Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1480 Soul Transformation 3

Chapter 1480 Soul Transformation III

Lin Lang became happier as she wrote more and more. The hero finally agreed to his mother's request and was willing to marry his fiancée for the sake of the company, but she couldn't let go of the heroine.

The original intention of the heroine was to marry the hero, but seeing that the hero didn't want to marry her, and he couldn't get more money, so she gritted her teeth and threw herself into the arms of the hero's brother. After the two got married, the family sat in a big mansion and made a fuss all day long...

After writing this, Lin Lang glanced at the alarm clock next to her, and realized that it was getting late, so she tidied up a bit, lay down on the bed and fell asleep, and was woken up early the next morning by knocking on the door.

"Gao Xiaoman, when will you pay this month's rent?" the landlord shouted loudly outside the door.

Lin Lang sat up. Hearing these words, she couldn't help hugging herself when she thought of her empty wallet. My darling has no money at all. How should I pay the rent? I'm sure I'm going to end up on the street.

But no matter what, the landlord still has to face it. Lin Lang walked to the door, opened the door and smiled at the landlord, "Oh, brother landlord, I've been a bit incompetent recently, or else it will be postponed for a few days. I will pay you the rent!"

The landlord sneered, "Every time it's time to pay the rent, you push left and right. When will you be able to pay the rent on time? Anyway, I must see the rent after three days, otherwise you will move out Bar!"

"Don't, please give me...give me 5 days, I promise to pay you the rent, and I promise that I will never default on the rent again, please!" People under the eaves Had to bow his head.

The landlord is not a cruel person. Hearing this, he reluctantly nodded, "Then it's done, you must pay me the rent within 5 days!"

Lin Lang hurriedly agreed, and after seeing off the landlord, Lin Lang's face was pulled down, because the new book was only released this month, so there was not much manuscript fee, and after going to eat and drink, there were only a few hundred dollars left in his hand, so How to earn enough rent in the next 5 days?
Linlang suddenly looked at the red paper in the corner, her eyes flickered, and she remembered that the original owner bought these red papers to make handicrafts, but the original owner's workmanship was very poor, and she couldn't do anything, so there was a lot left there.

Lin Lang took out the scissors and the red paper, and moved the small bench and small table outside. He went to the local commercial street, found a shady place, propped up the small table and stool, and began to sit there. decoupage.

Because there are not many red papers, most of what Linlang cut out were some more festive patterns, and some colored papers were left, and Linlang also cut them into various small animals.

After a while, people gathered around. After all, everyone knows paper-cutting, but they don’t know how to make it. Then they asked the price, 10 yuan a piece, which is really cheap, not even a cup of coffee. So many people curiously took out their money and bought several copies, and it would be good to keep them for themselves and give them to friends when the time comes.

After working all afternoon, Lin Lang saw that there were not many people left, and there were not many other things, so he slowly packed up his things and returned home. When he counted how much money he earned today, his chin trembled. It's about to fall out.

A total of 600 yuan, although it is not enough for this month's salary, but it is already very considerable. If I work a few more days, it will probably be enough for this month's rent.

That night, Lin Lang went to the small jewelry store and bought a lot of beads and papers of various colors. Because she bought a lot, Lin Lang even bargained with the boss.

Linlang made a lot of small jewelry that night, and tied various knots with red strings. On the second day, Linlang didn't go to the commercial street to sell them. After all, the commercial street was almost sold out, and she couldn't make much money if she went there. So he went to a local tourist street, where there were many foreigners and some foreigners, seeing such things with Chinese characteristics, many people were willing to spend money to buy them.

In just a few days, Lin Lang made a lot of money, but it is a pity that the Chinese people's ability to imitate is too strong. When he went to other places to start selling things, he found that others had already started to imitate. Learn from him and sell things with Chinese characteristics like him. Although they are not as good as their own, they are cheap.

Simply Linlang has already earned enough money, and the response to her book is relatively good. Of course, it's not that she is praising herself, but many people are scolding herself, but it's strange that although they scolded herself, they still What should be read is still to be read, which has made his book so popular that some editors have already started signing him.

After Lin Lang handed over the money she earned to the boss, she stayed in the rental house to write in peace of mind. When the book was finished, Lin Lang had already earned the down payment for a house.

Lin Lang wanted to buy a house of her own here, but remembering that her parents were still working hard in the countryside, she took a bite, sent back a large sum of money, and at the same time opened another new book non-stop .

This book is mainly thinking about court battles, recalling the TV series I watched when I was a child, such as the golden branch and desire to sin, the harem of the Qing Dynasty, the palace lock heart jade, and the princess...

But compared to the court battle novels in this world, there is really a sky and an earth. Although this world also pays attention to court battles, the focus of the description is not the women or the hero and heroine, but mainly about how the domineering president loves him. its me……

Although Lin Langna's last book was also a domineering president, but the setting is relatively novel, it depends on the novels written by other authors, and the plot is relatively sandy, so it makes people's eyes shine.

The public novels written by Lin Lang mainly describe women. As for the emperor, he is just an ornament, fighting in the harem, you come and go, you die.

Soon, this novel rushed to the gold list, and a large number of readers asked for updates every day. When Lin Lang's novel was released, the number of subscriptions exceeded 1 that day, and it continued to increase.

In fact, Lin Lang also understands that the novels she wrote are not exciting, mainly because the plots are different and novel, so it makes people feel bright, and readers read some domineering presidents every day. It is inevitable that I feel disgusted, so when I see different novels, I will inevitably feel novelty, so I will inevitably have some preferences.

The success of the two novels instantly made Lin Lang popular in the entire Internet literary world, especially the first edition of Lin Lang's Domineering President novel, which had already been bought by others, and it was said that it was going to be made into a TV series recently.

Linlang's rewards were also extremely generous. After having money, Linlang first paid a down payment for a small apartment, and then moved there after the renovation was completed, writing and enjoying life at the same time.

Just when he thought life was passing by like this, 12580 suddenly contacted him.

[It has been found out that there was indeed a mistake. You were supposed to travel into the body of the task entrusting person, but by mistake, you passed into Zhang Xiaoman's body! 】

Lin Lang opened her mouth wide, [Then you mean that the task entruster is not mentally ill, everything she said is true, not just her imagination, but by chance, I should have traveled to the task entruster's place In the body, it turned out to be transmigrated into someone else's body, so... what about the body of the task entrusting person, the task entrusting person's body has no soul, so he won't be burned as a dead person by others, right? 】

(End of this chapter)

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