Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1419 Scorpio Lone Star

Chapter 1419 The Lone Star of the Fiend Ten

Fu Sheng said with a smile: "Because the two of us have different masters. My master is the head of the sect. He is the most senior in the entire sect, and his master is just an elder. Naturally, he cannot compare to me!"

Lin Lang smiled, "So that's the case. If your master is the head of the sect, then besides your master, wouldn't you be the biggest in the whole sect?"

Fu Sheng frowned and thought for a while, then nodded, "Almost, anyway, no one dares to trouble me!"

Lin Lang touched Fu Sheng's head, "My son is really amazing, by the way, mother has something for you!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang gave all the things during this time to her son, "You take it and use it!"

Fu Sheng opened the box in doubt, and when he saw the contents of the box clearly, he said in surprise: "Mother, why do you have so many spirit stones, and these treasures..."

Lin Lang smiled a little embarrassedly, "I earned it from a partnership with others, so don't worry about using it, there will be more in the future!"

Fusheng shook his head, and pushed the box over, "Mother, my master is also the leader of the school, and I will not lose my cultivation resources, so I don't lack these things, you should keep them for later. A rainy day!

By the way, this is the health-preserving pill that I specially brought from the pharmacy, mother, you have to take it on time, it can prolong your life! "

Lin Lang took the bottle of medicine over, "Okay, I'll take this pill, but you can keep the things, this snack is of no use to me, an ordinary mortal, on the contrary, it's a scourge!"

"Then...well..." Fusheng took the things over and handed over several treasures for self-defense, "I got these things from the training room, and ordinary people can also use them. Mother, please keep them Protect yourself!"

Lin Lang left the things behind and patted Fusheng's head, "Son, the lifespan of a cultivator is different from that of a mortal. After you went to the sect, you just meditated for three or five days. If so, the time may be longer... Mother is a mortal, sooner or later she will leave your mother, I only hope that after leaving you, you can take good care of yourself and protect yourself!"

A trace of nervousness flashed across Fusheng's face, "No, Fusheng wants to be with mother forever, mother, I've already made inquiries, as long as I take you with me when I cultivate to become a fairy, you can become a fairy with me." Immortal!"

Linlang laughed all of a sudden, and tapped Fusheng's forehead, "Mother knows that you are capable, but no matter how capable you are, how can you succeed in cultivating to become a fairy? And even if you succeed, if you bring me If it is not, the thunder disaster will probably be more violent, and whether you can eat it or not will become a problem!

Mother also knows that this is your kind intention, but mother has already accepted her fate..."

Fusheng said with a firm face: "Mother, what we cultivators pay attention to is to change our fate against the sky. I don't accept fate. As for my mother's matter, I have long planned to cultivate the geniuses in the real world. Baoduo will definitely be able to extend my mother's life." Longevity, let mother cultivate with me to become a fairy!"

"There is always a banquet in the world. Don't think too much. Even if you can find a genius and a treasure, it will be extended by at most 200 years. It will take at least 2000 years to become an immortal, and at most 5000 years...you can I can wait for such a long time, but my mother can't wait!
Son, you have to remember, there are many partings in this life, we can't be sad because of one parting, maybe this parting, maybe one day is for a better meeting..."

"Mother..." Fusheng's eyes were filled with tears, "My son doesn't want to go to cultivate immortality anymore, and my son wants to spend more time with you while you are still here!"

"No, just go about your own business, and come back and take a look when you want to kiss your mother!" After Lin Lang finished speaking, she remembered Yang Youguang who was in another room, and said: "Son, you must remember, the heart of harming others It is not possible, but it is necessary to be defensive. Maybe at this moment others treat you very well, but Lan Bao will not betray you for money or other things in the next moment!

Your identity is special, you are too weak now, if your identity is exposed, you will only die, so you must know how to protect yourself..."

Fusheng nodded, "Mother, I understand..."

No matter how reluctant Fu Sheng was, he still left the small courtyard on the second day. Before leaving, he looked back and looked back, and finally left.

Yang Youguang also had a trace of sadness on his face, "It's a pity, if my aunt is a cultivator like us, it would be great, at least she can stay with us forever..."

Fu Sheng lowered his head, "Sometimes it's good to be a mortal, but I just want to be a mortal, just ordinary..."

"Ah? Xiaoshishu, are you joking? What's so good about annoying people just now? It's good to be able to cultivate immortals. You can go to heaven and earth to be omnipotent, and you can also cultivate to become immortals and become immortals in the sky... ..." Yang Youguang said with a look of yearning: "I tell you, my biggest wish is to hope that I can become stronger as soon as possible, so that I can go home and take revenge!"

"Revenge?" Fu Sheng asked suspiciously, "Who do you have any grudge against, a child?"

"Of course it's my stepmother. She abused me since I was a child, and I remember it!" Yang Youguang said indignantly.

Fusheng stopped in his tracks, "It is indeed her fault that your stepmother abused you, but have you ever thought that it is also your father's fault? If your father could discipline your stepmother, he would not let you eat so much What a pain!"

Yang Youguang lowered his head and said hesitantly: "My father...my father is a good man...he dare not offend my stepmother, so he can only watch him bully me!"

"It's wrong for a big man not to discipline his wife well, so it's all your father's fault. If you want trouble, you should find trouble with your father first, not your stepmother. Trouble, no matter how much you hate your stepmother, you still have to distinguish the priority!" Fu Sheng frowned after finishing speaking, "Forget it, just treat me as nonsense..."

Yang Youguang raised his head, "I...Actually, what you said makes sense. If my father didn't care about it, I wouldn't be so cruel to me...I don't dare to do anything to my father because I'm still right in my heart. He has hope, but now I think everything is wishful thinking. He has a new wife and a new child, how could he still like me?

But this hatred still has to be avenged, otherwise I really can't swallow the breath in my heart! "

Fusheng nodded, and continued to walk forward, "Don't kill anyone..."

"No, it's my parents after all, and I'm not that cruel, but I'll make them suffer enough..." After Yang Youguang finished speaking, there was resentment in his eyes, but he suddenly felt relieved, "You You know, when I was very young, I had to go out to chop wood and carry water, but my brother who is only two years younger than me can stay in the house, eat pastries and read books... Sometimes I just think about it , if I hadn’t come here desperately, I would probably spend my whole life... I could only spend my whole life chopping firewood and carrying water in a small mountain village, and then I would work hard for my brother..."

(End of this chapter)

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