Chapter 1418: The Lone Star Nine of the Fiend

Fusheng smiled, "Okay, I'll wait for you!"

Yang Youguang smiled, chirping like a bird, "By the way, where do you live?"

Fusheng reported his residential address, but Yang Youguang clapped his hands happily, "I didn't expect that we live in the same mountain, what a coincidence, we can practice together in the future, and we can go out to play together, by the way , the cake you gave me is so delicious, where did you buy it?"

Fusheng smiled shyly, "My mother made it for me..."

"It turned out that my aunt made it for you. You are really blessed. Unlike me, my mother passed away when I was very young, and my stepmother didn't like me, so she never cooked for me. I wish I could die..." Yang Youguang lowered his head and said with a hint of sadness.

Fu Sheng patted him on the shoulder, "If you don't mind, when the two of us have time, I can take you to my mother's place together, and I will ask him to make delicious food for you!"

Yang Youguang danced happily, "Okay, okay, thank you so much!"

Here, after his son left, Lin Lang has completely become a widowed old man left behind, and his days are getting worse day by day. Of course, it doesn't mean that the family is poor. After all, his embroidery skills are still there, and he can't starve himself, mainly because of life. After her son left, Lin Lang seemed to have lost her focus. She didn't care as much about anything as before, and she just got by, especially when eating, unless she was hungry. From time to time, I will go outside to buy something casually to make do with it.

At the same time, he also understood why the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was so tense in ancient times. The main reason was that these women in ancient times were either husbands or sons after they married. , Naturally, there is an imbalance in the heart, which is why there are so many conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Lin Lang soon realized that his attitude was wrong, and began to face life positively. Although he couldn't cultivate, it didn't mean he couldn't fly with the sword. Thinking of the movie about cultivating immortals that he had watched many years ago, Lin Lang was very excited, but Yu Sword flying is too costly, and Lin Lang can't play it every day.

However, Linlang and Lianqige have also made many modern daily necessities, such as rice cookers, hair dryers, and toilets. The sales of rice cookers and toilets are very good. If you want bigu, those below the Jindan stage still need to eat.

As for the toilet, people eat five grains, there must be reincarnation, as long as it is in the city, it is okay to say that if it is in the wilderness, hehe...

As for the hair dryer, that was Lin Lang's mistake. After all, a single cleaning solution can clean her body here, so there is really no need for a hair dryer.

Linlang also invented the telephone. Of course, the telephone is not the same as the current telephone. It needs to be charged. It's not easy to come out, so the cost is also very high...

Relying on these few deals, Lin Lang made a lot of money. Thinking of her son who was practicing on the mountain, she didn't waste the money. Instead, she saved most of the money and planned to wait for her son to come back. Give everything to your son.

A year passed by, and when Lin Lang saw Fu Sheng again, she almost didn't recognize that this man was her son, because he had grown up a lot, and his immature face had also become mature.

Linlang stepped forward quickly, and hugged Fusheng in her arms, "My dear son, you are finally willing to come back. How has this year been? Has anyone bullied you?"

After all, as a villain, everyone can be punished, and it is normal to be bullied. Sometimes when I go to night, Lin Lang can dream that her son is being bullied...

Suddenly, a child's voice came from the side, "Auntie, you can rest assured that no one will bully Fusheng unless they don't want to live!"

Lin Lang searched for the voice and looked over. When she saw the boy's face clearly, she smiled perfunctorily, "Oh, it's good that you haven't been bullied. By the way, who are you?"

Fusheng smiled shyly, "Mother, this is my little nephew named Yang Youguang!"

"Oh, so it's our family Fusheng's nephew!" Lin Lang was puzzled, wasn't he a senior brother?How did you become a nephew?But he didn't show it, and smiled at the boy, "Thanks to you for taking care of our family's blessings, and my aunt is here to thank you!"

Yang Youguang said embarrassingly, "Auntie, you are serious. Fusheng is my uncle, and his cultivation level is higher than mine. He has always taken care of me. After all, I have to thank him!"

"There is no need to say thanks between you and me!" Fu Sheng pursed his lips and nodded, his expression flat.

Lin Lang showed a forced smile, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, I cooked a lot of meals, you will stay and eat together today!"

"I've heard Fusheng say that my aunt's craftsmanship is very good. It seems that I'm lucky today!" Yang Youguang said with a smile.

Lin Lang arranged the food, watched the two of them gobble it up, and said with a smile, "Eat slowly, there's still more in the pot!"

Yang Youguang raised his head while eating and said, "Auntie, your cooking skills are amazing, even better than that of restaurant chefs. I am so lucky to be able to eat your food!"

"It's just an ordinary home-cooked dish!" Lin Lang smiled faintly. After they finished eating, Lin Lang boiled a pot of hot water for them and spread the quilt for them by the way.

There are a lot of rooms in the house, so it is completely enough to accommodate Yang Youguang. At night, Lin Lang came to Fu Sheng's room and sat on the head of his bed, hesitating to speak!

Fusheng looked at Linlang, "Mother, do you...don't like Yang Youguang?"

Lin Lang's frown slowly relaxed, "How did you see that?"

Fu Sheng lowered his head, "I saw that my mother's face was not particularly happy, so I thought... do you not like Yang Youguang!
However, Yang Youguang has no grievances with you, why don't you like him? "

It's really hard for Lin Lang to tell her son, you are a natural villain, you are God's illegitimate son, in the end you two will definitely have a fight, and either you die or I die.

Lin Lang sighed, "There's nothing I don't like, it's just's not that vulgar. You're overthinking it. By the way, how are you doing on the mountain?"

Fusheng smiled, "Mother, I live very well on the mountain, and my master treats me very well!"

Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm relieved if you live a good life, but...why did the friend you brought back call you Junior Martial Uncle? But you two are the same age, shouldn't you be brothers? "

 I was dizzy from a cold, my nose was blocked, and my throat was extremely sore... But I still persisted. It is not easy for the author to write. At this moment, I hope everyone will support the original version, please.

(End of this chapter)

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