Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1427 Big Brother 3

Chapter 1427 Big Brother Three
As soon as the words were finished, there was a sudden burst of footsteps. Lin Lang raised her head, and the corner of her mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Seeing that Lin Lang didn't answer him, the little junior brother followed Lin Lang's gaze and became embarrassed, his cheeks twitched involuntarily, and then he quickly lowered his head, his eyes erratic.

Lin Lang also felt that this moment was very embarrassing, but no matter how embarrassing it was, it was always wrong to speak ill of others behind their backs, "Second Junior Brother is here!"

Xie Yanlin nodded calmly, walked forward, sat on the chair, picked up the chopsticks, and ate in a graceful and reasonable manner, with actions that describe flowing water, much better-looking than those who devour them.

Lin Lang laughed, "Second Junior Brother, why did you come to dinner so late today? Was it delayed by something?"

Xie Yanlin put down his chopsticks and raised his head. His handsome face was like a bamboo forest after the rain, so fresh and natural. His voice was like a spring in the mountains, trickling, "Don't talk when you eat, don't talk when you sleep!"

Lin Lang was put into a temper, and came up immediately. He knew that it was wrong for him to speak ill of others behind his back, but that was not his own words, it was Mr. Yuan who said it. Why are you pretending to be ungrateful?Is it possible that you still want yourself, who is a big brother, to apologize to him humbly?

"I didn't expect the second junior brother to be very particular? He looks like a son of a wealthy family, but why did he end up practicing martial arts with us? I'm a rough man, and I don't understand these twists and turns..." Lin Lang pulled his tone , making the tone extremely weird.

Xie Yanlin blinked his eyes, his clear eyes were like crystal clear spring water, but suddenly, the calm spring water was suddenly broken, as if a small stone fell into it, causing waves of waves.

"Senior Brother... If Senior Brother doesn't understand these things, I can teach you!"

Lin Lang put down her chopsticks and stood up with a snap, "Do you look down on me, kid? Heh, I think you didn't know where to pee when I was hanging out on the mountain, but now you dare to teach me a lesson. Ambitious leopard guts?"

Faced with such a threat, Xie Yanlin was still very calm, his body was like a tall and straight pine tree, sitting there straight, "Senior brother, I'm just discussing the matter, so you should worry too much, senior brother!"

"Are you saying that I am thinking wildly? Good boy, you dare to break ground in Tai Sui, do you know? I have seen you for a long time, and you usually look like the biggest one in the world, do you know? The whole Other than the master, I'm the best at school, and if I can't do it, you can forget it, but you still look down on me, if I teach you a lesson today, won't you go to heaven in the future?" Lin Lang rolled up her sleeves and clenched her fists Just rushed over.

But he just wanted to teach this person a lesson, and he didn't think about beating him, but no one thought that Xie Yanlin just flashed by lightly, and with a little more light, he fell to the ground with his feet in the air.

"You..." Linlang felt a little offended, and at the same time his heart was raised, yes, this second junior brother's martial arts is much higher than his own...

"Are you still a man? Since you dare to avoid it?" Lin Lang stood up with her waist supported, "If you are a man, you will fight with me!"

Xie Yanlin just looked at it coldly, and Lin Lang left without saying a word. Naturally, Lin Lang would not follow. After all, he knew his own ability, but no matter how he lost, he couldn't lose face, so he said bluffingly: " You little bastard, if it wasn't for the sake of being a junior, I would have slapped you in the face long ago, I was so mad..."

The junior brother also ran over to support Lin Lang, "Eldest senior brother, don't blame the second senior brother, he is always so defiant, just ignore him, when he goes to the rivers and lakes, he will suffer a lot sooner or later!"

Lin Lang followed suit and nodded, and at the same time, her heart arose. This second junior brother's martial arts is higher than her own, and the martial arts methods should not be able to be assigned by them, so what is the origin of this second junior brother?

Lin Lang returned to her room a little restlessly. In the afternoon, she collected the clean clothes and put on the quilt. After finally finishing all this work and preparing to take a rest, the younger brother ran over, "Elder brother , so you are here, the master is looking for you, hurry up!"

Lin Lang nodded, stood up, patted off the wrinkles on his clothes, and walked quickly towards the lobby. Speaking of him as a master, his martial arts talent was average, but he devoted himself to martial arts. He is too lazy to run the business, so that he can only rely on him to support those who are now in the same school.

Why was the original owner so angry and unwilling? It was because he gave so much and got nothing in the end, so he felt angry.

"You are here!" The master watched the big apprentice walk in, his eyes were like a sharp sword, he looked straight at Lin Lang, stretched out his palm and slapped the table vigorously, and then stood up, "Hello How dare you dare to fight within the sect!"

Lin Lang felt as if she had eaten a few catties of Coptis chinensis in her heart, she was bitter, heh, she didn't even touch that kid, but the master came to trouble her for such a big deal, hehe...

Lin Lang's face collapsed, and she knelt on the ground unwillingly, "Master, you blame me for provoking my fellow disciples, but don't you think about it, if it wasn't for the fact that Second Junior Brother was disrespectful to me, how could I beat him? After all, it’s all the second junior brother’s fault!”

"You have reason, your second junior brother has that temperament, and he is neither cold nor indifferent to me on weekdays. As a master, I don't care about it, so why do you, a senior brother, care about it?
In any case, it is taboo to fight within the sect. If outsiders hear about it, they will think that our sect disciples are killing each other!
Forget about this matter today, next time, if you do it again, don't blame the teacher for being rude! "

Lin Lang responded unconvinced, and after the so-called master left, she stood up, rubbed her knees, sat on the chair, and muttered, "Is it because you are so partial to the second junior brother?" I'm going to be the second junior brother, and I'm going to have a year-end relationship, hehehe, you like him, but maybe he doesn't like you..."

"Brother, what did you mutter over there?" Suddenly, a delicate voice came in, which shocked Lin Lang a lot.

He raised his head and heaved a sigh of relief when he found out that it was Junior Sister. He patted his chest, "Why are you walking silently? You really scared me to death!"

The little junior sister curled her lips, with a hint of complaint on her pretty face, "Eldest brother, you are really unreasonable for saying this, you are obviously lost in thought, how can you blame me for not making a sound when I walk? Ah, senior brother, what did you mutter about just now, how did I hear my junior brother and my father, it’s impossible for you to speak ill of them behind their backs, that’s not acceptable!"

(End of this chapter)

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