Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1462 After Husband’s Rebirth 22

Chapter 1462 After Husband’s Rebirth 22

After seeing Concubine Lin away, Linlang's palace was indeed a lot quieter. As for the concubines below, due to the relatively high position of the betel nut, there was no trouble to find Linlang.

As for Concubine An, the two of them had already torn their skins last night, and Concubine An would never look for her again with the cheek, so Lin Lang is now safe and sound.

Time passed in a flash. During this period of a month, the concubines in the harem were favored one after another, but Lin Lang was the most favored. There were always seven or eight days in a month when he could see the emperor.

Lin Lang also knew from Pei Zhangxian's attitude that she could give birth to a child, which was a good thing for herself. After all, if she wanted to become a queen, she must have a child of her own. After having a child, you can rely on the child to become the emperor, listen to the government behind the curtain, and then gain power!
However, although the emperor favored those concubines, he didn't have the status to give birth to those concubines. Lin Lang thought, Pei Zhang didn't give those concubines the status, it should be thinking that after the queen enters the palace, the queen will promote the status of those concubines!

Another three months have passed, and the process of the emperor's marriage has begun. The entire front court and the harem have begun to get busy. Lin Lang has more and more work in her hands, and she leaves early and returns late all day long. After waking up, he suddenly felt dizzy, and when he woke up again, he found a large group of people standing inside and outside the room, and the emperor was sitting on the head of his bed with an inexplicable expression on his face.

"Your Majesty is awake!" The servant girl's eyes lit up when she saw Lin Lang waking up, with a trace of surprise in her expression, "Congratulations to Your Majesty, Congratulations to Your Majesty, the Thai language just said that Your Majesty has been married for a month!"

Oh, no wonder Pei Zhangxian's expression is so inexplicable. It turned out that he was pregnant. Thinking of the child of the original owner in her previous life, Lin Lang couldn't help but sigh. That child is a good child, but he was raised a little naively!
"Your Majesty, is this true? This concubine is going to have your child?" Lin Lang grabbed Pei Zhangxian's hand, her pale face was full of disbelief, and her beautiful almond eyes were filled with tears.

Pei Zhang hesitated for a long time, and then nodded slowly. In fact, Lin Lang was pregnant by his acquiescence. After all, if he didn't have that child, his throne might have been taken away by others.

"You are indeed pregnant!" Pei Zhang patted Lin Lang's hand first, and continued: "The imperial doctor said that you fainted today because you haven't rested well during this period, so in the next time, you Don't manage the harem any more, and hand everything over to Lin Lang and Concubine An, so just stay in the palace and have a baby!"

Lin Lang nodded, and replied meekly: "Everything is up to the emperor!"

Pei Zhang looked at Lin Lang's stomach first, with a hint of tenderness in his eyes, "Take good care of yourself, and order your servants to get whatever you want, don't wrong yourself, let alone my child!"

Lin Lang agreed shyly. The emperor didn't stay here for long, so he left after talking for a while. A large selection of supplements and jewellery.

The news of Lin Lang's pregnancy quickly spread throughout the harem. Concubine Lin and Concubine An didn't know whether to be happy first or angry?She was happy because she got Linlang's responsibility to manage the harem, but she was angry because both of them had an affair with Linlang, and now that Linlang was pregnant, it was no good for the two of them.

Over here, Li Guiren was sitting on a chair, with a veil covering his face, and was crying all the time.

The Queen Mother was so quarreled that her head hurt, "Okay, don't cry anymore, what's the use of crying more, the emperor won't see it!"

"But..." Li Guiren said sobbingly: "Auntie, you must make the decision for me. Until now, the emperor has not favored me. If this continues, I will be a widow for the rest of my life!

The Li family worked hard to train me, so I can't be a widow for the rest of my life, I still want to be favored by the emperor, conceive a prince, and make the Li family rich for decades..."

The queen mother also had a headache, "What's the use of telling Aijia about this? If the emperor doesn't come here, Aijia can't force him to come here!"

Li Guiren muttered, "But Auntie, you are the emperor's biological mother. If you want to see the emperor, how could the emperor not come..."

The queen mother sighed when she heard this, "You haven't had enough of the lesson from last time. The emperor doesn't like you in the first place. If you try to get closer to him, he will probably dislike you even more..."

"But... I can't stay like this for the rest of my life..." Li Guiren said sadly, "You have seen the paintings, and now you are pregnant, but I don't even have a shadow here... Aunt, you But you must help me!"

"The Ai family wants to help you, but the rogue emperor doesn't like you. Forget it, you'd better stay under the knees of the Ai family. As for the Li family, I have already asked them to raise some other girls. When there is another draft, let them send those children in..." The queen mother stood up, "The Ai family can only do this for the Li family, and the rest... just leave it to fate!"

Although Li Guiren was not reconciled, but the queen mother said so, she could only swallow her reluctance, but she really couldn't understand that her cousin was so kind to her back then, and even said that she wanted to marry her, but Why did the attitude change so much later?Is it because you drive others away?But that... is nothing.

Because of her pregnancy, Lin Lang was lethargic. Fortunately, the queen hadn't entered the palace yet, so he didn't need to greet the queen, so he stayed in his palace to sleep all day long. Even if he didn't need to greet the queen, he still had to greet the queen mother. hello.

Although the empress dowager had been having trouble with the emperor these days, she was still looking forward to her grandson who was about to be born, and she had a good look at Lin Lang, so when Lin Lang left, she was given a large amount of supplements!
No one disturbed her, and Lin Lang's pregnancy was quite pleasant. Some of them wanted to plot against her, but every time, those nuns caught those plotting people out, and Lin Lang didn't do it either. The demon stays quietly in his own yard, so the child in his stomach is very healthy.

Regarding whether the child in her womb is a boy or a girl, Lin Lang has no other requirements, because the date of birth in this life is completely different from the date when the original owner gave birth in her previous life. Can't tell.

Lin Lang was really looking forward to this child, after all, this was her future meal ticket, and whether she could complete the task in the future would depend on this child.

Lin Lang raised her baby here, while Pei Zhang was marrying the queen over there. After all, she had been preparing for more than a year. After the time was set by Qin Tianjian, Pei Zhang first welcomed the queen into the harem, and according to the rules of the ancestors, the ancestors rested at the queen's side for three months.

 Too long, too long, this chapter will end as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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