Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1461 After Husband’s Rebirth 21

Chapter 1461 After Husband’s Rebirth 21
Everyone had their own thoughts on this meal, so they didn't enjoy it very much. After finishing the meal, Lin Lang really didn't want to stay any longer, so she just found a reason and left.

Not long after leaving Concubine Lin's palace, Concubine An followed, "Concubine Hui, don't blame me for not reminding you, she is still a concubine anyway, don't do petty things, it will make people look down upon you for no reason!"

Hehehe, if you were a queen in your previous life, it’s fine if you teach me a lesson, but unfortunately you are only a concubine now, and the emperor still remembers what happened in your previous life, so what face do you have to show off in front of me!

"Concubine An is right. Some people need to have self-knowledge. They will do what they want in whatever position they are in. Don't try to fly on a branch to become a phoenix. Be careful that you will fall to your death!" Lin Lang nodded unceremoniously. go back.

Concubine An became so angry that her face turned ferocious. Yes, she wanted to be a queen, but there was nothing wrong with that. Although her father's official position was small, their family was well-known. A concubine?
"Okay, remember what you said!" An Fei left angrily.

On the way back, the servant girl said with lingering fear, "We offended Concubine An just like that, will we get his revenge?"

"It's just a concubine, what are you afraid of? It's not a queen!" Lin Lang said very flatly, "Besides, what can she do to retaliate against me? The only thing Concubine An is better than me is her grandfather, but compared to others, the two of us It doesn't matter personally, she wants to take revenge on me? I think it's better to save it, she can't protect herself!"

"Ah?" The servant girl tilted her head and asked without knowing why, "Why did your empress say that?"

"Concubine An's ambition is written all over her face, anyone who is not blind can see it, and no man will like an ambitious woman, they like a virtuous woman who is virtuous and law-abiding!" Linlang said here, the corner of her mouth flicked A hint of sarcasm, yes, what the emperor likes most is a woman who keeps his own place. Just because he was the emperor in his previous life, he repeatedly put himself into the palace regardless of his own wishes, because only when he looks under his own eyes, will he feel safe.

Lin Lang didn't continue talking. When he returned to the palace, he found that the palace was brightly lit, and there were eunuchs and guards standing under the eaves. She frowned and walked forward. When someone found him back, she knelt down. down.

"Greetings to Concubine Hui!"

Lin Lang raised her hand, "Get up!"

As soon as the words were finished, the eunuch next to the emperor came out, and when he saw Lin Lang, he had a flattering expression on his face, "The empress is back, the emperor is waiting for you in the room!"

Linlang's eyes flickered, and she walked into the room with the eunuch, only to find that the emperor was standing in front of her desk, looking at the words she wrote, in a daze!
Pei Zhang first raised his head after hearing the movement, "Your handwriting is pretty good?"

Lin Lang showed a shy expression, "This is the only word my concubine can handle!"

Pei Zhang smiled first, and said tentatively: "I see that you are generous and easy-going. People say that you are easy-going, and you must be the same!"

Lin Lang laughed all of a sudden, "It's a concubine's blessing to be praised by the emperor, but a concubine really can't be praised by the emperor... This word is indeed good, but this time it was copied by the concubine from the master's copybook of!"

Pei Zhangxian nodded flatly, "That's not bad, by the way, you came back so late, where did you go?"

"Accompanying Concubine An and Concubine Lin for dinner!" Lin Lang didn't hide anything, "We also discussed about the management of the harem and came up with the regulations!"

"That's not bad!" Pei Zhangxian praised, "Don't let me disappoint my trust in you!"

"Yes!" Lin Lang nodded politely, revealing her white and slender neck, which was soft and delicate, making Pei Zhangxian's eyes gradually darken, and his voice was hoarse, "It's getting late, let's settle down earlier!"

When Lin Lang woke up again, it was already the morning of the second day. According to the rules, she should go to pay her respects to the empress, but the empress hadn't entered the palace yet, so Lin Lang slept again.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Lin is here!" When Lin Lang woke up again, the servant girl whispered in her ear.

Lin Lang nodded, put on the clothes under the palace clothes, and covered the mark on the neck, and then went out slowly, "I kept my sister waiting for a long time!"

Concubine Lin put down the teacup in her hand, and the collision of porcelain echoed in the room. At this moment, the space suddenly became silent, and Concubine Lin's face became more and more ugly. !"

Lin Lang took the master seat, "I don't understand what Concubine Lin is talking about. Is it because the concubine is late? But that's because the concubine was still sleeping when the concubine Lin came, so I didn't prepare in advance. Concubine Lin, don't take offense!"

Concubine Lin sneered, "Are you blaming me for coming uninvited?"

Lin Lang lowered her head, with a hint of acquiescence, she didn't come here uninvited!

Seeing Lin Lang's appearance, Concubine Lin was so angry that her heart ached, "Sister, this is only the first time you have been favored, so what's there to be proud of!"

Nothing to be proud of, but why are you so nervous?It's only early in the morning, and you came here to ask the teacher, do you think you are easy to bully?
"Concubine Lin, instead of blaming me here, I might as well think about how to win the favor of the emperor!" Lin Lang asked his servants to bring the teacup, fiddled with the lid gracefully, and said casually: "Concubine Lin It's really embarrassing to do this..."

"You...you..." Concubine Lin pointed at Lin Lang, too angry to say anything.

Lin Lang looked at Concubine Lin and said, "Concubine Lin, what is your intention when you come to this concubine, you know in your heart, but don't think that I am a soft persimmon, you can pinch it casually!"

Concubine Lin's face turned red with anger, "Okay, I don't care about you, I want to see how long you can be favored!"

Lin Lang smiled, and touched her stomach, "I don't need to worry about this, Concubine Lin. The concubine became a pet last night. This stomach may already have the emperor's flesh and blood. In a few months, it may be in the harem." One more prince can be added in the middle... At that time, I will have both a child and a pamper, and it will be better than some people... who have nothing..."

"You...you still want to conceive a prince? What a wishful thinking!" Concubine Lin said through gritted teeth.

"The concubine is not wishful thinking. After all, it is quite normal for a concubine to be favored and become pregnant. It is a real wishful thinking compared to someone who cannot be favored but still wants to have children!" Lin Lang said with all her strength. Putting down the teacup, there was a cold light in his eyes, and the words he said were cold and heartless, "Come on, send Concubine Lin out, and from now on, no one will be allowed in without my palace's permission!"

(End of this chapter)

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