Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1467 Merchant Woman 1

Chapter 1467
Pei Zhang heard this first, and smiled idiotically, "You're right, how can I train a wolf to become a dog? It's my wishful thinking... But I beg you, those three children are yours no matter what you say." My own flesh and blood, I hope that after I leave, you will take them well, if they fall in love with you, I hope you can let them live!"

Lin Lang smiled, "Don't worry, Tiger Poison doesn't even want to kill. As long as they don't block my way, I won't attack them!"

Pei Zhangxian slowly closed his eyes, Lin Lang sighed, let the workers in, and announced Pei Zhangxian's death.

In this life, Lin Lang ascended to the throne faster than the original owner in his previous life. After all, he was a queen, and the emperor let himself listen to the government behind the curtain before leaving. After solving those troubles, Lin Lang ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. When he died, he still gave up the throne to his grandson.

Opening her eyes again, Lin Lang found herself lying on the embroidered couch, the red cloth was embroidered with peonies and wealth, she looked so happy.

Lin Lang yawned delicately, and found that she was still holding a needle in her hand, so she quickly inserted the needle into the ball of thread, stood up, lay down on the bed, closed her eyes and began to accept the plot.

"I really don't understand why I should be sorry for him, but why should I suffer such retribution?

My father is a wealthy businessman. After marrying my mother, he took dozens of concubines, but in the end he only got me a daughter!
Therefore, I have never suffered any grievances since I was a child. When I reached the age of marriage, my father chose left and right, and chose a good husband for me. Although he came from a poor family in the eyes of outsiders, he was good-looking and talented. The talent of the number one scholar, after marrying him, he will definitely be granted a royal order in the future!
I am also very satisfied with him. After I got married with him, I took care of all the big and small things in the family. I took good care of his old mother, and took good care of his younger brother and younger sister!

But after he won the No. [-] prize, I didn't wait for the imperial order, but he got other people's news. At that time, my whole body collapsed. I wanted to go to Beijing to talk to him!
But I didn't expect that his mother, his clan, imprisoned me, shut me in the family temple, and denied my existence. Although I have money, it is impossible to compete with him, so I can only grit my teeth and swallow this breath, watching me shut up in the family temple, killing time day after day, until I am old, my legendary husband Yi Jin returned home, he came to see me at the family temple, yes he is a well-known high official now, but I am a crazy woman!

I really hate him, I think I have never treated him badly, and I am wholeheartedly devoted to him, but why?Why are you doing this to me?He likes that others can make peace with me, but why does he lock me up in the family temple, let me kill time day after day, and make me a crazy woman!

I am really not reconciled, no wonder the ancients often said that I regret teaching my husband to seek a title, I really regret it, if I have the second half of my life, I must learn to be more selfish and love myself more, so that in the next life I will not I am so tired!

And I hate that man to death, I want to take revenge on him, I hate him for the rest of my life, why should I be locked in that dark room, why should he be full of children and grandchildren, I am not reconciled, I really do not willing! "

Lin Lang is a little confused about such a wish, she just lives a little more selfishly, in fact, selfishness is very simple!

[This woman's wish is too simple! ] Linlang complained to 12580.

[You think it's simple, that's because you don't understand this era. The task client lives in this era where men are king. When he was still at home, he obeyed his parents' words and arrangements. The choice was all for the family's reputation, never for myself!
Later, after she got married, the mother-in-law was tricky and the younger uncle and sister-in-law were vicious, but she could only bear it one by one, because women in this era should pay attention to their reputation, once they lose their reputation, they will be divorced!
Maybe it seems normal to you to be divorced, but in that era, as long as a woman is divorced by her husband's family, it means that there is something wrong with the woman herself, and gossip can kill that woman!
Moreover, the women of that era had no ego in their lives. They were born thinking about gaining fame for their family, and after they got married, they thought about serving their husband and children. It's...]

Lin Lang couldn't help but sighed, "So, the new society is better!"

After finishing speaking, 12580 disappeared, she opened her eyes, and before she could react, the door was pushed open.

"Miss!" The servant girl left, came in and looked at Lin Lang, and said carelessly, "Master Lu is here!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Lang's heart throbbed in pain, and only one sentence echoed in her mind [Revenge him for me, kill him for me, I want that boy to die badly, I want him to die... ...]

Lin Lang clutched her chest, panting heavily, "What does it matter to me that he's here? By the way, you're also a maid after all, why did you barge in like this?"

Xiao Tao's face was awkward, "I used to come in like this..."

Lin Lang raised her head and looked at the maid, oh, when the original owner in her previous life was imprisoned, this maid didn't ask her father for help, but acted as if she didn't know anything and had been pleasing the original owner's so-called mother-in-law. Married, had a few children, and lived a decent life...

But Lin Lang will never let go of such a maid who betrays the master, and she will never use it again, "Our family is not a big family, but it is considered a wealthy family anyway. You will be laughed at by others, since you don't know how to behave, then from now on, don't serve me by my side, go directly to the kitchen to fetch water and chop firewood!"

Xiaotao's expression changed when she heard this, "Miss, did Xiaotao do something wrong? Xiaotao is here to apologize to you, please don't drive me into the kitchen!"

"What are you and me, where did you learn the rules?" Lin Lang stood up, "I can't keep you here anyway, are you going by yourself? Or should I tell my father to let him send you away? "

Xiaotao's face changed, everyone knew that the eldest lady was the master's treasure, if the master did it, he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die, but he really didn't want to go to the kitchen to fetch water and firewood, so he stayed with the miss How wonderful it is here, not only the monthly bill is high, but also eating well, sleeping well, and rewarding money, if you really go to the kitchen, wouldn’t it mean that you will grind your hands rough if you do rough work all day, and the monthly bill is not as high as before up.

"Miss, haven't you always regarded Xiaotao as your younger sister? Why..."

(End of this chapter)

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