Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1481 Soul Transformation 4

Chapter 1481 Soul Transformation IV

12580 shook his head, [No, the task entruster is occupied by the soul of your current body! 】

"Ah?" Lin Lang frowned, "How could it be like this?"

12580 explained: "It's mainly our fault. When we were doing the soul transformation, we happened to encounter a car accident with the task entrusting person. In addition, the scene was chaotic, so we got the wrong body!"

"Then what should we do? Do you want to continue this task?" Lin Lang asked anxiously.

12580 was also a little embarrassed, "This... let me ask the higher up!"

So far, it can only be like this...

Just thinking about it, Lin Lang suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "No, I remember that the desire of this kind of client is to live like a human being, and to escape from such a family. Now I am in another person's body, and I It also represents the client of this task, does this mean that if I live differently, it means that this client also lives differently!
Besides, the family of my current body is not as filthy as that of the client, and my current lifestyle is completely different from that of the client, being positive and optimistic. Does this mean that I have already The wish of the task client has been fulfilled..."

Hearing Linlang's words, 12580 also pondered, "I'll go find the task entruster and ask her what she means?"

[You don't need to ask, you have indeed completed my mission, escaped from such a family, and lived a positive life... I really envy you, I have been so aggrieved in my life, I have lived my whole life, and others In the illusory hope, I have never lived for myself. I feel that my life is too sad... But although you have completed the task, you have done it by chance. I hope you can help me complete another task! 】

Lin Lang hesitated, "Then you have to talk about the mission first? Who knows if you will open your mouth like a lion, asking for the stars and the moon..."

[No, although I escaped there, I am very worried about my son. Although I never expected his birth, he is my child after all. I am very ashamed of him, I did not give him enough Maternal love, and trying to hurt him, I am really very guilty... You can live any life you want now, but please protect him and let him be safe! 】

Lin Lang felt that this task was not that difficult, so she agreed without hesitation, "Don't worry!"

The task entrusting person nodded, and then disappeared into the air...

12580 breathed a sigh of relief when he saw such a scene, "Your luck is really great, that's okay, I don't have anything to do here, I'll leave first!"

After everyone disappeared, Lin Lang hurried to the computer and searched for information about the task entrusting husband's husband.

As a result, as soon as the page popped up, it was first about her husband's colorful news, and then it was about the sharp rise in the stocks of the task client's husband's company... I don't know how many posts, Lin Lang finally found out about the task client's car accident.

In fact, the task client is also the paparazzi's favorite person. After all, it is not easy for the task client to marry, and marrying such a husband is the focus of people's attention. In addition, she has a violent personality and depression during that time, so do A lot of things happened, and it made gossip headlines several times.

In addition, the husband of the task client has the title of a national husband, so the task client is basically a thorn in the eyes of all women, a thorn in the flesh, seeing that the task client does not return every night, has a violent personality, and is promiscuous, so all netizens don’t like it. The task client kept belittling the task client and felt that the task client was not good enough for her husband.

So much gossip has become the last straw that Duck considers the client, so he can't help but suffer from depression. He works hard every day, is abused by many people, and basically appears in the headlines of entertainment news every day.

But all of a sudden, the task client suddenly disappeared. The paparazzi learned that the original owner was in a car accident, and basically stared there every day.

In recent days, the paparazzi photographed the original owner shopping in a high-end shopping mall, and bought a lot of clothes, cosmetics, and a luxury car worth tens of millions.

After seeing this news, netizens were all sour, and many people envied the original owner. After all, the original owner could buy whatever they wanted, and the money they spent at one time was beyond their lifetime.

The second time the headlines were on the headlines was the news that the original owner took his son to the amusement park. The mother is kind and filial. The cute child is paired with a beautiful mother. It looks so pleasing to the eye. Netizens are not mean to see such a scene. The keyboard in my hand is also looser, and the words I speak are not so unpleasant...

Lin Lang stared at the photo of the original owner and his son going to the amusement park together, her expression dazed for a moment. It seems that Zhang Xiaoman, who occupied the original owner's body, still has a conscience and did not attack the child, but that's fine, as long as Zhang Xiaoman doesn't It won't be so difficult to start your own mission on the original owner's son.

But Lin Lang was a little scared. She was afraid that after Zhang Xiaoman had his own son, he would be partial to his own son, and would kill the original owner's son. Will she have maternal love for a strange little boy?

Maybe he likes the original owner's son now because she has no bargaining chips in her hand. When she has enough chips and has her own son, when the original owner's son blocks the way of her son, Zhang Xiaoman will not Will he kill the original owner's son?
When Lin Lang thought of this, her heart skipped a beat. She had to guard against this, after all, people are greedy...

So Lin Lang contacted 12580 again, "Look... can you let me go back to the body of the entrusting person?"

"Are you crazy? You finally left the body to complete the task, and now you are back in the body of the task entruster, what about the previous task?" 12580 said incredulously.

Linlang patted herself on the head, "Look, my head almost forgot about this. I wanted to go back to the body of the entrusting person because I was afraid that Zhang Xiaoma would poison that child, so I panicked and forgot about the past. Mission... But, is there a way for you to get me back into the body of the mission entruster?"

"Of course this is possible, but you will have to complete the previous task after you go back..." 12580 reminded.

"I'm not stupid. Of course I won't go back. I want that method mainly to threaten Zhang Xiaoman. If she dares to kill that child, I will immediately return to my original body!" Lin Lang explained.

12580 breathed a sigh of relief, and handed over something similar to an electronic pen, "This is a soul converter, as long as you touch Zhang Xiaoman with the tip of the pen, you can transfer your soul into the body of the entrusting person." !"

Lin Lang took the things and said thank you.

12580 frowned tightly, "However, there are restrictions on the use of this kind of thing, and it can only be used up to three times, so you must be careful and be careful!

Moreover, this soul-transforming pen can not only be transferred to Zhang Xiaoman, but you can also use it to transfer to other people, so you must pay attention and pay attention, and you must not be noticed by others when using it. If the management of this world keeps an eye on it, that is not something I can solve! "

(End of this chapter)

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