Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1426 Big Brother 2

Chapter 1426 Senior Brother II
The little junior sister who was looking at her with admiration on her face, suddenly changed her face when she saw this scene, showing a hint of disgust, and took two steps back, "Uh... Senior brother, it's getting late, I I'll go back first..."

As soon as the words fell, the little junior sister took the wooden basin and left in a hurry!
Lin Lang also felt a little ashamed, but no matter how embarrassing she was, the clothes had to be washed, because the sect was extremely poor, so there were no such things as bath beans for washing clothes, and she could only use plant ash to wash clothes at ordinary times!

Linlang was washing clothes, looking at the acacia tree not far away, her eyes were erratic, she finally washed the clothes clean, it was already noon, after Linlang hung the clothes and sheets in the yard, she carried the bamboo baskets to the mountain, Picked all the saponins back.

"Huh? Eldest brother, why did you pick these things back? This food is not delicious, not to mention bitter and bitter, it will still bubble up in your mouth!" One of the juniors said in disgust.

Lin Lang stretched out her fist, stared at his head fiercely, and said angrily: "Eat, eat, eat, you will soon become fat like a pig!"

The younger brother covered his head and curled his lips, "Food is the heaven of man!"

Lin Lang waved her fist, "You're still quibbling here, feeling like you haven't respected your homework these days, and your relationship is spending all your time on eating!
During this period of time, your homework will be doubled for me. If there is no result, I will punish you not to eat at night! "

The younger brother let out a mournful roar, "Brother, don't!"

Linlang went to the kitchen with the acacia locust on her back, peeled the fruit inside, first ground the fruit with a millstone, and then put it in the pot to cook. After a while, the contents in the pot gradually turned into a yellow sticky substance. It also exudes a faint grass fragrance.

Lin Lang found an empty jar from the utility room and put the acacia in it. After finishing all this, he turned around and saw a bunt man in green clothes standing at the door of the kitchen, his eyes never blinking. look at yourself.

Lin Lang also looked at the man in Tsing Yi carefully. His black hair was fixed with a wooden hairpin. His figure was tall and straight, and his face was as jade-like. However, those eyes seemed to have no emotion at all, like ice that never melted all day long. biting.

"Second Junior Brother!" Lin Lang nodded at him, "How long have you been standing here?"

Xie Yanlin slowly raised his head, looked at Lin Lang, and said in a cold tone: "It's been a while, what did senior brother do just now?"

Why the original owner didn't like this little junior brother so much, mainly because this little junior brother is really too cold, not only his attitude is cold, but also his words are not lukewarm, not warm at all, no matter how you say, he is also his senior brother, As a junior, when I see myself as a senior brother, I have to speak respectfully, but this one, it's obvious that I don't want to talk to anyone...

Lin Lang suppressed the anger in her chest, and said word by word: "I'm making acacia liquid, what's wrong? Second Junior Brother, haven't you heard of this thing?"

Xie Yanlin looked at the jar in the corner, and nodded honestly, "I haven't heard of it, this is the first time I've heard of it in 7 days!"

Now it's Lin Lang's turn to sneer, "Second Junior Brother has never seen this, it's impossible, this thing is used to wash clothes and hair, I see that Second Junior Brother washes clothes and showers very frequently, so I haven't seen it at all. This? Then what do you rely on to wash? Only water? Hehehe, water can't wash it clean, and the dirty things on your body are still on the skin!"

Xie Yanlin looked at Lin Lang, his eyes were as calm as a pool of stagnant water, "I really don't use this, I usually use coriander beans!"

Fragrant beans... that's something that only rich people can afford. Lin Lang looked at this second junior brother, shabby clothes, simple decorations, hehe, what kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be with yourself!

"Fragrant beans? I heard that those things are very expensive. Does Second Junior Brother have the money to buy them? Don't slap your face and make yourself fat just to show off!" Lin Lang snorted coldly, "I'll just listen to what I said today. This time, don't talk nonsense anymore, so as not to let others hear the joke!

The soap locust juice is right there, if you want to use it, use it! "

Xie Yanlin looked at the back of Lin Lang going away, lowered his head, the shadow of the leaves hit his face, unpredictable, and his eyes were more thoughtful!

Lin Lang felt refreshed after beating that ignorant second junior brother, but when he came to the dining place, his whole face collapsed, my dear, our steamed buns are so hard that they can choke to death, The salty pickles that can kill people, plus the brown rice full of stones... Lin Lang's tears are about to come down, thinking that although he suffered a lot back then, he resolved them one by one with his own ability , life is going smoothly, but I didn't expect life to be so difficult after coming here. Although I won't be hungry, it's too unpalatable.

Lin Lang was eating slowly, and when he raised his head to see those young juniors devouring their food one by one, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

The little junior raised his head and said suspiciously: "Elder brother, why don't you eat? Are you sick? No wonder I always think you are weird today..."

Lin Lang took the chopsticks and tapped the little junior brother on the head, "Shut your crow's mouth, I'm fine, but I just don't have an appetite today!"

The little junior curled his lips, his expression changed, and he blinked at Lin Lang, "Oh, I understand why senior brother doesn't think about food and drink... Hehehe... I heard... Senior brother, are you here today? When I was doing the laundry, I ran into a senior sister, but in the end... the senior sister disliked the dirty clothes... Hahaha, senior brother, you don't have to worry, it's better for a man to be dirty!"

Good fart, if your body is not clean, it is easy to breed bacteria and get sick... Of course, you ancient people must not know what bacteria are, so Lin Lang didn't say these words, and poked them with chopsticks indignantly Wan, "What happened just now, you all know so soon... Who on earth has clairvoyant eyes and ears..."

The junior brother laughed twice, "We didn't eavesdrop on what you said, it was the elder sister who muttered while walking when she came back, "Eldest brother, you are too careless, you are so dirty, what do you want to learn from the second senior brother?" of……"

After the little junior brother finished saying this, his face changed a bit, and he continued: "But senior brother, didn't you dislike the second senior brother the most? You thought his twat was not manly at all, so why did you start to imitate him?" Is it possible that it’s because the elder sister likes the second senior brother? But the second senior brother is not as capable as the elder brother, and you are not as good at martial arts as the elder brother, so you can rest assured that the elder sister will definitely like you, not Like him!"

(End of this chapter)

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