Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1450 Brother Chapter 1466 After the rebirth of the husband

Chapter 1450 Brother Chapter 1466 Ten after the rebirth of the husband

Moreover, she stayed in this noble position for three years. It was not until she gave birth to a child that she was promoted to a concubine, but this concubine stayed until the emperor passed away and was not promoted. How unpopular the emperor is!

Lin Lang didn't want to go into that muddy water at first, but fate still made her walk into that muddy water step by step. She could only accept her fate, and only hoped that she would be rejected when she participated in the draft.

But she didn't expect that her younger sister, Mulan, was rejected in the first round. On the contrary, he passed it despite his unsatisfactory performance.

But when she thought about it, she understood. After all, the original owner was a queen in her previous life. What if she married another man, gave birth to a child, and tried to usurp the throne?
So the emperor is very afraid, so he won't let himself marry someone else, this is why he has himself, no matter what he does, he will pass.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect you to come to the audition!" Miss Li walked over after seeing Lin Lang, with hatred on her face, especially when she remembered what her cousin said to her, she gritted her teeth with even more hatred, "Here It's not a place where cats and dogs can stay, I advise you to go back early to avoid being kicked out, that would be shameful!"

Lin Lang didn't want to pay attention to Miss Li's family. After all, the emperor has been reborn. Knowing what your young lady did in her previous life, she will never favor Miss Li's family again. So she is just a doomed cannon fodder, which does not arouse Lin Lang's interest at all!

"Hey, I'm asking you something. Are you deaf or dumb? Why don't you answer?" Seeing Lin Lang ignoring her, Miss Li became more angry and her voice became louder.

Lin Lang turned her head and looked at Miss Li's family very calmly, made a movement of silence, and then said in a low voice: "Miss Li's family, the important place of the palace, please don't make any noise!"

"You..." Miss Li's family became more and more angry, "What are you, you dare to teach me a lesson? Do you know who my aunt is? Do you know who my cousin is?"

Lin Lang nodded, "Of course I've heard of your lady's name, but no matter how famous your lady is, you have to abide by the rules!"

Miss Li raised her hand, just about to give you two a slap, at this moment, the nanny left, came out and looked at them and said: "Miss Li, I heard your voice from a long distance, but What happened?"

Miss Li still has scruples in her heart. After all, this is the palace and not her home. Besides, this nanny was sent by the emperor to supervise the draft. She still dare not offend her, so Miss Li withdrew her hand and said: " It's okay, I just met a familiar girl who came over to catch up!"

The nanny nodded approvingly, "It's fine as long as it's okay, the palace is important, no noise, no fighting, girls from the Li family often go in and out of the harem, I believe you should know this rule, right?"

Ms. Li closed her eyes and suppressed her anger in her heart, "I naturally know, I don't need you to remind me!"

The nanny said seriously: "It's good that Miss Li knows, it's getting late, all girls, let's go with this old slave!"

Lin Lang followed your girl without raising her head. This is a talent show, and every girl from each family can bring in a maid. Lin Lang didn't want to bring Bitao here. After all, she knew that Bitao was not her own. It's troublesome, but I don't know what's going on, the servants I chose were all sick, either this one had diarrhea, or that one had a cold and Linlang couldn't help it, that's why I chose Bitao!

Lin Lang naturally understood that someone was doing something wrong here, but he didn't dare to ostentatiously figure it out, so he could only admit it by gritting his teeth. Although he brought Bitao in, there are some things that Lin Lang still avoids. Looking at Bitao, thinking that if she is really selected, she must not bring Bitao in, and even if she does, she must find a chance to get rid of her.

A large group of girls were taken to a palace in the northwest corner with the nanny. Hundreds of girls were not assigned to forty or fifty rooms. Basically, four or five girls lived in one room. Two people live in one room or one person lives in one room, but these are very few.

Lin Lang lived in a room with five or six people. When she first entered, she found that the girls had come. The maids were packing up, and the little girls were sitting on the table eating pastries and talking.

"Here comes another one!" A round-faced little girl said with a smile.

Lin Lang smiled, and said to Bitao, "Go and pack your things!"

Bi Tao nodded, not daring to be negligent, she tidied up the allocated bed, made the bed again, and then smoked some incense in the quilt.

"Sister, my name is Xiaoman!" The round-faced girl said with a smile
Lin Lang nodded, "You can call me Lin Lang!"

Those who can be assigned together are basically of similar family background. Everyone has met once or twice, but they are not very familiar with each other. Now that they sit together and chat for a few more words, everyone gets to know each other very quickly. opened.

One of the girls lowered her head and whispered, "Do you guys know this is the inside story of the draft?"

"What's the inside story of the draft, isn't it filling the emperor's harem?" A girl said inexplicably.

"It is to fill the emperor's harem, but don't forget that since the emperor took the throne, the harem has not even had a high-ranking concubine, not even a queen. In addition to filling the emperor's harem, the most important thing is to choose a queen for the emperor!" The little girl She raised her eyebrows, "Do you know who has the best chance to be queen?"

"Of course it's the young lady of the Li family. Her aunt is the queen mother, and she grew up with the emperor. I heard that he and the emperor have a very good relationship. Isn't it obvious that he will be the queen?" The little girl picked up the melon seeds and licked them. Say.

Xiaoman shook her head, "Not necessarily, although your girl grew up with the emperor, but the status of the Li family is too low, and the background is too poor, if you want to be a queen, you may be in danger." ..."

Lin Lang stretched out her hand and knocked on the table, "Sisters, gossip is gossip, but don't talk about big things. If anyone with a heart hears it, it would be embarrassing to be sent out of the palace!"

Hearing this, the girls came to their senses, patted their chests, and nodded gratefully to Lin Lang, "You're right, this is really not something we should talk about, I think the maids also clean up Well, it's getting late, so I'll rest first!"

Lin Lang nodded to them, and was about to go back to her bed and sit down. Xiao Man suddenly walked over, grabbed Lin Lang's hand, and said, "Sister, I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you. Let's talk later. Don't gossip about the palace, let's just talk about what we usually do at home..."

Lin Lang patted Xiao Man's hand, took him to her bed and said, "I didn't do anything, I just greeted the old lady, embroidered, recited scriptures... How about you, sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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