Chapter 1420: The Lone Star Eleven
Fusheng listened as he walked, and then said: "Sometimes the hardship you suffer may be a good thing, because he honed your temperament!"

"You're right, if I hadn't suffered so much at the beginning, I might have run away halfway up the mountain like other children!" Yang Youguang still had a wry smile on his mouth, "I used to think that my stepmother and I My father is very strong, but when I really become strong, I find that they are vulnerable... People, only by becoming strong can they get what they want and protect what they want to protect!"

Fusheng was thoughtful when he heard this, he wanted to become stronger, being stronger means everything...

In the next few years, Fu Sheng's cultivation became higher and higher, and he had already established his foundation at a young age, and it was only a matter of time before he formed a golden core.

But Fu Sheng stopped in his footsteps. He returned to the foot of the mountain and stayed in the small courtyard where Lin Lang lived.

"Son, you don't need to find those things for your mother anymore. I know my body. I really can't hold it anymore. The only thing Liang Qing can't let go of before he leaves is you. I only hope that you can become stronger as soon as possible." , take good care of yourself, you must remember what the two of you said, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood if you keep the green hills, and you must not take your own life unless it is absolutely necessary..." Lin Langqian exhorted Wan Wan.

Fusheng looked at Linlang in front of him with red eyes, and held Linlang's hand tightly, "Mother, since you can't let me go so much, don't leave me..."

"Silly child, people are mortal, it's just sooner or later!" Lin Lang touched Fu Sheng's head, "Mother is actually very satisfied in this life, I gave birth to you without letting anyone hurt you, and let you grow up safely ...So, you must protect yourself well, and you must continue to live..."

After finishing speaking, Linlang's sawyer began to relax, and after a while, she didn't come to breathe, Linlang slowly appeared in the air in the form of a soul, he looked at Fusheng's heartbroken look, sighed, and then disappeared into the air middle.

After Fu Sheng buried Lin Lang, his cultivation improved rapidly. In the next 20 years, he successfully cultivated the golden elixir. Then a war broke out in the whole continent. Because of the lack of spiritual energy, the black energy became more and more. There are more and more people cultivating demons.

Although Fu Sheng is a disciple of the righteous way, he actually knows in his heart that he is a demon cultivator. He has been careful to hide his identity, but he was still exposed!
"You... Since you are a demon cultivator?" Yang Youguang's face was full of confidence. He was very sad. Since his sad best brother deceived him and concealed his identity, "How can you deceive me? I trust you so much, I regard you as my brother...but you..."

Fusheng looked at Yang Youguang and said, "Cultivating immortals and demons is not something I can decide. I have never done anything bad, let alone anything harmful to nature..."

"You are a mistake, and you can't dissolve between heaven and earth. For the sake of us being in the same sect, you should kill yourself!" Yang Youguang said sadly.

Fusheng had a sneer on his lips, "I thought you were my best brother and you would understand me, but I didn't expect... everything is just my own sentimentality!

My identity is indeed not something I can decide, but my life is something I can decide. I was brought up by my mother hard. Before he left, his only wish was for me to live a good life, so I don’t will die! "

"Okay, since you don't want to do it, then I will do it myself!" Yang Youguang gritted his teeth, drew out his long sword, and greeted him.

Fu Sheng unhurriedly took out his weapon, and the two young men immediately fought in a dark and dark battle. Fu Sheng himself had a relatively high level of cultivation, so he stood in the upper hand and watched Yang Youguang's recalcitrant appearance, his eyes slightly , with a little force, Yang Youguang was defeated.

"If you want to kill or cut, you can listen!" Yang Youguang said, holding his wound and holding back the pain.

Fu Sheng wouldn't kill Yang Youguang, but he couldn't let him go. After all, he was ready to take his own life. If he let him go, after he recovered from his injuries, he would be the one who was unlucky sooner or later.

Fusheng simply abolished Yang Youguang. Although he could no longer cultivate immortality, his cultivation was still real.

" might as well just kill me!" Yang Youguang said through gritted teeth.

Fu Sheng withdrew his weapon and said flatly: "I don't like killing people for nothing, but it's impossible to let someone who wants to hurt me go. Although I abolished you, your cultivation is still there, and ordinary people can't bully you." On your head, if you really can't survive in the cultivation world, you can go to the mortal world to have a look, sometimes it's good to be a mortal..."

Yang Youguang finally couldn't bear the pain, knelt down on the ground and passed out. When he woke up again, he found that he had returned to the sect. Looking at the master who was beside the bed, he resisted the pain and said, "Master, disciple!" You have failed your high expectations, you were injured, and your dantian was also abolished, so you can no longer practice!"

The elder was also very heartbroken. After all, Yang Youguang's cultivation base is also one of the best in the entire world of cultivating immortals, "Don't talk about this first, you should take good care of your injuries, and when you recover from your injuries... as a teacher, I am trying to figure out a way to see if I can help you rebuild your dantian! "

"The dantian is the lifeline of a cultivator. How could it be possible to say that it can be repaired once it is repaired, master. I appreciate your kindness. After the apprentice recovers from his injury, please let him go. He will never leave the master's back!" Yang Youguang said word by word that he also had his reasons for doing so, because he was also a proud son of heaven, and he really couldn't bear the sympathetic gazes of others.

A golden light flashed in the elder's eyes, "Disciple, there is no absolute thing in this world. Although your dantian is broken, others still have dantian..."

"Master, what do you mean..." Yang Youguang's tone was full of confidence, because it was so unreal, unheard of, and unseen.

The elder nodded, "This is a secret method, but unfortunately it's too vicious, so I don't spread it to the outside world, but it has reached this point, I can't just sit and watch you can no longer practice... But don't worry, It seems that you will not take someone else's dantian to you, but prepare... to replace your dantian with the dantian of a dead person. This person was once a genius in the cultivation world, but it is a pity that he met a big devil and fell... ...but the corpse was preserved intact, and now that I think about it, it might be God's will in the dark!"

Yang Youguang was overjoyed, he never thought that he could practice again, he was very grateful, "Thank you, Master!"

The elder stroked his white beard, "So you must take good care of your injuries. After you recover from your injuries, I will change your dantian as a teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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