Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1451 After Husband’s Rebirth 1

Chapter 1451
Xiaoman smiled embarrassedly, "Then I am much worse than my sister, my sister can sit at home, but I am like a monkey, I can't sit still at all, and I don't think about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting all day long. It's about which cakes are delicious..."

Lin Lang laughed immediately when she heard this, and thought this girl was very cute, so she patted her hand, "Don't think that you are inferior to others, in fact, you also have your own advantages!"

Xiaoman smiled very happily, "Sister, you are so kind, others say that I am an idiot, but you are the only one who thinks I am nice!"

For such a girl, Lin Lang naturally fell in love with him, and talked to him with a smile, but suddenly stopped while talking, her eyes widened.

Xiaoman looked at Linlang and waved her hand in front of her eyes, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

It was only then that Lin Lang came to her senses and forced a smile, "I just suddenly realized that it's getting late. If we continue talking like this, it will probably be dawn soon!"

Xiaoman patted herself on the forehead, "My sister and I were so happy talking, I almost forgot the time, let's talk about it another day!"

After Lin Lang sent Xiao Man away, she lay on the bed. In order not to let others see her abnormality, she not only pulled down the curtain of the bed, but also shrank under the quilt.

"Damn it, it's not enough to put a servant girl by my side, now you put another girl by my side, why don't you worry about me?" Linlang said indignantly, "Besides, it's not you who was robbed by the original owner." The throne of the original owner, but the throne of the original owner's son. Besides, after the original owner became the queen, he helped to manage the country in an orderly manner, and later returned the throne to your grandson. What are you dissatisfied with? Is it possible to kill him? How many sons do you have? But they deserve it, if they didn’t want to usurp the throne, the original owner wouldn’t have done it at all!”

Lin Lang muttered, and she was afraid that people outside would notice the abnormality, so she was careful, but when the time passed, she couldn't hold it anymore, so she slowly fell asleep.

When she woke up on the second day, Lin Lang found that most of the show girls had left, and she and Xiao Man were the only ones left in the room. Lin Lang sat up quickly, and called Xiao Man to get up while putting on her clothes, "Xiao Man Don't sleep, get up quickly, they are all gone!"

Xiaoman opened her eyes suddenly, looked around for a while, wiped off the saliva from the corners of her mouth, hurriedly put on her clothes and said anxiously, "Why didn't they say anything when they left?"

Why do they say it?If one more person is late, they will have one less person to compete, so they naturally wish for it.

Lin Lang shook her head, put on her clothes hastily, dragged Xiao Man to the meeting place, and when she arrived, she found that all the efficiency had come, and there were only the two of them left.

"Linlangxiu, Xiaomanxiu, although you two are not late this time, you are the last to arrive. I hope you two will have a little sense of time next time!" the nanny said seriously.

Lin Lang nodded quickly and pulled Xiao Man to stand in her place, learning the rules with the nanny. After the hard work was over, Lin Lang felt that her hands and feet were not her own anymore.

"Sister, are you hungry? This is a pastry I brought from home, if you don't mind..."

Because of being late, I haven't eaten yet. Looking at the pastry in Xiaoman's hand, Linlang's heart is wavering. She is afraid that it will be poisonous when she eats, and she will feel hungry if she doesn't eat. However, she thinks that this is the palace. Xiaoman couldn't be too much in front of so many people, and even if the emperor wanted to kill herself, he probably would have done it long ago, and it was impossible to delay until now, so she took the pastry in peace and put it in mouth.

Because it had been left for a day and a night, the pastries were not tasty, on the contrary they were rather dry, and Lin Lang had to put in a lot of effort to swallow the pastries.

"Thank you so much!" Lin Lang said gratefully.

Xiaoman was still a little embarrassed, "It's fine if my sister doesn't dislike me for being an idiot!"

Lin Lang smiled, thinking of what happened yesterday, she still had some lingering fears. In fact, at the beginning, he never thought that Xiao Man would be the Emperor's man, but after chatting with her, she felt that something was wrong, because this Xiao Man was always Expand around yourself, although you will talk about your own affairs, but they are all trivial things.

Not only that, Lin Lang also found that there were some calluses on the mouth of Xiaoman's pot. Although they had almost disappeared, they could still be felt. This was why Lin Lang felt startled after shaking hands with her.

What's more frightening is that although Xiaoman has practiced martial arts, he doesn't have any internal energy in his whole body. There are only two explanations here. The first explanation is that Xiaoman's martial arts practice has no internal energy, and the second explanation is that Xiaoman will practice with great difficulty. All the internal strength that has been achieved has been crippled. If it is really the second type, how much perseverance will be required, it is really terrible.

Lin Lang lowered her head, and her head started to break out in cold sweat. Seeing that Lin Lang was sweating, Xiao Man took out a handkerchief from her arms and helped Lin Lang wipe it off, "Sister, let's not sit here anymore, the sun is too hot Too much, what should I do if I burn my face? Let's sit in the shade!"

Lin Lang nodded, absent-mindedly followed Xiao Man to sit under the tree, rested, thinking about what happened that day, wondering if she had shown any signs during this time, but thinking back, she really wanted to go, except Except for Mulan's side being a bit stronger, there really wasn't anything that showed her feet.

"Sister, what are you thinking about? Are you so preoccupied?" Xiaoman asked with concern.

Lin Lang raised her head and smiled reluctantly, "I'm thinking about my maid, when he can learn the rules and come back to me, otherwise... I wouldn't be late because I overslept today!"

Hearing this, Xiaoman said dejectedly: "I miss my maid too. If she was here, I wouldn't stay in bed at all... And I also want to go home. There is no maid here. What I said is so good, there is no delicious pastry, I can't sleep well, and there are too many rules... Sister, I am really uncomfortable..."

Lin Lang lowered her head, and couldn't help but slander in her heart, just pretend for me, you don't like the palace?Hehe, this is really the biggest lie in the world, you were born in the palace, the rules are as simple as eating for you.

Even though she thought so, Lin Lang still pretended to be consoling, "Actually, the palace is also very good. If we are lucky enough to be selected, we can enter the palace and become empresses. We can eat whatever we want..."

"Really? Then I want to eat braised pork trotters, stewed lamb chops, braised pork... I also want to eat lotus root starch, osmanthus cake, chestnut cake, carrot cake..." Xiaoman said happily.

"Hehe, you still want to stand for the election just because of your looks? What a big joke!" A mocking voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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