Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1484 Soul Transformation 7

Chapter 1484 Soul Transformation VII

Hearing this, Lu Shangyan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes, "What question does your mother ask you?"

Lu Baobao hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly: "Mom asked me if I like her now or before...Baby said he likes him now, because Baobao thinks that mother is very good now and treats baby very well... ...But, even though the baby said that...but the baby felt that although the previous mother didn't know how to play with the baby, the baby could still feel and feel at ease from the mother, and felt that that was the real mother, but this... Although she is a mother, the baby feels a little strange... Even if there is that feeling of uncertainty, the baby also feels very strange, obviously the mother is a mother, why does it feel that way?"

Hearing what his son said, Lu Shangyan patted his little furry head, and said with a smile, "What are you thinking about? Your mother is your mother after all. It hasn't changed. It's getting late. Go to bed early. Tomorrow I still have to go to kindergarten to study!"

Lu Baobao nodded obediently, "Okay, good night, Dad!"

After the child fell asleep, Lu Shangyan gently left his son's room and came to the study. Standing in front of the wide French window, the cold moonlight shone on his face, making him look a bit deserted.

Lu Shangyan would think of what his son said just now, and what the doctor said some time ago, and his heart would churn, as if a big stone was pressing on his chest, making him breathless.

"Mr. Lu, let me tell the truth. I think your wife is different from before. She seems to be another person. I wonder if your wife has schizophrenia. Otherwise, it is impossible to be the same person, but showing two personal……"

Lu Shangyan had a terrible headache. At first, he thought his wife was just suffering from postpartum depression, so Lu Shangyan didn't care about anything she did, because she knew his wife didn't do it on purpose and was willing to follow her, but how long did it take? Yep, another schizophrenia.

Although the newly split person is quite different from before, she is willing to change for the better, won't go to those messy places, won't play with some messy people, and is willing to take care of the children...

Based on these points, Lu Shangyan did not intervene too much, and only hoped that this new personality would always exist and take care of Xiaobao.

But now, this new personality is not as safe as he imagined, at least it has a strong resistance to the previous personality, so Lu Shangyan is a little afraid, afraid that this new personality will hate Xiaobao in order to conflict with the previous personality, Will he do something bad to Xiaobao?

Lu Shangyan really didn't dare to gamble. When his wife got postpartum depression and wanted to attack Xiaobao, although she stopped later, Lu Shangyan was really frightened. But this time, Lu Shangyan really didn't want to What happened before can repeat itself again.

On the second day, when Zhang Xiaoman got up, he found that he didn't see Lu Xiaobao. He thought it was because the child had gone to kindergarten, so he didn't care. But when he came back at night, he didn't see Xiaobao. The butler inquired.

The housekeeper replied politely: "Reporting to Madam, the young master was sent to the old house by the master!"

"Is it sent to my parents-in-law? But Xiaobao has been staying at home well, why is he sent there suddenly?" Zhang Xiaoman asked puzzled.

The butler smiled slowly, "It's because the master and the old lady miss the young master so much, so they want to see the young master to live for a while!"

"Then when will Xiaobao come back?" Zhang Xiaoman asked hastily.

"I'm not very clear about this. If Madam misses the young master, you can go to the old house to visit the young master, or you can live there for a while!" The housekeeper suggested.

When Zhang Xiaoman heard this, his face turned pale and he shook his head in a hurry. He still remembered that when he first passed through, he didn't understand anything. A noble lady broke into the ward, pointed at her, and accused angrily: " You are really enough. You love to play with some messy people on weekdays, so I won’t say anything. Now you dare to drink and drive cars. I hope this is the last time. If you let me know what you have done Bad things, even if you are my son's wife, even if you gave birth to Xiaobao, you still have to pick up my bedding and leave!"

Zhang Xiaoman was really frightened by that noble lady. Later, when he learned that the noble lady was his mother-in-law, he held his chest, "It's really like the vicious mother-in-law in TV dramas!"

So Zhang Xiaoman really didn't dare to go to the old house. Although it was a pity that he couldn't see his lovely son, his son was his own son after all, and he would come back sooner or later.

So Zhang Xiaoman put this matter out of his mind, took the card and went shopping, but he didn't see the look of disgust from the supervisor.

"Housekeeper, what do you think has happened to Ma'am during this time? I used to like to go out and play. Although I have restrained myself a little during this time, I have been shopping too much during this time, and the things I bought are not high-end. I don't know what I'm thinking..." The nanny came over and complained.

The housekeeper also has some headaches. Among them, the wife loves to spend money, and she spends money like water, but the things she buys are all high-grade things. At least it looks 10 points of taste, but the current wife doesn’t care about anything. , regardless of everything, keep buying, the key is that buying something is not as good as before, and the taste has dropped a lot, making people feel full of poverty.

Although the butler thought so, his good upbringing didn't let him show it. He looked at the nanny with a warning look and said, "You don't need us servants to care about what the master wants to do, just do your own thing well." Already!"

The nanny hurriedly laughed a few times, "I'm just talking casually, hahaha... just don't take it to heart..."

The butler lowered his eyes and ignored the nanny, but went directly to the study upstairs, made a phone call, and said respectfully to the other side: "The matter you explained has been done, although he also asked the young master But I went back to what you said... She didn't think much about it, and she seemed very reluctant to go to the old house..."

Lu Shangyan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the housekeeper's report, "During this period of time, help me keep an eye on her, and try not to let him do some dangerous things!"

The butler agreed, and after hanging up the phone, he glanced at the young lady's room, smiled softly, and said slowly, "It seems that the illness is serious again... If the old lady knows about this, she must be very happy Bar……"

After finishing speaking, the housekeeper turned and left the study...

About the movie, Zhang Xiaoman has always had lingering fears. Although she comforted herself like that, she was still a little scared, so she went to a private investigator and asked someone to investigate herself.

The results he got surprised him. He didn't expect that he had grown so powerful in places he didn't notice. He wrote two novels, and all of them were classics, and became a master. More importantly, he was still established. I joined a film and television company, and the current income is good.

"I...is this me..." Zhang Xiaoman looked at the things from the investigation, said in a trance, and then suddenly woke up, "How could it be me? As expected of Miss Qianjin, she can shine wherever she is..."

(End of this chapter)

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