Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1466 After Husband’s Rebirth 26

Chapter 1466 After Husband’s Rebirth 26

Naturally, Lin Lang would not say that she was very happy because she was angry with the queen, she smiled, "Because I went to pay my respects to the queen today, so I am very happy!"

Pei Zhang frowned first, a little puzzled, "Greetings to the queen... are you really so happy?"

Lin Lang is not a masochist, how could she be happy to pay respects to the Queen, "No, because of her pregnancy, she was always trapped in the room, and now she can finally go out to pay respects to the Queen, so she is naturally very happy !"

"If you want to breathe, you can go to the Royal Garden for a walk. If you can't, the gardens in Nanyuan are good, and the scenery is pretty good. You can also live there for a while!" Pei Zhang first handed over the child Said slowly to the nurse.

"No need, if you go outside, you still need to prepare things, and if you encounter any danger, it's too late to deal with it. It's better to stay in the palace and have a baby. After the child is born, the concubine can take the child to see it. Look!" Lin Lang politely refused.

Pei Zhang smiled first, recalling what happened some time ago, he hesitated to speak, but he still opened his mouth, "About the previous dynasty..."

Lin Lang immediately showed a look of fear, "Your Majesty, are you trying to harm my concubines? According to the ancestral family law, the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics... If you tell the concubine about the concubine, if it spreads outside, It is estimated that outsiders will say that the concubine is a disaster for the country, and maybe they will burn the concubine to death. Your majesty, you must not harm the concubine... I once wanted to live a long life and give it to the princess. Choose a good husband-in-law, and watch her get married and have children, but I don't want to die at a young age..."

Pei Zhang reacted first, "It's okay, it's okay, it's fine if Aifei doesn't want to listen!"

This page has been accepted, but Lin Lang also understands what Pei Zhang wants to say first, she just wants to talk about the incident that she was imprisoned, but she is already out of anger, it doesn't matter whether she says it or not, in fact, it's more important not to say it Well, you can make the emperor feel guilty towards her, and you can make him treat himself better!

A year passed, and Lin Lang gave birth to a lovely boy, and so far, apart from Lin Lang's two children, no other children have been born in the harem.

As the only mother of two children in the palace, Lin Lang's treatment is not bad, at least until now, the queen has not dared to confront Lin Lang blatantly.

The child grew up day by day, and Lin Lang's belly grew bigger again. When he gave birth to the third prince, Lin Lang was classified as a noble concubine. Although there were many people who stopped her, who made Lin Lang's stomach feel better? For the three children, even if others disagree, but for the sake of the prince and son, they can only hold their noses and accept it.

Pei Zhangxian's control over the former dynasty became more and more strict. He dealt with many corrupt officials and stabilized his position. Just when he was ready to do something special, his body suddenly began to weaken unknown. Passed out, followed by lying in bed.

When Pei Zhangxian fainted again, he called his confidant physician, "Tell me, how long can I live?"

The imperial doctor stammered, "The emperor is naturally able to live a hundred years, a long life..."

Pei Zhangxian gave a desolate laugh. If he was the former self, he would definitely believe such words, but his body knew it, and his body gradually became weaker. Although he was young, his physical condition was not as good as that of a 50-year-old The old man said, "You don't have to lie to me, I know my body, I just want to know how long I have, so that I can prepare for the future!"

The imperial doctor sighed, and replied honestly: "Report to the emperor, if there is no accident, there should be five years..."

"Five years..." Pei Zhangxian really felt reconciled. He did it all over again. He originally wanted to show his strengths, as a prosperous Mingjun, but why did God take his life back?

"It's really too short..." Pei Zhangxian showed a wry smile, but he is not a person who complains, knowing that he still has 5 years to live, he gritted his teeth and began to pave the way for his eldest son. Nowhere, and jealousy abolished the queen, and made Linlang the queen!
Immediately afterwards, he began to teach Linlang how to deal with government affairs. Whether Linlang wanted to or not, he poured all his brains into Linlang, but he refused to believe Linlang. After all, Linlang was on the throne in his previous life.

So while defending, he taught Lin Lang again, until Pei Zhangxian couldn't hold it anymore, and he appointed a few loyal confidants as ministers of the auxiliary country, in order to fight Lin Lang and prevent Lin Lang's family from being dominant. Before leaving, he also confessed his comfort, if Lin Lang had the idea of ​​becoming emperor, he must kill Lin Lang.

It's not that he didn't think about letting Lin Lang be buried with him after he died, but he thought about it, if Lin Lang died too, what would happen to their children?He is still so young, if he is in someone else's hands, he will definitely not be at ease, at least he can still leave his name by Lin Lang's side!

Before leaving, Pei Zhang first called Lin Lang over, grabbed her hand and asked, "Aifei, have you... have you ever loved me?"

"Has the emperor ever loved his concubines?" Lin Lang couldn't go on anymore because she felt a little tired, and she didn't want to deceive a dying person. The concubine knows everything!"

"You...what do you know?" Pei Zhangxian asked amusedly, with a hint of weakness in his tone.

Lin Lang said: "The concubine knows a lot. The concubine knows that the emperor doesn't like the concubine. If he is with the concubine, the reason why he favors the concubine is because the concubine ascended the throne in his previous life, but returned the throne to the emperor in the end. Grandson, let the emperor think that the concubine still has the emperor in his heart...but the emperor is wrong, the concubine has never had the emperor in his heart!"

Pei Zhangxian's eyes were wide open, and he pointed at Linlang with trembling fingers, "You... how do you know..."

Lin Lang smiled softly, "Your Majesty, since a certain thing can happen to one person, why can't it happen to the second person?
But the concubine is really not reconciled, she had a good life in her previous life, why do she have to do it all over again?And why let you have the memory of the previous life?But fortunately, everything will be set right! "

"My body..." Pei Zhangxian suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened with an inconceivable look.

Lin Lang nodded slowly, and smiled mischievously, "It's a coincidence, the emperor died at the hands of women in his last life, and he will die at the hands of women in this life, it seems that this is an inescapable law!

Your majesty, don't hate your concubines, it's all predestined, but don't worry, after you die, I will still ascend the throne, but after I die, I will still pass the throne to you Grandson's! "

"You are so vicious!" Pei Zhang gritted his teeth and said, "Don't you think about our previous friendship at all?"

"Friendship?" Lin Lang laughed all of a sudden, "What kind of friendship is there between the two of us? It's just calculating each other? You dote on me just because I helped you secure the throne and didn't let your throne go." It just fell into the hands of others!

Your Majesty, Your Majesty, after you were reborn, I planned to give up on the throne, thinking of marrying an ordinary man in this life, but you insisted on recruiting me into the palace, in fact, it was because you didn’t trust me, and you were afraid that I would marry you. After giving it to someone else, will they fight for your throne?

So don't blame me for killing you, because everything you have now is caused by yourself! "

(End of this chapter)

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