Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1456 After Husband’s Rebirth 6

Chapter 1456
On the first night of entering the palace, after spending the night, Lin Lang thought she would be able to fall asleep quickly lying on the comfortable big bed, but she didn't expect that she had insomnia. Yes, she had insomnia, and she didn't fall asleep until dawn .

"Your Majesty hasn't woken up until now, do you need us to go in and remind you?"

"What are you crazy about? We can't do this, let the maid brought by the empress do it!"

"Hurry up and talk about it, or the sun will burn your butt!"

"What? You asked me to wake up the empress? Is this necessary? Anyway, I don't need to greet people, so is it necessary to wake up so early?"

"Who said that there is no need to pay respects to others, the concubine An has attacked yesterday, she is currently the most important concubine in the palace, and several concubines below have said that they are going to pay respects to the concubine An, if our concubine goes late, What if someone tells you gossip?"

"This... that's fine, I'll go and call your empress..."


Lin Lang vaguely heard the sound outside, and slowly opened her eyes, only to hear the sound of the door opening, her footsteps were light, and the maid she brought from home came over, and said softly: "Ma'am, it's already dark It's late……"

Lin Lang followed and nodded, only feeling dizzy, "I heard what you just said outside, you have to remember, you are the person brought by Bengong from home, and you represent Bengong Forget about this time, forget it this time, next time, don't let them lead you by the nose easily!"

The servant girl lowered her head a little ashamedly, "Your Majesty said yes, but... this servant is thinking, since everyone has gone to pay her respects to Concubine An, we must not fall behind, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Lin Lang said nonchalantly: "Then Concubine An is just a concubine no matter what, we eagerly go to salute her, where will the Empress' face be placed?"

In fact, if Concubine An was someone else, Lin Lang would definitely go over eagerly and salute, even if the empress would not like it, but all the concubines in the harem have gone, the law does not blame the public, even if the empress does not like it, she will not punish herself!

But who is Concubine An now, the queen of her previous life, if she goes to salute Concubine An by herself, isn't it poking the emperor's heart?
So Lin Lang would rather offend Concubine An than the Emperor. After all, Concubine An is just a small concubine, and the Emperor is the big boss of the entire harem.

When the servant girl heard this, her eyes flickered, "Then... Your Majesty, what should we do next?"

Lin Lang sat up and said, "Let someone prepare a generous gift for Concubine An, and at the same time prepare some inconspicuous gifts, and send them to those people one by one according to their titles!"

The servant girl nodded, "Yes, the servant girl will go down to do it right away!"

Linlang nodded, yawned, and lay down on the bed again, "It's still early, I'll sleep a little longer, if someone asks you about me, and you say that I'm in the palace on the first day, I'm a bit sick. I'm sick, I'm resting!"

The maid respectfully agreed, and after watching Lin Lang fall asleep, she left the room gently. After walking outside, she dragged the maids and eunuchs to another courtyard, and explained to them what they were going to do next. .

Here, Concubine An looked at the concubines below who came to pay her respects, and suddenly felt like she was a queen, her eyes and brows were full of pride.

"Sisters are so polite!" Concubine An said softly.

"Your Majesty is joking, being able to greet Your Majesty is a blessing that we will not be able to cultivate in a few lifetimes!" A talented person said with a smile.

Concubine An lowered her head, "My sister was joking, what kind of blessing is paying respects to the palace, but what a blessing to greet the empress!"

Speaking of Empress Empress... I don’t know if it’s his luck or bad luck, because it’s the Empress Empress, so the matter of conferring the empress should be cautious. All these concubines have entered the palace, but the Empress Empress has to because It is the mother of a country, it is impossible to just use a small sedan chair to carry it in casually.

First of all, after the conferment, the Qin Tianjian must choose an auspicious day, after the six ceremonies, give the dowry, get married... Finally, choose another auspicious day, the emperor can go to marry the queen...

But this set of procedures can't be done within a year or two, so these concubines envy the empress and sympathize with the empress. You say that you can only enter the palace in a year or two. During this period, how many things have to happen...

"It's still early for the empress to enter the palace. Even if we want to greet the empress, we have to wait at least a year later..." A nobleman squeezed a handkerchief and smiled, "But the harem cannot be left alone for a day, Although the empress is not here, our group of people are going to run into walls everywhere because there is no leader, so it is very suitable to choose a high-ranking concubine to manage the harem..."

Concubine An's eyes flickered, and she had to say that she was really moved when she heard this sentence. Normally, her status is not bad, but the elders in the family have no real power and only clear names, otherwise the position of queen would be her own up.

It's a pity that it's not up to her to decide whether to be a queen or not. It can only be said that fate is unpredictable. Of course, she is still very excited about managing the harem. If she takes advantage of the time when the queen has not yet entered the palace, she can take charge of the harem and cultivate her own manpower. , then in the future, it will definitely bring me a lot of benefits.

Concubine An was thinking about it and suddenly a concubine said: "If I remember correctly, Concubine Hui entered the palace yesterday, why hasn't she come to pay her respects?"

"No way, we all made an appointment together to greet the empress, how could she not know, could it be that she didn't come on purpose?"

Concubine An's complexion changed when she heard this, but she still smiled politely, "Maybe...she was delayed by something..."

"What can delay paying respects to Concubine An? It means that she still doesn't take this matter to heart, she's just a small concubine, she's so ignorant!"

"That's right, it's just a small fifth-rank official, and if she can be favored by the emperor, it's only because of her cleverness in wearing plain clothes that she gets the emperor's favor!"

"Heh, how much upbringing can a daughter of a fifth-rank official have? Being able to be sisters with our group of people, I feel that it has lowered the grade of our group of people!"

"Do you think that you have become a concubine, so you are so ignorant? Sooner or later, you will fall down and be smashed to pieces!"


When Concubine An heard what they said, she also felt a little uneasy, suppressed her anger, and said, "Forget it, if you don't come to pay my respects, I can't force them to come and pay my respects, after all, I am not a queen." ..."

"However, Your Majesty is the concubine with the highest position in the harem, what is she, why doesn't she come to pay her respects?" said the little nobleman indignantly.

"Your Majesty, the maid next to Concubine Hui is here, and she said that Concubine Hui asked her to come over to pay her respects!" A palace maid came in, knelt on the ground, saluted all the concubines respectfully, and turned to the concubines above. An Fei said.

(End of this chapter)

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