Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1432 Big Brother 8

Chapter 1432 Big Brother Eight
Lin Lang sneered, "Second Junior Brother, if I remember correctly, you also know a lot of moves that you don't seem to have handed over, so I would like to ask you where you learned those moves? , Behind the master's back, he worshiped other people as masters?"

Xie Yanlin's complexion changed, and he looked at Lin Lang like a cold arrow, "I am sitting upright, and I have never done anything to deceive my master and destroy my ancestors, but senior brother, if I remember correctly, senior senior brother seems to have been living In the mountains, right?
I have never been in contact with people under the mountain, how can I learn other people's tricks?This is really puzzling to me! "

Lin Lang raised her head and blinked her eyes, "Second Junior Brother, you really are too young to know anything, so let me talk to you about it, in fact, I am also a martial arts genius, except for my master who often teaches me Knowing how to delve into some messy things can be regarded as a little success!"

Xie Yanlin showed a look of disbelief, but Lin Lang didn't care whether he believed it or not, anyway, he just explained it, and for the rest, you can do whatever you like.

The little junior sister stood at the back and watched the two of them having a good conversation. She was so angry that she rushed over and stood between the two of them, "What are you two talking about? Are you talking so happily?"

Lin Lang took two steps to the side, distanced herself from the little junior sister, and said as she walked, "Let's talk about martial arts, but the little junior sister shouldn't be interested, after all, the little junior sister, what you usually like most is embroidery and reading." !"

The little junior sister raised her chin proudly, "That's natural. Those who learn martial arts are the things that vulgar people do. As a woman, why do I learn that kind of thing? Anyway, I want to marry, and after I get married, the last The important thing is to be a husband and a child!
By the way, Second Junior Brother, I recently learned how to make a pair of shoes. If you don't mind, I'll give it to you when I go back at night, okay? "

Xie Yanlin showed indifference, "Thank you, little junior sister, for your kindness, but I have a lot of shoes, so I don't need them!"

The little junior sister felt wronged when she heard this. As our daughter and the only girl in the whole sect, she has been doted on since she was a child and has never been favored by others, but this second place doesn't know why Actually, she doesn't pretend to be interested in her, and she doesn't have a good face on weekdays, but she just can't let go of the second junior brother. She thinks the second junior brother is the most beautiful person she has ever seen. She looks good, and she thinks that the second junior brother is totally different from the boys he gets along with. The second junior brother is very much like the young master Pianpian in the picture book...

Thinking of this, the little junior sister couldn't help but blush, and her tone became more and more tender, "Second junior brother, you don't have to be polite, I made this for you with my own hands, don't spoil my intentions!"

"Don't spoil my heart..." Lin Lang muttered, and then said with a look of disgust: "I'm so disgusted!"

Xie Yanlin seemed to have heard something, turned around and glanced at Lin Lang, "Little Junior Sister, I appreciate your kindness, but I really don't need it, you can give your pair of shoes to other disciples, I think they need it! "

"You...you actually gave my heart to other people to spoil it, you...you really don't understand..." After the little junior sister finished speaking, she ran forward angrily.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Lang couldn't help but whistled, "You green tea bitch, you finally met iron coins today. It's okay to suffer a little bit. I'm not a princess, but don't raise a princess."

But after thinking about it, Lin Lang was still quite worried about that little junior sister, and said to Xie Yanlin, "Hurry up and chase after him, junior junior sister likes you so much, you can't spoil his feelings!"

Xie Yanlin's eyes instantly became gloomy and cold, "If you want to go, you can do whatever you want, let me go, I don't mean that to him!"

"Yo, Junior Sister didn't even fall in love with you, are you really high-sighted?" Lin Lang said eccentrically, "But brother, I would like to remind you that Junior Sister is the only daughter of Master. If you marry Junior Sister, You can save 20 years of struggle, maybe when the master gets old, you can become the head of the master..."

"If I become our senior brother, what will you do? If I remember correctly, senior brother, you have always demanded yourself as the head of the sect?" Xie Yanlin also unceremoniously started the mode of sarcasm, "You don't want to Go take care of the little junior sister's troubles, why should I take care of it?"

Lin Lang spread her hands and said helplessly: "There's no way, Junior Sister likes you the most. If I go after Junior Sister, Junior Sister will definitely ignore me, but you won't hurt anymore. If you If you go after Junior Sister, she will definitely be delighted!"

Xie Yanlin narrowed his eyes, "If I remember correctly, the one you liked the most in the past, you used to buy things for her when you made money, but now...how could you be willing to give up your beloved woman to others? ?”

"A gentleman has the beauty of being an adult. Junior Sister likes you, so I am willing to help you!" Lin Lang said with a face of course: "Hurry up and chase, or you will not be able to catch up with Junior Sister if you run away. Wait for her After you go back, tell the master that you have eaten the bitter fruit!"

Xie Yanlin remained motionless like a mountain, and continued to walk forward, saying in a flat tone: "Since I don't like her, I won't give her hope!"

Lin Lang was silent. He admitted that he asked Xie Yanlin to chase after his junior sister just to save himself some trouble, but he never thought about whether the two parties would be willing?Will it cause any bad effects...

Lin Lang walked down the mountain without saying a word and came to the town after a while. After he sold the hare, he followed Xie Yanlin all over the street to look for the junior sister, and he really let them find the junior sister at the tea stall. Her face was full of tears, she was aggrieved, and she was still muttering. Although she couldn't hear what she was saying, Lin Lang knew that the little girl was cursing someone. As for who was scolding, Lin Lang thought there should be someone I have Xie Yanlin next to me!

Lin Lang and Xie Yanlin looked at each other, went to the tea beach, sat next to Junior Sister, and said, "Junior Sister, what's the point of just drinking tea and order some pastries!

Brother just sold the hare, and he has money in his hands, so don't worry! "

The little junior sister raised her head and said angrily, "Who needs your money, get the hell out of here, you big villain who killed rabbits!"

Oh, feeling that you weren't such a big bad when you used to eat rabbit!
Although Lin Lang complained so much, she still said honestly: "You are right, I am a big villain, then don't bother with a big villain like me, order some pastries, by the way, I heard that Xiang The shop has recently released a new rouge powder, let's go and have a look later!"

When the little junior sister heard this, she softened her expression, "Okay, for the sake of your good attitude of admitting your mistakes, then I will order a few pastries, and Xiao Er will serve me all the best pastries of yours! "

(End of this chapter)

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