Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1505 Domestic Violent Man 7

Chapter 1505
Wang Qiang worked hard for three or four days, without sleep, before he got back what he should have paid. But after he worked so hard, the boss just praised him casually after he knew it, and didn't understand his hard work at all. , too chilling.

Wang Qiang returned home disheartened. As soon as he opened the door, he smelled the aroma of food. Lin Lang smiled softly when he saw him come back, "Husband is back? The food is ready, hurry up and eat." !"

Wang Qiang casually nodded his head, with a sullen expression on his face, he took the wine glass and poured it into his mouth.

"Husband, don't just patronize drinking, eat more food, drinking will hurt your health!" Lin Lang said thoughtfully.

Wang Qiang was so angry when he heard this, he threw the wine glass on the ground in an instant, and shouted loudly, "What do you mean? I worked hard outside, and now I can't even drink a sip of wine when I come back." ? What's the point of that person being alive!"

"Husband, I didn't stop you from drinking. I just wanted you to drink after eating. It's easy to hurt your stomach!" Lin Lang said while tears fell, "Maybe you don't realize it yourself, every time I catch you You even found that your palms are abnormally cold, this is a typical stomach cold, if you don't take good care of it, you will suffer a lot when you get old!"

When Wang Qiang heard this, he came back to his senses and realized that he had done too much, but he was embarrassed to lower his face and apologize, "This... this..."

Lin Lang showed that she didn't mind at all, and helped Wang Qiang to fill another bowl of porridge, "Let's have a bowl of porridge to rest our stomachs first!"

Wang Qiang saw that the porridge was handed over, and his complexion softened. He ate and said, "I didn't lose my temper on purpose. It's mainly about work. My boss is too disrespectful. I work hard every day. I asked for money for him, but in the end he sent me away with just a word of thanks, it really... pissed me off!"

Lin Lang sat on the side and said angrily, "The current bosses are very picky and don't think about the employees at all, so don't be angry, husband. At worst, we will hide it when we work in the future. There is no need Do your best!"

Wang Qiang shook his head decadently, "That's not okay. I graduated from junior high school and I don't have any diplomas, let alone any skills. The boss appreciated me, let me eat with him, and solved the problem for me. Not good, but I can't trip him up behind his back!"

"Husband, you are such a loyal and courageous man. I really do not lose money by marrying a man like you!" Linlang said good things to the free man, "But no matter how good the boss treats you, it will be the same. We have to look forward to the past, although we don’t spend money now, but in the future, when I have a child, the child has to go to school, you don’t want the child to be like us without a diploma, and can only mess around in society Shall I have some food?"

Wang Qiang shook his head, "That's impossible, my child will go to college, and the best college!"

Lin Lang sighed, "It's not that easy to go to a good university. First of all, you have to choose a good school, but people with no power and power like us want to send their children to a good school. If you don't find someone , it is simply impossible!
Also, after the child goes to school, he has to enroll the child in various training classes, such as piano, calligraphy, Mathematical Olympiad English, etc., all of which need money..."

Wang Qiang pulled his face down. He was indeed reluctant to spend money on his wife, but it didn't mean he was reluctant to spend money on his children.

Lin Lang saw that Wang Qiang's attitude softened a little, and continued: "I know your boss treats you very well, but you also have to plan for our future, you can't spend your whole life asking for money for others, right? You can survive, but what about when you get old? Are you sure you can still have this job?
I was thinking, you go to learn a craft, or... come out and do it yourself..."

Hearing this, Wang Qiang immediately looked at Lin Lang, and said angrily, "If I come out and do it alone, wouldn't I betray the boss, no, I can't do such a thing!"

I just said no, but I didn’t say it’s impossible. There is still room for change. Besides, the four men all have ambitions. Wang Qiang really wants to work for others for the rest of his life. As long as Wang Qiang has this idea, he will follow through. I believe that Wang Qiang will definitely have a rift with the boss, and if something happens to Wang Qiang, the boss will probably not come to the rescue.

After thinking of this, Lin Lang lowered her eyes and said slowly: "I'm just talking casually, as long as you have a plan in your heart!"

Does Wang Qiang have any plans in his heart?Really, he also thought about going out to do some business by himself, but what can a person like him who wants money but no money, no power but no influence, do?Is it possible to go to work on the construction site?Not to mention the hardships I have suffered, just say that the salary, more than 1 yuan, is indeed a bit high in the eyes of outsiders, but for me it is not even enough money to plug my teeth.

After Wang Qiang finished his meal sullenly, he had just rested for a while when he was woken up by the sound of the phone. He found that it was his former brothers who asked him to drink, and he agreed without saying a word. When he left, he saw that he was washing clothes. Lin Lang, who was doing the cleaning, felt a sense of guilt in her heart, and took out a wad of money from her pocket and put it on the table.

"Honey, this is my house for this month, you put it away!" Wang Qiang walked outside after finishing speaking, "My friend invited me to drink, and I may not come back tonight, so don't cook for me!"

After the people left, Lin Lang put away the money, and began to think about using the money to catch bigger fish, but recalled that she hadn't contacted her parents with this body for a while, so she hurried outside and found a public servant. Phone booth, made a call.

"Nie, have you changed your phone number? Why is it different from the number you called last time? How are you doing outside?" Mother asked gently.

"Mom, I have a good life here, and the boss is also very kind to me. He said that I work hard and gave me a salary increase. I can't spend it all here. I will send it back to you!

Don't save money, buy what you need, and younger brothers and sisters, when they are growing up, you must not save money for what they need to eat and drink, don't worry about them, I have everything Woolen cloth! "

"But it's not easy for you to earn money!" Mom said softly: "You can't spend too much money at home, you, a girl, must pay attention to safety when you are outside, and protect yourself a lot!"

"I see, don't worry, by the way, I changed my phone number, so my mobile phone was stolen, and I thought it would cost money to recharge the phone, so I don't plan to buy a mobile phone, so I will call you in the future. I borrowed the phone from the public telephone hall to call you!" Lin Lang has her own reasons for saying this, after all, if she uses her mobile phone to make a call, the call record will be left, and if the matter is revealed one day, it will not be involved. parents.

"Okay, okay, I know everything, you must pay attention to your health outside!" Mom reminded one after another.

After Lin Lang said a few words, she hung up the phone. On the way back, you could keep thinking about how to bring down those people, but someone came to the door before you found it.

"Oh, I said why I smelled a foul smell from a long distance away, so it's the vixen coming!" Mrs. Gao said angrily after seeing Lin Lang.

When Lin Lang heard such words, she was neither angry nor uncomfortable, but said with a gentle face: "Old lady, I really don't understand, why did you treat me like this? Obviously I didn't offend you!"

(End of this chapter)

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