed in. I watched Seeing my son close his eyes unwillingly, my heart was twisted like a knife, just because my son was born with the darkest thoughts in the world, so he is not a good person, and his birth was not what he wanted. He also wants to be a normal kid.

As a mother, I am really heartbroken. I watch my child suffer. In this life, I only hope to protect my child. Don’t let him suffer from that again. It's over! 】

After Lin Lang received the plot, she turned her head and looked at the sleeping baby beside her. Maybe others didn't see it clearly, but he could see it clearly. Wisps of black air were coming from all directions, slowly flowing into the baby body of.

In fact, those villagers were also right. My son was indeed unlucky wherever he went, because he was born from the dark side of the world. Just like this world, there are yin, yang, darkness and light. His son was born in the darkest place in the world. As for the man who killed his son at the beginning, he was born with the luck of this world, that is, the righteousness in the world. A man paves the way to make that man a fairy.

However, have they ever thought about whether my son would like it? My son was a good boy at the time, and he treated people sincerely, but they all looked at my child with colored eyes. Well, my son is not righteous, he is an ordinary person, he will be angry and you will be sad when he suffers such inhuman treatment, in the torture time and time again, he consumes his kindness, and finally becomes The reason why he was so crazy was because of his senior brothers, thinking how good he was to those senior brothers and dedicating himself for the sect, but the master didn't believe her at all, and was unwilling to listen to his explanation, so he didn't hesitate. He was sent down to the Demon Town Building, and he kept saying that he was the devil, since he had never done anything bad.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang glanced at the child next to her, gritted her teeth with a hint of worry on her face, and contacted 12580.

"Presumably you have also understood the situation of this child. I can't let him repeat the same mistakes. According to his current physical fitness, he will always absorb the darkness between the world and the earth. I can't stop this, because I know he is just gathering black energy. Born, absorbing the black energy between heaven and earth is a normal thing, but I hope that he can not let the people around him be unlucky while absorbing the black energy. No matter what happens in the future, I only hope that in his childhood, he can be healthy. Happy growing up!"

12580 pondered for a while, "Did you know? He is a walking unlucky machine now, because what he receives is some bad qi, which affects the magnetic field around him, so once someone comes into contact with him, he will also be infected with it." Some bad qi leads to bad luck. Now he is still young, so it is not so serious. When he grows will probably be serious. I have another way here, which is to use a jade pendant to press the blood in his body. Black gas, it can absorb black gas as usual, but it can keep the black porcelain from being exposed and not affect the surrounding magnetic field, but... Although it doesn't affect it, it still makes people unlucky, but it's not that bad luck!

You can't control him for the rest of his life. After he grows up, he absorbs more and more black energy, and the market will become more and more unstable. Sooner or later, he will explode. Before he explodes, you still have to find a solution quickly A way, otherwise, sooner or later, he will still be obliterated by the Dao of Heaven! "

Lin Lang nodded, "Okay, thank you!"

After Lin Lang took the jade pendant, he put it on the child's chest. After a while, the black air was still being absorbed, but no black air came out. Lin Lang immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned, and immediately contacted him again. up to 12580.

"You said that people who come into contact with him will be unlucky. I am his mother. I will take care of him now, and I will keep in touch with him for a long time. Do you think I will be unlucky?" There was a trace of fear in Lin Lang's voice.

12580 shook his head, "Of course not, first, your body gave birth to this child, and your magnetic field angle is integrated with his magnetic field, so you will not be affected by black air and be unlucky!

Second, this is the most important thing. Your soul is not a person of this world, so you will not be affected by this world, and you will not be unlucky by this world, so you can relax! "

Lin Lang was truly relieved, "It's really great!"

After sending away 12580, Lin Lang began to look at her living environment. This family is really poor. Because of the sickness of her father-in-law and mother-in-law, the house has been emptied long ago. After all, the family has not yet flourished after her father-in-law passed away. , the only man left again, and now that he has given birth to a child, he has already emptied the family's property. It is estimated that in another month, both mother and child will fast, thinking that it will be winter in a few months Now, Lin Lang couldn't help fighting a cold war, no, I have to hurry up and make money, because the winter in this world is really too cold, and countless children and old people freeze to death every year because of winter, if they don't make money, It is estimated that he and his children were among the people who died of freezing!
Speaking of this, Lin Lang began to miss the immortal cultivators. After all, immortal cultivators are not afraid of cold winter or scorching heat!
(End of this chapter)

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