Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1433 Big Brother 9

Chapter 1433 Big Brother Nine
Lin Lang looked at the pastries on the table, and couldn't help touching her shriveled wallet, feeling deep sadness in her heart.

Seeing the pastries she likes, the little junior sister finally got more than half angry, but no matter how harsh the second junior brother's words are, she has no way to hate him!

"Second Junior Brother, these cakes are delicious if you try them!" The younger junior sister shyly pushed the plate of pastries over, with tenderness in her eyes.

Xie Yanlin glanced at Linlang, picked up a piece of pastry, put it into his mouth, tasted it slowly, nodded, and said, "It's really good!"

The little junior sister was elated, and her eyes became brighter and brighter, "Second junior brother, do you like it very much? Then when we leave later, we will pack another one and take it home to taste slowly!"

Xie Yanlin shook his head, patted the residue off his hands, "No need, I don't like these sweet and greasy things!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily she didn't agree. If she did, her wallet would be in jeopardy.

The little junior sister curled her lips, and after eating the cakes, she took Lin Lang to the jewelry shop and the swallow shop. During this walk, Lin Lang really lost a penny.

"If you don't like her, just refuse her, so why spend money on her?" Xie Yanlin looked at the little junior sister in front of her, and said in a low voice.

Lin Lang grimaced, "I also want to refuse directly, but there is a master and a wife behind the rogue little sister, you have a solid foundation, you don't have to be afraid of the master and the wife, but I can't, after all, my roots are in the teacher's door ...Furthermore, no matter how nice I am to Junior Sister, she won't like me, and the only thing she's thinking about right now is you!"

"I'm just sorry for you. I've worked so hard to save a few dollars, and if I don't have it, I will lose it, and it's not spent on myself... Oh, it's really sad and deplorable!" Xie Yanlin was invincible when he blocked it.

Lin Lang clutched her chest that seemed to be shot by an arrow, and almost spat out a mouthful of blood, "Oh, you don't have to worry about my affairs!"

Xie Yanlin chuckled lightly, and quickened his pace to walk forward.

The town at night is indeed very lively and brightly lit, even Lin Lang, who claims to have seen the big scene, watched it with relish!
"Brother, it's getting so late, let's not go back. I heard that several jars of new wine have been added to the wine store recently. Let's go and taste it together!" The little junior sister rolled her big round eyes quickly, and said no Out of cunning.

Lin Lang looked up at the sky, the moon moved westward, the stars were hidden in the dark clouds, and the whole sky was gray, "It's really getting late, but let's go back, anyway, according to our pace, it won't take much time!"

The little junior sister made it clear that she was a little unhappy, "I'm not going back. What should I do if my mother catches me when I go back? Senior brother, it's only one night anyway. Let's go to the wine shop to have a few drinks and wait until dawn It's not too late to go back!"

Lin Lang shook her head very resolutely, "Junior Sister is confused. Junior Sister is a first-class woman who accompanied us two men to drink. If this gets out, it will damage Junior Sister's reputation!"

"Children of the Jianghu, don't worry about this..." Junior Sister muttered.

Lin Lang said very firmly: "Although we are the sons and daughters of the world, we must understand the difference between men and women, and we must also know how to avoid suspicion!
Junior sister, you are not young, and you will be out of line in a few years. If you can't get married because of this, then senior brother, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life! "

When the junior sister heard this, she stomped her feet angrily, "I won't go back anyway, I'm going to drink in the liquor store!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "Junior sister, if you continue to make trouble like this, I don't mind going up the mountain to find my teacher's wife for comment!"

"You..." Junior Sister pointed at Lin Lang and was furious. This damn light bulb shouldn't have brought him down the mountain to buy pastries and jewelry.

Xie Yanlin glanced at them coldly, and said: "You can do whatever you want, it's getting late, I'm going back!"

"Ah?" Junior Sister asked in surprise: "Second Junior Brother is going back? But what a beautiful moonlight tonight, and it's so hot, it's a pity to go back...... And I also heard that the wine shop The wine is delicious, if you miss it, you will never drink it again..."

Xie Yanlin shook his head, "I'm too drunk, so it's better not to get contaminated with those things, so as not to do some bad things!"

A look of anxiety flashed across the little junior sister's face, "Oh, you don't have to be afraid of this, anyway, with the two of us, what can happen? You go to the bar with me!"

If Lin Lang couldn't see what was going on, he would be the No. 1 idiot in Tianzi. He couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth and said to his junior sister, "Junior Junior Sister, your second junior brother and I both Go back, if you want to stay here, then you can stay here, but if something happens, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"You..." The younger junior sister looked at the backs of the two of them going away, stomped her feet angrily, and said through gritted teeth, "Damn man is really incomprehensible!"

Lin Lang looked at Xie Yanlin who was walking aside, he was indeed a handsome handsome man, no wonder the junior sister liked him so much, "I don't believe you can't see the actions of the junior junior sister... Now there is still a chance to regret it..."

A complex look flashed in Xie Yanlin's eyes, "I don't like him, and I will never have anything to do with him in my life!"

"Yo, you are tough, but after you leave the school, you will know that your so-called toughness is not worth mentioning!" Linlang sneered, "Think about it yourself, you have no father or mother, bro Just in the middle gate, do you have the heart to be the second junior brother for the rest of your life? If you marry the junior junior sister, you can rise to the top, maybe even become the head of the sect, at least you can save 20 years of struggle, no, 50 years too Not sure!"

Xie Yanlin narrowed his eyes, and looked at Lin Lang with a hint of danger, "If you think Junior Sister is so good, why didn't you marry Junior Sister, why did you push it to me?"

"I... I have made it very clear last time, I am a gentleman with the beauty of an adult, my junior sister likes you, so I will naturally fulfill you!" Lin Lang said nervously.

Xie Yanlin sneered lightly, "What's your idea? I know better than anyone else that I don't like him, and I will never like him in this life, nor will I marry her!"

Lin Lang laughed, "You can't have the final say. The reason my little junior sister pursues you now is because he still cares about face, but it's really because one day he doesn't want you anymore. If he wants the master to make the decision for him, when the time comes Are you agreeing or not?"

"My marriage is naturally up to me. I don't like his daughter, but he must force me to marry her?" Xie Yanlin said bluntly.

Lin Lang twitched her lips, "That's not sure~ After all, Junior Sister likes you, and Master is precious to you... Hehehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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