Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1425 Big Brother 1

Chapter 1425 Senior Brother One
When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she was almost fainted by the smell, and hurriedly held her breath, but the smell seemed to be pervasive, Lin Lang couldn't hold on anymore, and started breathing with her mouth!
"Brother, what are you doing in the middle of the night?" Suddenly a child's voice came over.

Hearing this, Lin Lang couldn't help but took a deep breath, rolled her eyes, and said reluctantly, "Oh...I was thinking about something, so I couldn't sleep..."

"Are you thinking about the second senior brother? It's strange to say, you are obviously the most talented senior senior brother, and you are also the oldest, but why does the master value the second senior brother so much? It's really unfair!" the child muttered. muttered and said.

Lin Lang curled her lips, there are so many unfair things in the world, how can you care about everything?
"Why do you think so much? The master must have the master's intention to do this. We apprentices just listen to what the master says. Anyway, the master will not treat us badly!" Lin Lang said haha.

"Oh..." The little boy was still a little sullen, "But I always feel that it's a little unfair to the elder brother!"

"You're thinking too much. The master did this to train me. After all, as a senior brother, I should lead by example. It's getting late. Go to bed early, otherwise I won't be able to wake up tomorrow!" Lin Lang thought. Hurry up and put the child to sleep, so that I can accept the plot.

"Okay!" The little boy happily agreed, and soon came the sound of sleeping breathing.

Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, slowly closed her eyes, and began to accept the plot.

"I'm really not reconciled, obviously my martial arts is the most powerful in the whole sect, and I'm also the hardest working, and I'm still the first disciple of the master, why does Master Peng like the second brother so much, and I only think about good things Second Senior Brother, why?
It's okay that the master is unfair to me, but I didn't expect the master to give us our own preparations to the second junior brother!

Why, it is said that I am the one who is most likely to inherit the position of head, so, in a panic, I went astray and joined the Demon Sect. Later, the master and the second younger brother cleared the door... Before leaving, I kept asking them why they couldn't be fairer, but they blamed me for being greedy!

Hehehe, I'm not greedy enough, and they don't think about it, who has been supporting the sect, who has been taking care of your disciples, it's me, but in the end, I made a wedding dress for someone else, I really don't care willing!

But after I died once, I realized that the master didn't like me in the first place. He thought I was too ambitious and capable, so he robbed him of his seat and kept helping the second junior brother. He just wanted him to fight me in the ring. Now I Look it up, you can do whatever you like, I won't play with you anymore, you don't have to let me be the sect leader, at worst, I create my own sect, anyway, I won't be your cow or horse in this life anyway! "

Lin Lang opened her eyes after accepting the plot, and couldn't help but shook her head. How did you become a master? He only thought about his own interests, and didn't think about the development of the sect at all. No wonder the sect has always been Without progress, the disciples in the sect cannot make ends meet, so that these disciples can only work as bodyguards for others to make ends meet.

"Eldest brother..." The junior brother who was sleeping in the corner slowly opened his eyes, looked outside and stood up, "Eldest brother, it's getting late, let's hurry up and do our homework!"

The so-called homework is not reading, writing, but practicing martial arts!

Lin Lang nodded, and quickly put on her clothes and folded the quilt neatly. She couldn't take it anymore and opened the window to let the wind take away the smell in the room.

"Brother, why do you open the window? What if snakes, insects, rats and ants come in?" The younger brother looked over and said.

Lin Lang fanned her nose with her hands, "Don't you smell the stench in the house? Even though we are men, we must keep it clean!

Don’t be afraid of snakes, insects, rats and ants. When you go to bed at night, you can smoke the house with mugwort from the mountain and you’ll be fine! "

The little brother tilted his head, "Eldest brother, why are you so particular about it like the second brother? Our house has always smelled like this, and I haven't seen you say it's bad, why are you picking and choosing today..."

Lin Lang was completely embarrassed. Yes, the original owner really disliked the clean appearance of the second junior brother. He thought that a man must have some smell on his body, and he must be strong and powerful. sissy.

"Why are you asking so many questions, kid? Hurry up and go to morning class!" Lin Lang said fiercely to the little boy.

The little junior shrank his head in fright, muttered, and walked outside and said: "I just want to say a few words, why don't you let me say it..."

After the younger brother left, Lin Lang didn't follow him to do morning class, but packed up all the dirty quilts and clothes in his room, took the quilts outside to dry, and took the dirty clothes to the river for washing.

"Ah?" As soon as we reached the river, we heard a surprised voice, "Brother, why are you still holding dirty clothes here?"

Lin Lang turned around and found that it was our daughter, their little junior sister who nodded to him, "Isn't it winter soon? I just want to wash the dirty clothes and quilts!"

"Oh, so that's the case, but the sun came out from the west when the elder brother was washing clothes. You must know that you used to... but you never washed clothes. You only wore them for one day. In summer, flies would eat them." Turn around you!" The little junior sister giggled while talking.

Lin Lang was also a little embarrassed, and squatted aside, followed by cleaning. While he was washing his clothes, he suddenly found a fish, which slipped past his eyes. Lin Lang had quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly caught the fish.

"Ahhh!" The junior sister stood up in surprise, and said appreciatively, "Eldest brother, you are really amazing. You can catch fish from the water with your bare hands. It seems that your skill has increased again!"

Lin Lang laughed casually twice. If it was the senior brother in the past, he would definitely be overjoyed when he heard the junior sister say that, but now he... Come on, I am also a woman, what's the use of a woman boasting about herself, she thought Hearing compliments from men is of course, the premise is to be good-looking and handsome.

Lin Lang threw the arm-sized fish in front of the little junior sister, "I heard that my wife is not feeling well recently, so take this fish back and make soup for her, so that my wife can replenish her body!"

The little junior sister smiled coquettishly, and her voice became sweeter, "Then...then I'm here to thank senior brother..."

Lin Lang waved his hand, and continued to squat down to wash his clothes, but when he beat the mallet on his clothes, seeing the puddles of black water, he almost vomited, my God, what is this man doing? How long has it been since you took a shower?

 I've been having a bit of a headache lately... as if nothing is going well...

(End of this chapter)

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