Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1457 After Husband’s Rebirth 7

Chapter 1457
Concubine An frowned, "Is it just to greet you?"

The maid of honor lowered her head and replied honestly: "Not only did you come to pay your respects, but you also brought some congratulatory gifts!"

Concubine An's face was light, "Since you're here, let someone come in!"

After the servant girl came in, she bowed to Concubine An first, and then greeted all the empresses, "Concubine An, my master originally wanted to come over to greet you, but I couldn't live up to my expectations. I just entered the palace and felt weak. Chi, because I was afraid of passing on my sickness to my mother, so I didn't come here to say hello to my mother!"

A nobleman heard this and said in a strange way: "Heh, I fell ill as soon as I entered the palace. I'm afraid it's against the palace. I'm really unlucky!"

"What are you talking about, sister!" Concubine An suddenly felt that what this nobleman said was good, but so far, she had no plans to turn against Concubine Hui, so she stopped her and turned to the maid and said, "Since my sister If she is not feeling well, let her take good care of her, and when she recovers, it will not be too late to come back!"

Hearing this, the servant girl curled her lips in contempt, hehe, let our master greet you, you really have a big face, our master is still a concubine no matter what, even if you want to greet you, it is for the queen Hello, what are you?
The servant girl didn't show it on her face, but said respectfully: "Thank you, Concubine An, I will definitely tell Concubine Hui after I return!"

Concubine An impatiently waved her hand, and after sending the maid away, she looked around at the concubines below, and said casually: "Most of the concubines have already entered the palace, and I don't know when the emperor will start favoring..."

Hearing this, all the concubines lowered their heads, showing a shy expression. Everyone's eyes revealed that they must win. After all, the first one to be favored means that she is the No. 1 new concubine!
Here, Pei Zhang first put down the brush, glanced at the clock leak in the corner, and said, "She...should be entering the palace today?"

The eunuch naturally knew who the emperor was referring to, and replied respectfully with his head down: "Yes, I heard the report from the workers below, saying that they came early in the morning, but they seem to be in a bad mood, and have been lying on the bed resting !"

Pei Zhang stood up first, "If that's the case, then I'll go and have a look!"

The eunuch's eyelids twitched, he immediately lowered his head to hide the guilty conscience on his face, and followed the emperor to Linlang's palace!

"The Emperor is here!"

Hearing the sound from outside, Lin Lang almost fell off the bed. She quickly got dressed under the maid's clothes, walked over in a hurry, and knelt on the ground.

"My concubine, get up, the ground is cold, be careful of the wind and cold!" A pair of strong palms helped Lin Lang up, and his voice was warm and majestic. ?”

Lin Lang kept her head down and replied cautiously: "Reporting to the emperor is not a serious illness, it's just that I'm not used to it when I come to a strange place, it will be fine after a while!"

"It's good if you're not sick!" Pei Zhang first looked at Lin Lang with her head down, smiled softly, and led Lin Lang to the house together, "It's getting late, can my concubine have dinner?"

"Reporting to the emperor, my concubine's appetite was a bit unwell, so I didn't eat any meals!" Lin Lang replied honestly.

Pei Zhang didn't know what he thought of, so he laughed all of a sudden, "Why are you so honest today?"

Lin Lang frowned slightly, not understanding what the emperor said, only to hear Pei Zhangxian say again: "I've been here for so long, don't you intend to look up at me?"

"Looking directly at the Son of Heaven is a serious crime!" Lin Lang shrank slightly, like a frightened deer, weak and lovable.

"I forgive you for your innocence!" Pei Zhangxian waved his hand and said.

Lin Lang raised her head slowly when she heard this, and then pretended to be panicked and knelt on the ground again, her eyes were wide open, filled with disbelief, "Your Majesty...you...how..."

Pei Zhangxian was obviously pleased by Lin Lang's appearance, and said with a smile, "Did you recognize me?"

Linlang pretended to be scared, and her clear and bright eyes instantly became foggy, "The emperor...the concubine...the concubine didn't say those words on purpose...nor did she mean to slander the emperor's reputation... , but everyone has been discussing this matter, my concubine..."

Pei Zhang waved his hand first, and helped Lin Lang up, "It's okay, I didn't take this matter to heart, but you have to remember, don't say anything in the future, or you won't know what offended anyone!"

Lin Lang obediently nodded and agreed, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your suggestion!"

Pei Zhang first looked at such an obedient Lin Lang, and was very satisfied in his heart. It would be great if this woman could be so obedient forever, so his eyes became softer, and he asked someone to serve the evening, and the two of them shared dinner together. She thought she would spoil Lin Lang that night, but later she thought that it was not in compliance with the regulations, so she had to leave disappointed. Before leaving, she even gave Lin Lang a lot of medicinal materials and jewelry.

Looking at the shining golden jewelry, Linlang's mouth curled into a sneering arc, "Are you trying to paralyze me with jewelry? Hehehe... You really underestimate me? I have suffered so much from women in my previous life. Long memory, I hope that in the next life, I can grow my mind and don't fall into the hands of women again..."

"Master, what were you muttering just now?" The servant girl walked in excitedly with the account book in hand, and when she saw Lin Lang talking, she stopped and asked suspiciously.

Lin Lang threw the jewels in her hand on the tray, "It's nothing, after registering these jewels, put them in the warehouse!"

"Yes!" the servant girl said while holding a note, the smile on her face could not be stopped, "Master, the emperor came to visit you whenever you were sick, which shows that the emperor cares about you, you should strike while the iron is hot and get it as soon as possible." The emperor's favor, when the time comes to give birth to a little prince..."

"This kind of thing is not up to us. You manage the people below and make them keep their mouths tight!" Lin Lang said casually.

The servant girl smiled, but quickly stopped the microphone, because he knew that the master hated people with broken mouths the most. Look at that Bi Tao, how favored she was at the beginning, but it turned out that she offended the master because of her unsatisfactory mouth. That's how it was sold.

Early the next morning, before Lin Lang woke up, she heard movement outside.

"Is Empress Hui still awake?"

"Returning to Mrs. Bing, the empress is not feeling well these days, so she has been getting up late all the time. If the nobleman wants to see the empress, you should come back in the afternoon!"

"This...how about I wait a little longer, anyway, I have nothing to do today..."

"My lord, it's not a problem to sit here, why don't you go back first, after the empress wakes up, the servant will definitely tell the empress about your visit today!"

"Oh, Empress Concubine Hui is not feeling well. I should have come to visit a long time ago, but this day was delayed by something, so I never came to visit, so I have been feeling sorry for it. Now, if there is anything wrong today, whoever will Come here and say hello to the empress, as for the empress not waking up... then it doesn't matter, at worst I'll wait, anyway I have nothing to do today!"

(End of this chapter)

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