Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1431 Big Brother 7

Chapter 1431 Big Brother Seven
Linlang raised her chin, "Just because of my status? I am your Sixiu. As a junior, you should be more respectful to your senior brother!"

"Heh!" The corners of Xie Yanlin's mouth curled up in a disdainful arc, "You deserve it too?"

"Oh, good boy, you pretended to be cold to me on weekdays, but now you're showing your true colors!" Linlang said mockingly, "I may not be able to beat you now, but sooner or later I will beat you. Don't blame me for being merciless!"

"What are you daydreaming about at night!" Xie Yanlin stood up after saying this, "If you have time to talk nonsense here, why don't you think about yourself, relying on the skills you have learned here , can you surpass me?"

Linlang lowered her eyes and hid the light inside, "What do you mean? Everyone learns the same kung fu. What do you mean I can't surpass you? Are you laughing at my poor aptitude? You must know that in the whole school, I Kungfu is the best, and I am also the hardest!
Now my martial arts is not as high as yours, that's because the master gave you a small stove, now it's different, the master has realized his mistakes and will treat me equally, so sooner or later I will surpass you! "

Xie Yanlin looked over, with sarcasm on his face, "Then I'll just wait!"

After watching Xie Yanlin leave, Lin Lang kept thinking about what he said. Could it be that this kid knows something other than what his master taught him?
If this kid knows some other martial arts, why did he join this sect?Although the master's martial arts is not bad, but it is not enough to look at in the Jianghu. Now the prestige of the sect is mainly supported by the master's father's reputation, but no matter how good the reputation is, sooner or later it will be exhausted, so Niulang I'm really worried that this sect will be wiped out by others, but fortunately everything is safe in the martial arts world, and there are no demons coming out to make trouble, so their little sect is still living comfortably!
Lin Lang sat on the bed and began to think about what Xie Yanlin said word by word. The more she thought about it, the more her head hurt. Then she simply gave up, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep.

On the second day, Lin Lang was woken up by a knock on the door. He opened the door and found that the junior sister was wearing a pink dress, with a delicate face, and said in a sweet tone: "Brother, you are awake, today is a good day , shall we go play down the mountain together?"

When Lin Lang heard this, she couldn't help shivering, especially when she thought that every time she went out to play with her junior sister, the money she saved would always be spent. It was saved by hard work, and he worked as a bodyguard for others, and he went hunting in the mountains... Anyway, the money saved was very hard, but all the money was invested in this little junior sister Just when I spend money for my junior sister, I can get a smiling face from my junior junior sister, and at other times, hehe.

Lin Lang wanted to refuse, but she thought that she had been here for a while, and she hadn't gone down the mountain to have a look, so she nodded, "Okay, let me clean it up!"

The younger junior sister nodded in satisfaction when she heard this. It seems that the elder brother is still the same elder brother, nothing has changed. By the way, when I go down the mountain later, do I want cakes or rouge powder?The weather is going to turn cold soon, I really want a new dress...

After Lin Lang combed her hair, she quickly changed her clothes, opened the door and smiled at the little junior sister, "Let's go, let's go back early!"

"Come back early? I heard that today is the Hundred Flowers Festival at the foot of the mountain, and it will be very lively at night..." The junior sister pouted, "Brother, can we stay at the foot of the mountain for one night? Just one night, on the 2nd day Come back early in the morning!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "If it's just me, living at the foot of the mountain is fine, but junior sister, you are a daughter's family, if the news spreads that you won't return home at night, how will you marry in the future?

Although the scenery at the foot of the mountain is good, it happens every year, and there is nothing unusual about it, and there are too many people, what if the junior sister is in danger? "

The little junior sister curled her lips, "If you don't tell me, who will know, big brother, don't worry, I will protect myself!"

Lin Lang spread out her hands with a helpless expression on her face. Since you said so, then I will reluctantly agree, but you won't be able to get married when the time comes, so don't rely on me.

The two were walking, Xie Yanlin walked towards them, and when he saw the two of them, his face was expressionless.

The little junior sister's eyes lit up, shining like little stars in the sky, her face was full of shyness, "Second junior brother, where are you going?"

Xie Yanlin said indifferently, "Go to practice martial arts!"

"Ah, Second Junior Brother is really hardworking. No wonder his martial arts are so high. By the way, Senior Brother and I are going to play at the foot of the mountain. Would you like to go with us?" Junior Sister lowered her head and said in a delicate tone.

Xie Yanlin glanced at them lightly, then nodded, "Okay!"

The little junior sister was so happy that she kept chirping on the way down the mountain.

Lin Lang got a headache from the noise, so she simply moved away from them and walked behind. On the one hand, she didn't want to hear the voice of the little junior sister;

Suddenly, Linlang heard the sound of a gust of wind, looked in that direction, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it forward vigorously, the sound of something falling was heard, Linlang walked over quickly, pushed aside the grass, and looked I saw a hare that was hit by a stone lying on the ground.

Lin Lang picked up the hare, looked left and right, and nodded in satisfaction. Because of the accurate interpretation of the strength, the fur of the rabbit was not too damaged, and the rabbit meat should be able to sell for a good price.

"Ah, senior brother, how could you do such a cruel thing? Tutu is so cute, why did you kill him?" the junior sister said indignantly, covering her mouth with tears in her eyes.

Lin Lang almost vomited out of the overnight meal, he raised the rabbit in his hand, "Junior Sister, if I remember correctly, the sect will make a meal of wild rabbit meat every now and then, I remember you also ate it, and you said it was special Delicious, besides, I also hunted a lot of wild rabbits before, and I didn't see what you said, and I bought you clothes and jewelry for the money..."

The little junior sister's face turned pale, and she gave Lin Lang a hard look, "You...you are really unreasonable, senior brother, you are so rude, I don't want to talk to you anymore..."

That's what I wish for...

After Lin Lang rolled her eyes to the sky, she carried the rabbit and walked down the mountain.

Xie Yanlin followed, and said as he walked: "The trick you just used should be a sound recognition device. If I remember correctly, you probably haven't learned this trick before, right? Who did you learn it from?"

(End of this chapter)

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