Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1483 Soul Transformation 6

Chapter 1483 Soul Transformation VI

Lin Lang didn't know what was going on in Lu's house, because she was in the middle of it. The main reason was that the success of her first two novels made him a great god. What's more, the copyright of both of her novels was bought. And both novels fetched a very high price.

Lin Lang really wanted to use the money to live a simple life, but thought of the original owner's son, Lu Bao Bao, and set up a film and television company with the money.

She found that the entertainment industry in this world is not very developed, which also gave her an excellent opportunity. Of course, she will not do bad things, she just wants to use these to accumulate wealth so that she can help Lu Baobao at that time.

Lin Lang’s first movie was a love story with a small budget. Movies in this world still revolve around the form of Prince and Cinderella. It’s easy to make people feel aesthetically tired. More importantly, Even if some people are tired of aesthetics, movies and TV shows are still made like this, and it’s okay to let them stop watching, because every TV station broadcasts similar programs, and the same program remains the same.

The movie Lin Lang shot is "A Little Thing of First Love", which is popular all over Southeast Asia. Although it is also the story of the ugly duckling and Prince Charming, the ugly duckling made himself very beautiful by virtue of his own efforts, and finally got together with the prince. ...

If you want to talk about the difference between this movie and the movies in this world, I think the difference is that the heroine is different. The heroine in this movie gets what she wants by virtue of her own efforts, while the heroine in other movies Heroines, relying on their status as heroines, do whatever they want... the easiest way to form a value for others, is it that I am the heroine, I can do whatever I want, because everyone loves me... Hehehe, girl Ladies, wake up, life is not as beautiful as you think.

Prince Charming and Cinderella... Don't forget that no matter how down-and-out Cinderella is, she is also a down-and-out aristocrat, and she and Prince Charming can be regarded as well-matched. Struggling, but still dreaming of flying on a branch to become a phoenix, ha ha, what a joke, even if you fly on a branch to become a phoenix, but without strong strength, can you go long?After all, Israel cannot treat people for long!

After the movie was finished, Lin Lang didn't have any extra money for promotion. After cutting a few trailers, she contacted theaters to release them. At the beginning, the number of shots for this movie was pitifully small, but suddenly on a certain day on Valentine's Day This TV series has exploded. It has been released for several days, but it has harvested nearly 5000 million in box office revenue, and it is rising steadily...

Lin Lang couldn't help sighing, classics are classics, and they are popular wherever they go.

The pockets of Lin Lang, who died successfully in the movie, also bulged. He took his parents from his hometown, bought a villa on the mountain outside the city, and hired a nanny and driver to take care of them.

"Oh, your dad and I can do it now, so why do you need a nanny? It's a waste of money!" Mom said with a smile.

Lin Lang patted her mother's hand, and said comfortingly, "You don't have to worry about the money. I made a movie recently and it hit the box office. It made me a lot of money...Moreover, if you make money, don't you just use it?" Come and enjoy, you and my dad have been taking care of me all these years, and even borrowed money for my study, now that I have finally made a fortune, I naturally want to take good care of you!"

No matter what kind of person Zhang Xiaoman is, her parents are really a good pair of parents. The family is extremely poor, but they still sell everything they can, and they borrow money everywhere for their daughter to study.

Such good parents should not stay in the countryside and work all the time. They should get what they deserve. Besides, since they have occupied other people's bodies, they should also bear the responsibilities of this body.

Zhang's father and Zhang's mother were so happy that they kept saying that their daughter was promising, and their tears couldn't stop streaming down.

Lin Lang gave Dad Zhang and Mom Zhang another card, and they would go to get it if they had no money. After handling the matter here, Lin Lang drove away from here.

Because of the success of the last movie, Lin Lang's company is quite well-known, and the parents have money, so they worked overtime to start making the second movie.

Here, Zhang Xiaoman is still not very clear about what happened to her body, because she is busy enjoying her life. Although she broke up with Lu Shangyan last time, it does not mean that she will give up this identity.

He and she swiped around with the card every day, and held various parties to listen to her idol's concert. Of course, others could only buy tickets, but she could invite her idol to sing for herself alone.

And from now on, she doesn't have to flick any more, she can buy whatever she wants, and do whatever she wants, until she sees a movie, and when the movie ends, she sees the ending song flash by. The name of the producer, her eyeballs are about to drop.

"Maybe... it's just the same name and surname..." Zhang Xiaoman muttered.

Zhang Xiaoman accepts the crossing into a stranger's body well. Although he has crossed into a stranger's body, he now has a handsome husband, a cute child, and money that can't be spent. He feels that he has arrived. At the peak of life, I don't want to go back to my previous life.

But when he saw the name on the movie screen, he was in a daze. If he passed through this woman's body, who would control his body?
The pupils of Zhang Xiaoman's frightened eyes narrowed, he clenched his fists, covered his chest, and said comfortingly: "You don't have to be afraid, even if he crosses into your body, no one will believe it if you tell me about it." Yes, besides, he hasn't come to you for so long, which means he has accepted such an identity, so you don't have to be afraid..."

Although she said there was no need to be afraid, Zhang Xiaoman was really terrified. She was afraid that when that woman came back, she would take away the beautiful life she had now.

At night, Zhang Xiaoman coaxed Baby Lu to sleep. For some reason, he suddenly asked, "Baby, do you think the old mother was better? Or the current mother?"

Lu Baobao said without hesitation: "Of course it's my mother!"

Zhang Xiaoman smiled complacently, hehe, even if you come back, so what? Your son is all about me now, you are a loser, since you left, then leave forever, don't disturb the happy life of our family.

Zhang Xiaoman kissed Baby Lu on the forehead, "Baby is so cute, go to bed early!"

Zhang Xiaoman left the room satisfied. When he returned to his bedroom, he looked at the large double bed and couldn't help but sigh. It's too indifferent. I have been here for so long, and the two of them haven't even had an intimate move. I really don't understand how their children came here...

Here, Lu Shangyan returned home and pulled the tie on his clothes, and went to his son's room, only to find that he was not asleep, with big round eyes open, as if he was thinking about something.

"It's so late, why don't you go to bed?" Lu Shangyan stepped forward, his cold facial features seemed to slowly start to melt under the soft light, with a hint of warmth, and a hint of kindness in his eyes.

Lu Baobao bit his lip, as if he was thinking about something, then looked at Lu Shangyan carefully, and said slowly: "Dad, today Mom asked me a strange question... Although I answered it, I feel like I'm lying she……"

(End of this chapter)

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