Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1444 After Husband’s Rebirth 4

Chapter 1444

Lin Lang wanted to refuse, but just now she thought that if she didn't want it, it would be cheaper for Mulan, so she nodded and said sweetly, "Thank you, Daddy!"

Master Wang nodded to Lin Lang in satisfaction, explained a few more words, and left.

Looking at the back of Mr. Wang going away, Lin Lang seemed to have lost something, and when she returned to her yard, she asked her maid, Bi Tao, to call her nurse over.

"Nurse, can you tell me about father and mother?" Lin Lang asked directly after sending everyone away.

The wet nurse looked at Lin Lang in surprise, "Why did the girl think of asking this?"

"I... I always feel that Daddy should care about young people, otherwise he wouldn't even know mother's old box..." Linlang said hesitantly.

The nurse smiled gently, and looked at Lin Lang kindly, "My silly girl, you don't need to worry about this!"

It seems that the nanny doesn't want to tell her the truth anymore, Lin Lang nodded casually, forced a smile at the nanny, and explained: "Actually... I don't inquire about these things for my own sake, but for my mother's sake. Mother, she is still young, so she can't be the ancient Buddha in Tsing Yi for a lifetime!
So I wonder if there is some misunderstanding between father and mother, if this misunderstanding is solved, will father and mother love each other as before..."

The nurse seemed unwilling to talk about this topic, "Madam and master are fine!"

When Lin Lang heard this, she could only end the topic, "Oh, good..."

There was no way to find an answer, so Lin Lang was naturally a little frustrated, so she hadn't been active for the past few days, so Bi Tao naturally saw it, and said with a smile: "Girl, since the nanny said that the master and the father and son have nothing to do, miss Why bother to go into a dead end? The servant girl has seen the young lady not thinking about eating and drinking these days, and her little face is almost starving... If you continue to entangle like this, you may hurt your body!"

Lin Lang raised her head and glanced at Bi Tao. She knew that this maid was arranged by the emperor to be by her side. She was usually very honest to death, but today she said such a thing. It is really bold. Could it be that someone taught him to do this behind his back? said?
Thinking of this, Lin Lang didn't dare to be petty, and smiled at Bi Tao, "You're right, I've been in a daze these days!"

Bi Tao picked up the teapot next to her and made a cup of clear tea for Lin Lang, "Girl, I heard that the peach blossoms in the White Horse Temple outside the city are just in bloom recently, why don't you go outside to relax and relieve your worries!"

White Horse Temple... Lin Lang thoughtfully, glanced at Bi Tao next to her quietly, and said, "Looking at the peach blossoms... that's fine, but I don't know if grandma agrees..."

"The old lady loves the girl so much, she will definitely agree!" Bi Tao said with a smile: "And I heard that the marriage at the White Horse Temple is the best first. Maybe after the girl goes there, she can ask for a lottery and marry in the future." A wishful gentleman!"

Hehehe... I really want to get married and live a peaceful life, but do you think the emperor would be willing to give up his work as a woman to others?Men, even if they don't want their own things, they don't want others to get them, especially women.

But even if he didn't want to go to the White Horse Temple, he still had to go. After all, Bitao kept letting him go, so there must be a reason for letting him go. He also wanted to see how that man wanted to deal with him?

Lin Lang forced a smile, and when she went to greet the old lady the next day, she said that she wanted to see peach blossoms.

The old lady squinted her eyes when she heard this, "I think when I was young, I used to go to the White Horse Temple outside the city to see peach blossoms... If you want to go, then go, and bring your sisters with you, You go together!"

Mulan curled her lips, she didn't want to see the peach blossoms, they were just a few flowers, what's so beautiful, they couldn't compare to the peonies in his yard!

But the old lady said that she didn't want to contradict the old lady, so she reluctantly agreed.

"My sister is going to see the peach blossoms at this time of year, isn't it because of spring?" Mulan said in a strange way.

Lin Lang pretended to be confused and asked: "What does my sister mean by saying this? I just think the peach blossoms on the mountain are very beautiful and I just want to go and see them. If looking at peach blossoms can also be said to be like spring, then the old lady is young. I often go to see it..."

Mulan was so angry that she was speechless. She accused Linlang, her chest heaved violently, but she couldn't say a word.

Lin Lang smiled at Mulan, "Sister, I actually don't understand. You can't blame me every time you say it, and you can't figure me out, but why do you always enjoy it every day? Could it be that you have masochism? Sigh, sister, you like me so much, so I am very worried, I am worried that after I get married, my sister will live a boring life without me. Then I will go and talk to my father, and after I get married, let my sister use ten I will marry you to my husband's house as a concubine!"

"You..." Mulan's little face turned pale with fright, "I don't want to be a concubine!"

Lin Lang patted Mulan's white and tender face, and said word by word: "Since you don't want to be someone else's concubine, why do you come to provoke me every day? Although it is easy to deal with people like you, no one wants to spend all day Flies are for company!

Also, although your aunt helps my mother manage the back house, don't forget that my mother is the real wife, and your aunt is just a concubine. In the future, your marriage will be decided by my mother, so you should So be good to me, if you really piss me off one day, I'll just find a bad old man and marry you off! "

"You..." Mulan covered her face and cried as she ran, "I want to tell Daddy that you bullied me!"

Lin Lang burst out laughing, "How old are you, and you still learn to sue your elders, it's really mud that can't support the wall!"

Bi Tao stood aside, seeing Lin Lang's appearance, her eyes flickered, and she said cautiously: "Miss, if the second miss tells the master what happened today, what should the miss do?"

"Let's do whatever we want. At worst, I'll say that my second sister and I are playing around, why would daddy trouble me for such a trivial matter!" Lin Lang smiled, "Okay, don't worry about such trivial matters, Tomorrow I'm going to see peach blossoms, you go and pack your things, prepare some thick clothes, and prepare some medicinal materials!"

"Okay!" Bitao agreed, and followed Lin Lang back to the yard. At night, Bitao avoided the guards and came to a remote place, whistled to the sky, and soon a man in black appeared. , Bitao handed him a letter and said exhortingly, "Be careful, don't be discovered by others!"

The black man nodded after holding the letter, then disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was in a magnificent palace, kneeling on the ground, holding the letter in both hands, "Master, here comes the letter! "

Before the eunuch stepped down, he picked up the letter, opened it and read it word by word.

The man sitting on the dragon chair corrected the memorial while listening to it. Suddenly, when he heard something, he suddenly stopped correcting the memorial and laughed, "It's so barbaric, like a little wild cat!"

(End of this chapter)

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