Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1458 After Husband’s Rebirth 8

Chapter 1458 Eighteen After Husband's Rebirth
Listening to the conversation outside, Lin Lang felt her head hurt a little, and shouted to the outside, "Come on, come in and wait for me to freshen up!"

"Your Majesty, you also heard Your Majesty calling me, why don't you move to the living room first, and wait for your Majesty to tidy up before going to see you!"

"OK then……"

After a burst of noise, the servant girls came in with the maids. Some of them helped Lin Lang wash and wash, while others made Lin Lang's bed!

"Heard the noise outside early in the morning? Who's here?" There was a trace of fatigue between Lin Lang's eyebrows and eyes.

The servant girl snorted coldly, and said with a hint of contempt: "Who else could it be? It's nothing more than those people who flew over when they smelled the smell of meat. It's really..."

Lin Lang raised her hand and interrupted the servant girl's words, "Since you're here, send someone to treat you well, and when you're putting on makeup for Ben Gong, try to turn your face as pale as possible!"

After all, if he said that he was sick, if his complexion was rosy, wouldn't that be slapping himself in the face?
Just like that, Lin Lang went out with a pale face. When she saw the living room full of people, she frowned so much that she could kill mosquitoes, "This..."

"Miss Concubine Hui is here!" After seeing Lin Lang coming, the women stood up one after another, looking like a wolf who had been hungry for dozens of days and suddenly saw a piece of meat, "Is your body better? Concubine I brought some good medicine from home, if you don't mind, you can try some, it's very nourishing!"

"Your Majesty, what if you eat your food and damage your body? My Majesty, this is a tonic I brought from home, please keep it..."

"Your Majesty, I have a few prescriptions for nourishing the body..."

"My lady..."

"My lady..."


Lin Lang only felt that there were 1000 ducks, no, it should be said that there were 5000 ducks chirping in her ears, and her head was about to burst.

"Stop!" Lin Lang said to them, "You guys are too noisy, can you be quiet, my head is going to explode!"

"Your Majesty, aren't we..." A nobleman said shyly, "I hope you will recover soon after taking the medicine we gave you, and you don't have any bad intentions!"

There is no bad intention, hehe, your bad intentions are almost written on your face, it is nothing more than thinking that the emperor will give me money after coming here, but in fact, you want to come here to try your luck and see if you can meet the emperor , but girls, you really made the wrong idea. The man didn’t do anything to you yesterday, and it’s even more impossible to do it tonight. After all, a man has no feeling at all when he is facing a sick woman. of.

"Then I would like to thank all my sisters for their kindness, but I am not fit enough to entertain you all well. Is it really my fault..." Lin Lang waved at them, "So since all my sisters have finished inviting Alright, let's go!"

Those women, look at me, I look at you, their eyes are full of resentment, they say they are here to pay their respects, but everyone knows the purpose of coming here, that is to meet the emperor, of course, if you can get the emperor's favor Favor is even better.

"Sister, although we are here to greet you, we want to come and see you more, and please don't drive us away!"

"Yes, sister, you are sick, it's boring to stay in the yard alone, let us accompany you, it's good to talk!"

"Sister, I don't have any other skills, I can tell jokes, otherwise you will be happy after hearing my jokes, so don't drive me away, let me stay and tell you jokes!"

"Sister, we came to greet you. Letting us go without even drinking a cup of tea is too unreasonable. Let us stay here for a while. Anyway, my sister is not short of stuttering and drinking. yes, right?"

"I fell in love with my sister at first sight. I really want to stay here more and catch up with my sister!"


Lin Lang was really bored, and waved her hands casually a few times, "I know you sisters want to talk to me, but my body is really not up to snuff, and now I just want to lie on the bed and have a good rest, if brothers and sisters want to If you stay in my yard, then stay, anyway, I don't care, as long as you don't think I'm not entertaining enough!"

"How could it be? Since my sister wants to go to rest, let's go to rest. Anyway, the scenery in my sister's yard is so beautiful, and it's pretty good for us to see the scenery!"

"That's right, if my sister is not feeling well, then go to rest early, and then you can serve the emperor earlier. As for us, sister, don't worry, we will take care of ourselves!"

Hearing what they said, Lin Lang also knew that they didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back. She nodded casually, told the palace people to take care of her, then turned around and went back to her room, and lay down on the bed while closing the doors and windows. fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she found that she could no longer hear the noise outside. She sat up, put on a piece of clothing, opened the wooden door, and found that the yard was quiet.

"Master!" The maid saw Lin Lang getting up, her eyes lit up, and she walked over, "Master, it's windy outside, let's go in!"

Lin Lang also felt a little cold, so she nodded. After entering the room, she got dressed under the service of the maid and asked, "Where are those people?"

The servant girl said: "At noon, the eunuch next to the queen came, and told them to go back to their respective courtyards, and told them not to run around when they have nothing to do!"

Lin Lang's expression was still a little sick, "So they all left?"

"Yes, it is estimated that they will not bother the master during this period of time!" The servant girl said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Lang nodded, "During the time I fell asleep, besides this, did anything else happen?"

"Hmm..." The servant girl thought for a while, and then whispered: "Li Guiren has entered the palace, and after seeing the courtyard allotted to him, he was very angry and moved directly to live with the Queen Mother!"

Lin Lang laughed all of a sudden, "This noble lady really doesn't have a brain, and she doesn't even think about it. If she moves to live with the Queen Mother, even if the Emperor likes her, he won't spoil her!"

"Ah? Why? Could it be that it's because Li Guiren despises his small yard?" The maid asked in a daze, "I heard that Li Guiren is a childhood sweetheart, the emperor can't despise you, right?"

"Your Majesty has all the power in the world, you can have any woman you want, but think about a man, but any normal man would pamper other women in his mother's yard?" He just laughed, "This Li Guiren, he was quite smart at the beginning, why is he getting more and more stupid now?"

"Ah?" The servant girl's face turned red, "That Li Guiren is really pitiful... Not only did he not get any benefits, but he was also rejected by the emperor..."

(End of this chapter)

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