Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1465 After Husband’s Rebirth 25

Chapter 1465 After Husband’s Rebirth 25

Is it wrong for a father to look after his own children?That's right, Confucianism pays attention to the love of sons and fathers, and these ministers can't stop the emperor from seeing his daughter, after all, the eldest princess has nothing wrong with her.

Pei Zhang glanced at them coldly, "Instead of staring at my harem, we should think more about how to benefit the people!"

After saying this, Pei Zhangxian left angrily. He is not a fool. He found out who did it after he found someone to investigate. He couldn't help but sighed, "I thought the queen was well-educated and generous. , but I didn't expect that all of this was just pretending..."

The eunuch shrank his head, not daring to say a word.

Pei Zhang lowered his eyes first, "Sure enough, the most unpredictable thing in this world is the human heart!"

As soon as the words were finished, a little eunuch came in anxiously, knelt on the ground, kowtowed a few times and said, "Your Majesty, it's too bad, Concubine Hui fainted immediately after she learned that someone impeached her this morning! "

Pei Zhang stood up abruptly, and said angrily, "How did Concubine Hui know about this? Who told Concubine Hui?"

Who else could it be? Of course it was Concubine Lin and Concubine An. Early in the morning, the two of them went to Lin Lang's place with great interest and told Lin Lang what happened in the court.

Lin Lang was impatient to greet them, but when she realized that they were here to watch the fun, she simply closed her eyes and pretended to pass out.

Pei Zhang came to Linlang's palace first, and found that the maids and eunuchs were smiling. After he entered the room, the imperial physician knelt down, "Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor, Concubine Hui is very happy!"

Pei Zhangxian raised his brows, "That's really a great joy... But... why did Concubine Hui faint?"

"This..." The imperial physician knelt on the ground, his eyes hesitating, "Reporting to the emperor, Concubine Hui... must have been stimulated and fainted?"

Pei Zhang first glanced at the eunuchs and maids, and the servant girl gritted her teeth and stepped forward to kneel on the ground, "Your Majesty, you have to make decisions for our empress, the empress was fine in the palace, but who would have expected Concubine An and Concubine Lin to visit suddenly, and He also said... that the empress is a demon concubine, which will bring disaster to the country and the people..."

Pei Zhangxian's expression turned cold a little bit, looked at Concubine An and Concubine Lin in the corner, and said angrily, "You guys are so brave!"

Concubine An and Concubine Lin immediately knelt on the ground. They didn't expect Lin Lang to be pregnant, nor did they expect Lin Lang to faint because of their few words.

"Your Majesty, my concubine...the concubine didn't do it on purpose, the concubine said those words just to make Concubine Hui pay attention...there was no other meaning..." Concubine An begged bitterly.

Concubine Lin only felt that her mouth was bitter, and her heart was even more bitter. Why did she agree to Concubine An's request in a flash of brain, "Your Majesty, the concubine really didn't do it on purpose, I hope the Emperor will find out!"

"Mingcha?" Pei Zhangxian sneered, "You didn't come here to remind me, you came here to watch the excitement! Such a vicious heart, unworthy of his position, shameful!"

The two concubines gasped. Are they rejected by the emperor?But they really just said a few words casually, and they didn't mean anything else.

"Your Majesty, spare your life!" The two concubines hurriedly begged for mercy.

Pei Zhangxian didn't want to see them at all, so he waved his hand and said: "Pull Concubine An and Concubine Lin down, they are so vicious and unbearable to set an example for the harem, so ground them!"

Foot confinement... Although it is just a small punishment in the eyes of outsiders, the emperor has not said when the ban will be lifted. If there is no accident, it is estimated that these two empresses will stay in the small palace for the rest of their lives. Will be favored by the emperor again.

Lin Lang had been pretending to be asleep all this time, seeing that things were almost done, she slowly opened her eyes, looked at Concubine Lin and Concubine An who were being dragged away, slowly raised her head, and said weakly: "Your Majesty, The two elder sisters didn't do it on purpose...they...they just came to tell the truth to the concubine, it was the concubine who couldn't accept it that made her faint..."

Pei Zhang waved his hands first, obviously unwilling to hear others mention those two people again, "They didn't come here to remind you, they obviously came to watch the fun, so don't plead for them, they have ended up like this, and it's their own fault!"

Lin Lang lowered her head, not daring to say good things for those two people anymore, besides, she didn't have a good relationship with them, if she helped them, maybe they wouldn't thank her, but would still hate herself , so I should save some energy and put all my energy on my future children.

Pei Zhang looked at Lin Lang first, and his face softened a little, "You don't have to worry about Qian Chao, I've taken care of it, you just take care of yourself and give birth to a healthy child!"

Lin Lang nodded obediently, because she was pregnant with her second child, Lin Lang was also a lot more proficient, and when her body was almost ready, she went to pay her respects to the queen.

Lin Lang was not a fool, so she naturally knew that the empress' handwriting was included in the reference book. Although the emperor didn't vent her anger on her, it didn't mean she couldn't get it back.

"Greetings to the empress!" Lin Lang supported her belly, which was not yet swollen, and saluted slowly!
When the queen saw this appearance, the veil in her hand was about to be torn apart. Damn you little bitch, your belly hasn't grown yet, so why pretend to be in front of her?

"Get up!" The queen said coldly: "If the emperor sees you and greets me, it will hurt me so much!"

Lin Lang smiled triumphantly when she heard the deliberately provocative words, "The emperor naturally feels sorry for the hard work of the concubine, but it is the duty of the concubine to please the empress!"

The queen couldn't help but sneered, "It would be great if everyone knew their duty like Concubine Hui!"

Lin Lang followed up and said, "It's not that simple. As long as the people above know what their duty is, then the people below will naturally know what their duty is!"

The queen's eyes flashed, "Indeed...you are right. By the way, how is your child? Now that you are pregnant again, the eldest princess may not be able to take care of her. If you can't take care of her, then Bring the eldest princess to my side, I will raise you for you!"

How can there be such a good thing if you want to take your child away with a few words?

"Thank you, Ma'am, for being considerate of the concubine. The emperor also said about the eldest princess. Because the concubine had a difficult pregnancy and was afraid that the concubine would not be able to take care of the concubine, the emperor gave the concubine the nurse beside him to the princess!" Lin Lang said. Here, looking straight at the queen, I really saw the jealousy in his eyes.

The Queen's lungs will explode when she hears this, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this concubine is your first wife, how can you treat me like this?
"That... that's really great..." the queen said sullenly.

Seeing the Queen's sullen look, Lin Lang was naturally overjoyed. On the way back, she couldn't help humming a few little tunes. As soon as she entered the palace, she found that Pei Zhangxian had arrived, holding a fat baby in her arms.

"What's the matter? So happy?" Pei Zhang raised his head first and couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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