Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1443 After Husband’s Rebirth 3

Chapter 1443

Lin Lang soon came to his mother's yard, looked at the idle servants, couldn't help but frowned, entered the house, and after not finding her mother, went directly to the small Buddhist hall behind.

"Mother!" Lin Lang lifted her skirt, crossed the threshold, came to her mother's side, knelt on the Buddha group beside her, closed her eyes, prayed with both hands, and stood up after kowtowing a few times.

When Mrs. Zhang heard her daughter's voice, she put down the prayer beads in her hand. He smiled gently, "Why are you here so early? Have you had breakfast?"

"No, I'm thinking of coming over to eat with my mother!" Lin Lang helped Mrs. Zhang stand up slowly, and the two walked to the lobby together, and Lin Lang said as they walked, "The people are getting more and more lazy. It's better not to keep it, just sell his hair!"

Mrs. Zhang patted Lin Lang's hand, "It's okay, although I'm a little lazy, at least I've done all the work that needs to be done!"

Lin Lang said angrily, "That's what they should do. The next time my mother encounters such an unruly person, she will sell them out of fear. No matter what you say, the wife in charge of this mansion will sell a few No one else will say anything when the servants go out!"

Mrs. Zhang shook her head, clasped her hands together, and said sincerely: "My Buddha is merciful, Amitabha!"

Lin Lang stopped being angry when she heard this. These people, why do they always put their vain hopes on the Buddha, why can't they create with their own hands?

"Mom, if you feel sorry for others, why don't you feel sorry for yourself?" Linlang said as her eyes turned red, "Look at the environment you live in, and look at the servants around you, how can you look like a head of the house?" Madame should have it?"

Mrs. Zhang raised her head, and slowly shook her head at Lin Lang, "There are some things, don't force them, let things take their course!"

"Let nature take its course?" Lin Lang sneered, "I only believe in natural selection and survival of the fittest!"

"Okay, don't talk about these spoilers!" Mrs. Zhang pulled her daughter and sat on the chair, "You came here after a long time, and you came here to eat with me on purpose, don't break it because of this. Xingqi, mother knows that you love me, but Zifeiyu, how do you know Yuzhile?"

Lin Lang lowered her head, "But when I think of Daddy's little concubine living in luxury over there, while my mother can only live in this small courtyard with simple meals... I feel uncomfortable and panic!"

"What's so uncomfortable about this, everything now is what I asked for, not someone forced me, don't take it to heart, it's decent to live your own life!" Zhang said while asking his servants to It was delivered in the morning, and the morning was very simple, a bowl of clear porridge, a few dishes of side dishes, and a dish of steamed buns.

Lin Lang looked at the food on the table and couldn't swallow it, then looked at the mother who was eating with gusto, sighed, and ate with him, "Mother, if... If we can get out of here, how much will it be?" OK……"

"Leave here? Why do you want to leave here?" Zhang asked puzzled.

What else could it be? Isn't it because my damn ex-husband was reborn. If he hadn't been reborn, I would have no scruples about what to do, but when he was reborn, I took his place again in my previous life and killed him a lot His son has changed his dynasty, he can be said to be his enemy, can he allow himself to live?
Thinking of this, Lin Lang had a trace of sadness on her face, "I always feel that living like this is quite meaningless. I want to go out and have a look, and take my mother around, so I don't have to stay here all the time to suffer!"

The originally kind Mrs. Zhang put down her chopsticks when she heard this, and said with a serious face: "Lin Lang, mother doesn't understand why you have such an idea, but it's really not easy for you to understand this worldly woman. There is no way to survive in this world, you can only rely on your father, wait until the right age, betroth to others, then rely on your husband, and finally rely on your son..."

Lin Lang curled her lips, "You can't rely on your son or husband, and you still have to rely on yourself in the end..."

Don't blame your wolf for saying that, you have done this in your previous life when you traveled far away. The emperor doesn't like her at all. Although the original owner gave her a son, the emperor's heart is with his cousin and other concubines. For her and him , I am just a dispensable concubine!

Later, the emperor died, and there was absolutely no one to rely on. He originally wanted to rely on his son, but who thought that his son was too young to be relied on at all, and he couldn't make decisions for himself, so he gritted his teeth and relied on himself. After the queen died, she listened to the government behind the curtain and ascended to the throne!

"You..." Mrs. Zhang looked at her daughter hesitant to speak, and then patted Lin Lang's head, "There are so many ifs in the world, just live your life well!"

Linlang pulled out the corners of her mouth, forced a smile, and suddenly thought of something, took the bracelet off her wrist, and put it in Mrs Zhang's hand, "Mother, this is the bracelet my grandmother gave me, I see The texture is very good, and beautiful jade is the most nourishing for the body, so mother should take it with her!"

Mrs. Zhang looked at the valuable red jadeite, and shook her head, "Mother's health is good, you don't need these, you can keep it for yourself, our family Lin Lang has grown up and is now a big girl, she needs some trivial matters, yes Mother also bought a lot of jewelry when she was young, and now they are all stored in the warehouse, when you go back later, take them back and keep them for yourself!"

Lin Lang just wanted to say no, but seeing his mother's loving face, she nodded. After eating, Lin Lang talked with Mrs. Zhang for a while, and after reading scriptures for a while, she got up and left.

On the way back, Lin Lang ran into her own father, Lord Wang, and saluted him, "Dad, did you just come back from court?"

Lord Wang nodded, looked at Lin Lang, his cold eyes softened a bit, "Just came back from your mother?"

Lin Lang gave a "hmm" and then said, "It was dinner with my mother, and we talked for a while!"

Master Wang thought of something, and his eyes became cold again, "Alright, please spend more time with your mother, by the way, what is that maidservant holding in your hand? I think that box looks familiar?"

Lin Lang was taken aback when she heard this. She always thought that Lord Wang didn't care about her mother, otherwise she wouldn't have allowed her to eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha. Being able to recognize it, she began to doubt her guess...

"Mother gave me all the jewelry he used when he was young!" Lin Lang explained.

Mr. Wang's eyes were suddenly erratic, and he didn't know where his mind was flying. He suddenly came back to his senses and smiled at Lin Lang, "So it's like this, our Lin Lang has indeed grown up...tomorrow Daddy will let Yinlou People from here come over and give Lin Lang some more jewelry!"

(End of this chapter)

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