Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1506 Domestic Violent Man 8

Chapter 1506
Old Mrs. Gao's triangular eyes twitched, and a gleam or two flashed in her cloudy eyes from time to time, "Of course you offended me, because you married my son-in-law!"

Lin Lang showed a look of dumbfounding, "Old lady, it's a bit funny for you to say this. Although my husband is your son-in-law, your daughter is dead, so my husband has nothing to do with you!"

"Who says it doesn't matter. Since he married my daughter, he will be my son-in-law for the rest of his life. Besides, my daughter was killed by him. He can't accompany me as a daughter. Maybe he can't accompany me as a son-in-law." Well!" Mrs. Gao said playfully.

"It's your daughter's own poor health. How can you blame my husband? And after your daughter died, my husband paid you a lot of money, and didn't let you go away empty-handed. Be kind. , if you do this again, don't blame me for being rude!" Lin Lang said angrily.

"Who said my daughter's health is not good? My daughter's health is now. I think my daughter was pregnant with her granddaughter. If she hadn't been drinking and going crazy, she would have killed my daughter's child, which made my daughter discouraged. It’s cold, and if you run outside, there won’t be anything that will happen later!” The old lady was still a little sad when she mentioned the past, after all, it was a piece of meat in her stomach, but no matter how much meat there was, there was no money to kiss her, and she didn’t have any money when her daughter left. There is no way to ask for money. Now that life is hard, she starts to miss her daughter.

"It's impossible for me not to believe what you said. My husband is so good, how could he beat a woman? You must be lying to me for money, so I won't believe your words!" He took out a large stack of money, "See? This is the pocket money my husband gave me. Unfortunately, even if you are jealous, you have no part in this money!"

"You...you..." The old lady looked at the large stack of red tickets, her eyes were almost red. If her daughter hadn't died, the money should belong to her. When she thought of this, the old lady's heart shuddered. Like a cat scratching, itching unbearably, "Oh, don't think that you can sit back and relax by marrying Wang Qiang, he is the most heartless person, back then he could even beat his wife when she was pregnant, let alone someone like you who is not pregnant and even came to the door voluntarily." The stinky woman, he is treating you well now because he is still in the fresh stage, and when he gets tired of it, he will definitely beat you to death!"

"Old lady, I think you are not young, you have to be kind and full of lies, be careful that you will get retribution one day!" Lin Lang stuffed the money into her bag, "I know in my heart how my husband treats me, And old lady, I advise you to take care of your son who came to my house again last night. Since he asked my husband to borrow money, it was my husband who saw it. He thought about hundreds of dollars for the sake of the past, but next time... ...If you want to borrow money, there is no way, and it is not easy for our Wang Qiang to earn money, it is not your cash machine!"

"You..." Hearing this, Mrs. Gao finally couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed: "Damn you little bastard, when you beat my daughter to death, you knelt down and begged us, and said you would be filial. We, as a result, just after we got out of prison, we turned our faces and turned our backs on others, good Wang Qiang, since you are unkind, then don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

When Lin Lang heard this, her eyes flickered twice, "Old lady, what do you mean by that? Your daughter died of illness, so why should you blame my husband?"

The old lady snorted coldly. At that time, it was said that she was sick, but everyone saw Wang Qiang beating his daughter. At first, the police did convict him of intentional homicide, but Wang Qiang spent a lot of money Qian, let them change their mouths, and said that their daughter's body had something wrong with it, and it wasn't Wang Qiang who beat his daughter on purpose at the beginning, but the two had a quarrel and a dispute, that's why they started fighting, and It was his own daughter who moved first.

So because of their testimony, Wang Qiang was sentenced to a year in prison, but he didn't expect that little bastard to turn his face when he said he would turn his back on him after he was released from prison. His son just wanted to ask him how much money he wanted and refused to give it. Giving his girlfriend so much money, how good would it be to give them so much money, no, this can't go on like this, if Wang Qiang refuses to give their family money, what should their family do?After all, I'm used to sucking other people's blood, but now I can't do it anymore, and I'm still a little uncomfortable.

However, when she testified back then, the old lady kept her hand. When Wang Qiang begged them, she recorded the audio, which clearly recorded how Wang Qiang beat her daughter to death.

The old lady didn't want to make this evidence public. After all, once this recording is made public, it means that she and her son have made false testimony, and they will also face lawsuits in the future.

But Wang Qiang has gone too far. His son only needs a few hundred yuan. Thinking back when Wang Qiang was his son-in-law, he never came to the door with big bags and small bags. Wang Qiang would buy whatever he wanted. Marrying a daughter-in-law, it's really chilling to turn your face if you say you're going to turn your back on it.

"Your husband knows what your husband has done!" Mrs. Gao sneered, "Tell your husband, I just have nothing to go to his house tomorrow, just to talk about my daughter !"

Linlang narrowed his eyes slowly, sighing in his heart that the fish had finally taken the bait, and Mrs. Gao didn't notice Linlang's expression, but hurried home.

When Lin Lang went back, she found that Gao Qiang was also there, "Didn't you agree to have a drink with my brother? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Don't mention it, my brother canceled it when something happened. By the way, where did you go just now?" Wang Qiang asked nervously. After all, his first wife also said to go out for a stroll, but she said Run and run.

Lin Lang smiled gently, "Go out and have a look, and I want to find a job by the way. It is not easy for you to earn money to support the family. I can't stay at home all the time. I also want to make money and share with the family. one time!"

Wang Qiang was satisfied, "Oh, I can actually earn money to support my family, but since you want to go out to work, then go out to work!"

Lin Lang suddenly said: "Oh, my husband, I was too busy talking to you about this, I almost forgot about the business, I happened to meet that old lady who hit me last time when I was shopping today, and she said some nonsense... "

Wang Qiang became nervous all of a sudden, "What did she say?"

Lin Lang curled her lips, with a look of disapproval, "Don't mention it, that old lady has a vicious mind. In order to be able to ask you for money, she tried her best to slander you in front of me, and said that you killed his daughter. But what kind of person you are, I know better than anyone else, you are not the kind of ruthless person she said at all, you are a man of loyalty and justice!"

Wang Qiang smiled embarrassingly, "That old lady does have some problems with her head, if you meet her again, stay away from her, don't listen to her nonsense!"

"Don't worry, I'm not a fool, but that old lady still insisted on it, and said..." Lin Lang thought for a while, and then said: "And said that he wants to come to your house to have a good chat with you tomorrow!"

Wang Qiang frowned, "I have nothing to do with her, what else does he want to come over to talk about? Could it be that he wants money again, he is really greedy!"

Lin Lang nodded agreeingly, "It's really too greedy. It would be great if he came over, just the two of you have a good chat and clarify some things. We are not easy to provoke, and are bullied by them every day!"

(End of this chapter)

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