Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1485 Soul Transformation 8

Chapter 1485 Soul Transformation Eight

The more Zhang Xiaoman thought about it, the more bitter he felt. No wonder Lu Shangyan would marry Lin Lang. In addition to being well-matched, the more important thing is that she is very powerful. Unlike me, she doesn't know anything and keeps dragging her parents down...


Zhang Xiaoman stood up suddenly, why did she forget this, immediately took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, who is it!" Zhang's mother found out that it was an unfamiliar call, but the child answered it.

"Mom, I'm Xiaoman, I want to tell you..." Before Zhang Xiaoman finished speaking, Zhang's mother on the other end of the phone accused angrily: "Shut up, I listen to your voice, it should be A young girl, you said that girls like you don't want to go out to work, why do you want to cheat? How shameless!"

"I... I didn't, I really didn't lie to you, I'm really your daughter, mom, do you remember when I went to school when I was young? Because my family is poor, I don't go to the cafeteria to buy food every time Yes, it's all pickles made by you..." Zhang Xiaoman hurriedly explained.

Mother Zhang became even more angry, "I didn't expect you, a liar, to be so thoughtful that you dared to inquire about our family, but I advise you to give up your mind, I know my daughter's voice, you are not The voice of my daughter, little girl, you should learn more skills when you are young, and don't do deceitful things all day long!"

"I... I really don't have one..." Zhang Xiaoman cried, "I'm really your daughter. When I got into a car accident and exchanged souls with others, I'm now in someone else's body, so The voice is different, Mom, I am your biological daughter, you know what I am like best, it has been so long, so you haven't noticed it at all?"

"Heh, you dare to play the emotional card for me. Liars really have no limit. It's shameless to lie!" After finishing speaking, Zhang's mother hung up the phone angrily, turned around and said to her old man: "Look, liars are becoming more and more professional now. Not only do they know your name, but they also know about your family... Sigh, it's really hard to guard against, but fortunately, I'm smart enough to spot it at a glance!"

Looking at the hung up phone, Zhang Xiaoman cried even more fiercely, "Mom, I'm really your daughter..."

Zhang Xiaoman was really worried about his parents, so he asked Detective Shi Zhan to investigate the current situation of his parents, but he didn't expect that his parents had already moved back from their hometown and now lived in a big villa.

Seeing their happy scene, Zhang Xiaoman hesitated, do he really want to recognize each other?If you recognize each other, will you return to your own body?Although I have a successful career now, I know what I am capable of most in my heart. I definitely can't manage such a big stall by myself!

But now this body is different, with a handsome husband, a prominent family background, a lovely son, and endless money...

Zhang Xiaoman was silent, then raised his head, and said comfortingly: "Zhang Xiaoman, you don't need to feel guilty, it's fine if you don't go back, at least your parents can live in a big villa and enjoy their old age..."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaoman left without turning his head. He made up his mind that he didn't want to live the previous life again. Of course, he was still a little dissatisfied with the current life. Although her husband was handsome and multi-level, but His attitude towards himself is not very friendly, on the contrary, he is very indifferent.

In order to ease the relationship between herself and her husband, Zhang Xiaoman made a special meal at noon on the second day, and went to Lu Shangyan's company with a thermos. As soon as she entered the building, someone recognized her.

"Why is Madam here?" The secretary hurried down, "The president is in a meeting right now, I'm afraid I can't see you!"

Zhang Xiaoman said indifferently: "It's okay, anyway, I have nothing to do today, so I'll just wait!"

The secretary showed a weird look, but quickly put it away, and brought Zhang Xiaoman to the president's lounge.

Seeing that there were no traces of other women in the room, Zhang Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief, but recalling the entertainment news he had watched before, he still couldn't help asking: "You have been by my husband's side, so you know Don’t know what kind of confidante he has? You don’t have to hide it for him, just say it, but if he wants to trouble you, I will intercede for you!”

Ouch, what you said is really sweet, you will plead for me, you are useless to plead, and what I get is not your salary, but the boss's salary.

Calling you madam is for the president's sake, so don't treat yourself as a dish.

Although the secretary thought so, but there was no omission on the surface, and said gently: "I'm not too clear about this. After all, the president's private affairs are beyond our control!"

Zhang Xiaoman was a little frustrated, "It's fine if you don't know, but you are always by my husband's side, if there is any blind woman who wants to cheat on my husband, you must call me immediately!"

The secretary smiled casually, and after serving a cup of coffee, he said to Zhang Xiaoman: "I just contacted the president, and he said that he is currently in a meeting, and it may take a while to end. He said that if Madam has nothing to do, You can leave early!"

Zhang Xiaoman shook his head, besides delivering food, he came here to show his sovereignty, if he didn't even see Lu Shangyan's face, he would be ashamed.

"I just said that I have nothing to do today, so it doesn't matter if I wait for him!" Zhang Xiaoman said cheekily.

Although he said he had to wait, he waited for three or four hours until all his patience was exhausted, and then Lu Shangyan walked away slowly. When he came in and saw him, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, "You Haven't left yet?"

Zhang Xiaoman came back to his senses, quickly shook his head, picked up the thermos bucket in his hand, "I'm here to deliver food to you today, and the food hasn't been delivered to you, how can I leave so easily?
By the way, you must be hungry after such a long meeting. Today's meals are all cooked for you by myself. Come and taste it! "

Lu Shangyan looked at the food on the table and shook his head, "No need, I've eaten before. Do you have anything else to do today besides delivering the food? I have another meeting later..."

When Zhang Xiaoman heard this, he immediately became anxious, "This... I finally made you a meal, but you really don't eat a single bite? This is all from my heart!"

Lu Shangyan shook his head, "I'm not hungry!"

Zhang Xiaoman was a little dejected, but he quickly mustered up his courage and showed a bright smile, "Actually, I came to see you today not only to deliver meals, but also to talk to you about Xiaobao. After all, Xiaobao is going to His grandma's home has been long enough, it's time to send it back..."

Lu Shangyan narrowed his eyes, with a hint of danger in his eyes, "Mom and Dad like Xiaobao so much, and want Xiaobao to live there for a while, so don't worry about it!"

Zhang Xiaoman was a little disappointed when he heard this, "But... I miss my son very much, can't I really take him back? I'm going to have my birthday in a while, if I take him back, our family will It’s fine to have a meal for three bites…”

"If you really miss Xiaobao, you can go to the old house to see him!" Lu Shangyan suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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