Chapter 1417 The Lone Star of the Fiend Eight

Fusheng had a bitter face, "Mother, I...I don't want to leave you!"

Lin Lang touched Fu Sheng's head, "Child, you have to remember one sentence, if you want to survive in this world, you must first become strong, if you don't become strong, sooner or later, the one you love will be with you." People who love you will leave you!

You have to know that there is always a banquet in the world, and this parting is for a better reunion in the future! "

Hearing this, Fusheng bit his lips and looked stubborn, but tears fell down, "Mother, I want to go back to that small mountain village with you, and live a life where the sun rises and sets, and the sun sets and rests! "

"Son, even if you want to live such a life, your identity doesn't allow it!" Lin Lang squatted down, looked at Fu Sheng and said, "Mother will not hide it from you, you can absorb the black energy between heaven and earth , because of you... You were born from the gathering of black energy between heaven and earth, the righteous way will not watch you live, and God will not watch you live, so if you don't become stronger as soon as possible, sooner or later, you Will be killed by them!"

"But mother..." Fusheng lowered his head, "I didn't provoke them, and I didn't do anything bad. Why did they come to kill me? Could it be because of my different status? It's not what I want!"

"There are many involuntary things in this world, and it is involuntary to come to this world with you, and it is involuntary to come here with me...but no matter how many involuntary things are, since we are here In this world, you must live well and bear your due responsibilities!" Lin Lang touched Fu Sheng's head, "Okay, stop talking, mother will send you to the foot of the mountain tomorrow, the rest of the road is just You can go on your own!"

"Mother..." Fusheng saw that no matter what he said, his mother would not change his mind. His heart was bitter and astringent, and he seemed to have grown a lot overnight.

On the second morning, Fusheng looked at Lin Lang pitifully with his panda eyes, hoping that Lin Lang would change his mind, but Lin Lang Lang's heart was as hard as iron, and he was not moved at all.

After sending Fusheng to the foot of the mountain, he patted his head, "Why are you sad? It's not like we won't see each other again. After you succeed in cultivation, you can find me at the bottom of the mountain. Mother has been waiting for you at home. , so you must stand out and give mother face!"

Hearing this, Fusheng's eyes lit up, he nodded, and walked to the top of the mountain with the children with a smile, but after a short walk, many children were crying and clamoring to leave. Not only that, they also encountered a strong wind In severe weather such as heavy rain and heavy snow, by the time the mountain is halfway up, there are less than 1/10 of the tens of thousands of children.

After Fusheng arrived halfway up the mountain, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, found a shelter from the wind, sat on a rock, took the dry food and water his mother had prepared for him, and slowly started eating.

"What did you eat that smells so delicious, can you tell me a little bit!" A little boy ran over smelling the smell and asked with sparkling eyes.

Fusheng had never talked to children of his own age. When he saw this little boy say that, his face blushed, and he handed over his half-pinned bread, "Yes!"

The little boy took the bread happily and said as he ate, "You are so kind, of course, I won't eat your food for free. When we get to the top, I will be your big brother. I can cover you!"

Fu Sheng nodded shyly, "Okay!"

Along the way, these children encountered various problems. First, there were food lures and some strange beasts. During this period, some children were scared away.

When the group of them reached the top of the mountain, only one or two hundred of the tens of thousands of children remained.

After the headmaster saw these children, he stroked his white beard with satisfaction, and asked someone to take out the spirit card for testing the spirit root, and asked the children to come and try one by one. It is better for Ling to stay as an inner disciple. And those with bad spiritual roots became outer disciples.

When it was Fusheng's turn, he nervously stepped forward and put his hand on the linpan, only to see the linpan flashing with colorful lights, and finally turned into nothingness!
After the headmaster saw it, his eyeballs were about to fall off, and he stammered, "Heavenly Spiritual Root... This is the best spiritual root!"

As soon as these words came out, the elders of all sects stood up, looked at Fu Sheng as if they were looking at gold, and they all showed their eyes that they were bound to win.

"This child's spiritual root is more suitable for sword practice, so join our Jianfeng, so that this child will not be wronged!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's hard to find one Tianlinggen in hundreds of years. Why should it be taken away by your Jianfeng? It should join us!"

"Our pharmacy also welcomes him, young man, I can assure you, as long as you join our pharmacy, you can take any elixir you want!"

"Don't tempt people and let their children choose by themselves. By the way, young man, let me tell you, we don't have many sects, but we have the most beautiful little girls. Are you interested in joining us?"

"Ah bah, you old man, you are only in your teens, and you are still a child. According to me, this child should still practice spells with us!"

"Should join us to practice Sword Peak..."

"Nonsense, you should join our pill pharmacy..."


The headmaster watched them quarreling, and suddenly one head was bigger than the two, and he sighed, "Okay, don't talk about it, I'll accept this child!"

Although the elders of various sects disagreed with this remark, they could only do so. After all, the other elders of any sect would not be satisfied. Now that they have followed the head, even if they are not satisfied, they will feel much more comfortable in their hearts. It is also a better solution.

As for Fusheng himself, where did he join? Anyway, he came here to learn spells, as long as he can learn spells and become stronger as soon as possible, he doesn't care about anything else.

"I really didn't expect that I became my little uncle before. Hey, this is a fact of impermanence. I said I wanted to cover you, but it turned out that you are much more capable than me, and I will soon look up to you." ..." After the selection was over, the little boy ran over and sighed, "By the way, I haven't told you my name yet, my name is Yang Youguang!"

Fusheng smiled at him, "I don't care about seniority, you can call it whatever you want!"

"How can that be? Since you are my uncle, then I have to call you Shishu, otherwise...otherwise those elders will think that I don't obey the rules!" Yang Youguang shook his head, and said in refusal: "However, if you So what if I am older than me, sooner or later my cultivation will surpass yours!"

(End of this chapter)

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