Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1507 Domestic Violent Man 9

Chapter 1507
Wang Qiang also felt that it was time to make things clear to them. He gave them money in the past because it was for his wife's sake, but his wife had already left, so he gave them a large sum of money. The bills are all settled, and I am not their cash machine, so why should I give them money?
After all, I was actually the most wronged. I thought that I had spent a lot of money to marry a daughter-in-law, and I was counting on the daughter-in-law to pass on my family and take good care of me. It's okay if you are big-hearted, but in the end, you didn't even keep the child, and you wanted to leave yourself later. How could you do that? I paid hundreds of thousands of betrothal gifts, and I also gave money to her brother and mother every month. With so much blood, how could he not get it back.

Later, although he beat her to death, he also got the retribution he deserved. After doing trouble for a year, he even paid for his coffin. The family owed themselves a lot.

Speaking of which, the most unlucky thing is that I spent such a large amount of money, but in the end I got nothing, and even caused a mess!
In the evening, Lin Lang said that she was going out for a walk, Wang Qiang nodded casually, and kept thinking about what to say when she saw Mrs. Gao tomorrow!
In the early morning of the second day, Wang Qiang just woke up and smelled a strange smell. He frowned, "What's the smell in the living room? Did you wear perfume?"

Lin Lang pointed to the incense burner in the corner, and said, "You haven't been home for a long time, and there are bugs in the house. I went to the pharmacy to buy some incense last night, and I'm going to fumigate the house!"

Wang Qiang didn't care, and nodded casually. He heard a knock on the door just after washing up. He opened the door and found Mrs. Gao wearing a black Tang suit, looking at him unkindly.

"Come in!" Wang Qiang said perfunctorily.

Seeing Wang Qiang's attitude, Mrs. Gao was furious, "Good boy, when you married my daughter, you were respectful to me. Now that you have married a new wife, you don't think you need to please me, so Just despise me, don't you, what a heartless guy!"

Wang Qiang's face was a little ugly, "It's enough for you, I used to treat you well, indeed, because of your daughter, but your daughter is already dead, and I have nothing to do with you, so why do you keep chasing after me?

I used to give your son so much money, and I gave you so much money, but now that your daughter is dead, I get nothing, and ended up in prison for a year..."

"That's what you deserve, who told you to kill my daughter!" Mrs. Gao said angrily: "My daughter was killed by you, and you have to control me for the rest of my life. If you don't care about me, I will kill you!" Kill me, tell the police about my daughter and let them arrest you!"

Wang Qiang's complexion changed. He really did something wrong when he beat someone to death, otherwise he wouldn't have just sentenced him to a year. Give me back the money?"

Mrs. Gao's expression changed, she and his son had already spent all the money, and there was no other money left. Besides, I came here this time not to pay back the money, but to ask for money again .

"Even if my son and I received the money, it was just a sealed money. My daughter died, and she was beaten to death by you. You have to control me for the rest of my life, otherwise I can't guarantee that this secret will not be leaked out." , anyway, I am old, and this will be my life..." Mrs. Gao said cheekily, "Just do yourself a favor and give me some money every month. I promise I won't bother you!"

Wang Qiang's face was a little loose, Lin Lang stood aside and saw this look, and said angrily: "Old lady, you want to take my husband's hard-earned money away as soon as you touch your lips, how can it be such a good thing!

Maybe my husband has done something wrong, but that's only in the past, it's all in the past, if you want to leak it, you can leak it, anyway, my husband already has me, he won't be afraid of anything anymore! "

Wang Qiang changed his practice, yes, what is he afraid of, he is married to a wife, and he will never lose his wife because of the previous incident, and as for going to jail...he will not be afraid, if this matter is reported No, Mrs. Gao and his son at the police station can't run away either, because the two of them gave false testimony. Mrs. Gao likes his son so much that she holds his son in her hands. What about jail time?

So Wang Qiang breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Mrs. Gao: "My money didn't come from the strong wind. Why do you give it as you say? Anyway, I won't give you a penny. You can pay the rest. random!"

"Well, you Wang Qiang, it seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine. I knew you would turn against me, so I left evidence early on!" Mrs. Gao said, she turned on her phone, and saw A loud voice came from inside.

Hearing the content of the recording, Wang Qiang's expression changed, "Old lady, you don't want to be caught dead, do you? After all, you and your son gave false testimony for me and charged a large sum of money. As long as you go to the police Bureau, you can't please!"

"Even if we can't get better, we are much better than you. Anyway, I don't care. My son and I have no money to spend, so you have to give us money!" Mrs. Gao continued, "Don't blame us for being thick-skinned. , the main reason is that the family really can’t make it through, as long as there is no more money, it’s almost like going to drink the northwest wind, and it’s better to fight hard than starve to death!”

Lin Lang looked at Gao Qiang's expression, gritted her teeth, and said emphatically, "Old lady, please don't hand over this recording to the police station. Money is a trivial matter, but we are afraid that after giving the money, you will go too far." request..."

Wang Qiang's complexion changed, why did he forget this, his mother-in-law is the most greedy, and she will definitely ask for more money if he gives it to him, even if he has gold and silver mountains, it will not be enough for him.

Lin Lang looked at Wang Qiang's slightly relaxed expression, and hurriedly said, "Husband, we can't be blackmailed by this person, so take his recording pen out quickly, as long as the evidence is destroyed, we don't have to be afraid anymore!"

When Mrs. Gao heard that they had turned their faces and denied anyone, she became nervous. She took the recorder and stuffed it into her trouser pocket. When Wang Qiang saw it, he immediately understood that the recorder must be the only evidence for Mrs. Gao. He gritted his teeth and stamped his feet. , and began to compete with Mrs. Gao for the recorder.

After all, the old people couldn't compare with the young people, Wang Qiang snatched the recorder soon, the old lady just wanted to open her mouth to say something, but suddenly collapsed on the ground, her nose was crooked and her eyes were slanted and she couldn't move.

"This... this..." Seeing such a scene, Wang Qiang broke out in a cold sweat, thinking that his wife fell to the ground like this, and then she couldn't breathe anymore. Could it be that the old lady did the same...

Lin Lang watched the old lady fall to the ground, pretending to be in a hurry, put her finger under the old lady's nose, and after feeling the breathing, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said with relief: "I'm not dead, I still have breathing, look at the old lady." Madam looks like she has a stroke. Should we call 120... But... I am still a little scared. After all, the old lady is on our side. If Gao Dazhuang knows, will he blackmail us?

Of course, what I'm most afraid of is whether Gao Dazhuang has this evidence, does he know about it? "

Wang Qiang's face was also a little ugly, "Damn it, what should we do then?"

(End of this chapter)

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