Chapter 1421 The Lone Star Twelve
Yang Youguang was completely relieved when he heard this, and cultivated his body well. After waiting for a while, with the help of his master, he successfully changed his dantian. When the dantian entered his body, he felt a surge The strength of the body is swimming in his limbs, and the bust has directly increased by two levels!

Surprise flashed in Yang Youguang's eyes, "Master..."

The elder stroked his white beard, his face full of relief, "Very good, you really deserve to be my good apprentice!"

Yang Youguang said gratefully: "It's all about the master's teaching. I am here to thank the master. If it weren't for the master's great help, the disciple would not be able to achieve what he is now..."

The elder nodded in satisfaction, "You are very good, you are a person who knows how to repay you, and it is not in vain that I have poured so much effort into you!"

"Master, don't worry, when the apprentice's injury is almost healed, I will go to revenge on that Fusheng to show the reputation of the sect!" Yang Youguang thought of everything he had suffered, and a trace of resentment appeared in his eyes.

The master nodded, "Okay, I'm waiting for your good news, but I heard that you have a very good relationship with him, and I have visited his home many times as a guest, so don't worry about it. Just be kind to him!"

Yang Youguang raised his head with a trace of puzzlement on his face, then gritted his teeth and said, "Master, I used to be nice to him because he was my uncle and No. 1 in the sect, but now he is the whole righteous way The scum, everyone has it and punishes it!
In addition, my dantian went back because of him, and it was too late for me to hate him, how could I still befriend him and let him go?
So rest assured, the master, the disciple can swear here that he will not cut Fusheng into pieces, and the disciple will die in this life! "

Immortal cultivators are the most taboo to swear, because the way of heaven is watching. Once you make an oath and don't carry it out, you may become your demon on the road of cultivation!

The elder said with relief, "Well, well, well, you really deserve to be my good disciple!"

Yang Youguang's handsome face is full of hatred at this moment, and when he is almost in good health, he will start looking for Fusheng all over the world!
Fusheng is also very easy to find. After all, his physique is there. In addition to absorbing black energy, he absorbs black energy. As long as you use some snacks, you can easily find him.

"Devil, look at the sword!" Yang Youguang drew out the long sword, his eyes became blood red, and his tone was full of hatred.

Fusheng saw that the person who came was Yang Youguang, and a look of surprise flashed across his face, but when he saw clearly Yang Youguang's cultivation, his face became flat again, "You are not my opponent, why bother to die again?"

"Don't say any more, you are a scum of the righteous way, everyone can be punished, and even if I am not your opponent, I will not live by idling and let you continue to grow!" Yang Youguang said awe-inspiringly.

Fu Sheng pursed his lips, his blue shirt was fluttering in the wind, and he stood against the wind, cold as snow, "You say I am a scum of the righteous way, but are you saying that I have done anything that endangers the righteous way?"

Yang Youguang stopped, really not... But he didn't relax because of this, "Stop making excuses there, although you haven't done anything harmful, but your existence itself is a mistake!"

"My existence itself is a kind of mistake. This is really a big joke. Just because my cultivation method is different from others, am I a scum of the righteous way?" With a hint of contempt, "You think you are legitimate people, but what do you do that is in line with righteous people?"

Yang Youguang frowned, "What nonsense are you talking about here? We, as people of righteousness, eliminate the strong and help the weak, and defend the righteousness, especially if you are a crooked devil like you."

"I'm crooked, at least I didn't pull other people's tendons and bone, and I didn't kill others because they didn't join me!" Fu Sheng mocked unceremoniously.

"What do you mean?" Yang Youguang asked puzzled.

Fusheng said bluntly: "Haven't you ever wondered how your dantian came from?"

"This is the dead man's dantian my master found. What's the matter? Can't the dead man's dantian be used?" Yang Youguang sneered, "Are you jealous that my cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds after I got the new dantian?"

Fusheng lowered his eyes, "Jealous of you? Why should I be jealous of you? I am an upright person and do things upright, unlike some villains... You said that your dantian was taken from the dead, but have you ever thought about that? Why is man a dead man?"

Yang Youguang frowned tightly: "You...what are you talking about?"

Fu Sheng said slowly: "Your dantian was originally a genius monk, but it's a pity that because of certain things, he didn't join the sect. The elders of the sect were afraid that when he grew up, he would threaten the existence of the sect. Let's unite with the elders and kill him..."

"I don't believe it, you must be talking nonsense and laughing over there, trying to confuse my Dao heart!" Yang Youguang said with a face full of disbelief.

"I don't need to lie to you about this!" Fusheng didn't want to continue entanglement, "You are not my opponent, because of the previous affection, I won't kill you and leave!"

"I won't leave. At this moment, either you die or I die!" Yang Youguang gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

Fusheng is not a saint. If a person wants his own life in every possible way, if he doesn't resist, won't he appear to be incompetent?
Fusheng also made a move. Perhaps Yang Youguang's cultivation base has increased greatly, but facing Fusheng, he still has to be beaten. After a while, Yang Youguang was seriously injured and fell to the ground, stirring up a puddle of dust, "You... …If you want to kill or cut, it’s up to you!”

Fusheng floated above him, his face was so plain that he was not like a mortal, he said softly and coldly, "Yang Youguang, I... never thought of hurting other people, let alone doing anything unreasonable, I just want to Is it wrong to live in a mediocre way in this world? Is it possible that I have to be chased and killed by you because of my different cultivation methods, but have you ever thought that I washed away the black air, The world will be a better place!"

"You don't want to talk about it over there. You absorb the black energy. This is the cultivation method of the devil. Even if you can stay awake today, will you be able to stay sober when you grow up in the future? Don't say it anymore. Since I Become your defeated general, you kill me, I will never surrender to you!" Yang Youguang closed his eyes, generously sacrificed!
Fusheng shook his head, he didn't want Yang Youguang's life, but crippled his dantian again, "I said I won't kill you, but I can't let you continue to grow up again!"

Yang Youguang covered his dantian, and said word by word: "So what if you abolish my dantian? Since I can change my dantian once, I can change my dantian a second time!
If you want to solve the matter as soon as possible, why not kill me directly?Otherwise, after I recover from my injury, I will still come to you to fight for life and death! "

 Just now some relatives said that my update was repeated. I checked that the update is normal, and there is no so-called repeated chapters or the like.

  Some people also explained that it has been updated, but it shows exactly the same content as the original one. Let me remind you that there were not many chapters a while ago, because some inappropriate descriptions were blocked?During this time, I am unlocking those chapters one by one, so the updated ones will be displayed!

  I love you guys.

(End of this chapter)

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